【英语单词】彻底解释“obsessionist”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“obsessionist”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

obsessionist是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Thus, the efficacy in controlling obsessions and compulsions with SSRIs suggests that OCD has an underlying neurochemical etiology.
因此,SSRIs 对 强迫观念 和强迫行为的控制作用表明 OCD 存在潜在的神经化学病因。
Many individuals with OCD actually understand the relationship between their obsessions and compulsions quite well.
事实上,许多强迫症患者非常了解自己的 强迫观念 和强迫行为之间的关系。
For example, a module will discuss how to distinguish obsessions in OCD from rumination as a part of depression when making a diagnosis.
例如,一个模块讨论了强迫症中的强迫观念与作为抑郁症亚症状的 沉思 的区别。
Although hand washing is the most common image of OCD in popular culture, obsessions and compulsions can take many different forms.
洗手是流行文化中常见的强迫症形象,但 强迫症 和强迫症可以有多种形式。
Both were traced by Zulueta’s style, visual obsessions , circular screenplay, format mixing (film and video) and a fragmented editing which reminded some of David Lynch movies.
两者都遵循祖卢埃塔的视觉风格,其视觉 痴迷 、循环脚本、混合格式(电影和视频)以及碎片化的剪辑让人想起大卫·林奇的电影。
All I tasted was salt and grease, not a hint of potatoes, and my mouth burned as if I’d ingested brimstone.That actually made me happy, though, to realize that my prior obsessions no longer had a hold on me.But that doesn’t mean that I don’t ever crave familiar foods.
我尝到的只是盐和油脂,没有一丝马铃薯的味道,我的嘴像要吞下硫磺一样灼热。这实际上让我很高兴,但在我意识到 这种痴迷 不再困扰我之前。但这并没有这并不意味着我从不渴望熟悉的食物。这是一种认可。
Whereas the 1960s was a period of totalizing urban visions predicated on the need to rebuild Japan’s war-devastated cities and the availability of seemingly unlimited resources to do so, the economic downturn of the 1970s, exacerbated by escalating environmental damage and grassroots political protests, split the Japanese architectural world’s formerly unified sense of mission into innumerable personal obsessions .
20 世纪 60 年代的日本是一个巩固城市愿景的时期,以满足重建战后城市的需要,并为此获得了看似无限的资源。然而,到了20世纪70年代,日益恶化的经济加上污染和草根政治抗议,日本建筑界此前统一的使命感支离破碎,变成了无数个人的 痴迷
Any of the results along the spectrum, from pretty bad to terrible, terrible, terrible is going to happen. If he does the best he can, he will have no further obsessions , probably no depression, but his affect will be dulled, he will never go back to surgery, he will never be the loving father that he was to his two children, his life will be changed. If he has the usual result,
结果可以是非常糟糕,也可以是非常非常非常糟糕,最好的结果可能是他不再有 执念,不再抑郁 ,但他的情绪会低落,再也回不到从前了。可以进行手术的时刻。他将永远不再是那个爱他两个孩子的父亲形象。他的生活将被改变。不会有正常的结果。如果
As its name suggests, obsessive compulsive disorder has two aspects: the intrusive thoughts, images, or impulses, known as obsessions , and the behavioral compulsions people engage in to relieve the anxiety the obsessions cause.
顾名思义, 强迫 症有两个方面:进入你头脑的想法、图像和冲动,称为强迫观念,以及人们为缓解强迫观念引起的焦虑感而采取的 强迫 行为。
Intrusive thoughts may involve violent obsessions about hurting others or themselves.
侵入性想法包括 伤害 他人或自己的强烈 冲动
Remind me never to make fun of your supernatural obsessions again.
我又可以享受 超自然 现象了。
A work is created by allowing our respective obsessions to confront each other.
作品是通过对抗彼此的 执念 而创作出来的。
Léna contemplates her cousin’s behavior and begins to fret more and more over his obsessions .
莉娜想起她表弟的行为,并对他的 妄想 感到恼火。
The origins of Kaneda’s art can be traced to his experiences spent assembling and making plastic models, one of his childhood obsessions .
金田自己的创造力源于他小时候 制作 塑料模型的经历。
Overcoming various obsessions , she discovered an artistic philosophy of self-obliteration via the obsessive repetition and multiplication of single motifs.
他克服了各种 困扰 ,通过对单一主题的强迫性重复和增殖,发现了一种自我毁灭的艺术哲学。
Millions of images of the same thing are present, rich people hanging out on roof tops, Tokyo Sky Tree, New York’s shallow food obsessions , etc.
这就是为什么有数百张富人在屋顶、东京晴空塔和平庸的纽约食物 照片。
Maybe you want to know something about your employer? Or you would like to ask for your spouse for a dispute about obsessions ? A private investigator in Switzerland offers you these services.
您想更多地了解您的雇主吗?或者你想向你的配偶提出关于 坚持的 争执?瑞士的私家侦探提供这些服务。
So it focuses on our obsessions , our narcissism, our foils and our foibles, really not someone else’s.
这代表了我们对自恋、我们的缺陷和自负的 痴迷 ,而不是其他人的。
Kyun-chome attempts to capture the contradictions or obsessions human innately possess.Fuji known as one of the most famous suicide sites in Japan.
不经过花坛就无法进入展厅的《花xx》(2012年);仿佛在向东日本大地震受灾地区持续嚎叫的遥远世界呼唤(2013年);日本著名的自杀胜地树海,他以多种场所和方式对抗人类的业力,例如《连接到不断呼唤某人的东西》( 2014 )。
Each artist has his or her own particular knowledge and obsessions – which goes for people like Marina Abramović and Antony Gormley as well, of course.
玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇和安东尼·葛姆雷也是如此,但艺术家有自己的知识和 痴迷

听“ obsessionist ”声音(发音)!

读法是【əbˈsɛʃnɪst 】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【əbˈsɛʃnɪst 】。

