【英语单词】彻底解释“observe a planet”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“observe a planet”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“observe a planet”的意思

“observe a planet” 是由三个英文单词( observe、a、planet )组合而成的一个单词短语。

  • 「planet」 的意思是: 太空中围绕太阳或另一颗恒星运动的大型圆形物体
  • 「observe」 的意思是: 仔细观察某人或某事


参考:「observe a planet」示例短语列表

So this week offers a rare chance for us to use different techniques to observe the planet , and we hope to collect important scientific data.
【英语单词】彻底解释“observe a planet”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Therefore, it requires a great amount of energy to reach and observe the planet .
The rings reappeared when he observed the planet in 1616, further confusing him.
1616 年,当他观察这颗行星时,光环再次出现,让他更加困惑。

observe a planet是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Several times during the year, someone on Earth can usually observe the Moon occulting a planet .
通常一年中有几次,我们可以 观察到 地球某处的 行星 被月球遮挡。
Within a few years, we will be able to observe planets like our own around nearby stars.
请给对 天文研究感兴趣的读者 留言。在 未来的 十年里, 我们 将能够在 附近的 恒星 发现 行星
We may observe other planets that are millions of kilometers away using telescopes in quite detail.
望远镜使我们 能够详细观察 数百万公里外的其他 行星
Using the light from the a star passing through the atmosphere of a planet , today’s technology allows us to observe that planet ‘s atmosphere.
以目前的观测技术, 系外行星 大气层的这些特征只能通过观测穿过 行星 大气层的恒星发出的光 才能看到
What’s its purpose? Does this launching have anything in common with the testing of X-37B, who will continue to observe Planet X after satellites failure?
其目的是什么?这次发射与 X-37B 实验有什么共同之处吗?X-37B 实验在卫星停止运行后继续 观测 X 行星 ?为什么这次发射没有像俄罗斯发射那样受到太空委员会的干扰?
An observer located within that narrow zone could observe the planet ‘s disk partly blocked by the slowly moving moon.
在这个狭窄区域内的观察者可以 看到 行星 表面被缓慢移动的月球部分遮挡。
Amateur astronomers observe stars deemed possible planets , culling the list over time.
业余天文学家 观察 被认为可能是 行星 的恒星。
In the past, it was only possible to observe the planets in our solar system, such as Venus and Jupiter.
过去,说到行星,我们只能 观测 到太阳系内的 行星 ,比如金星、木星。
When you observe transit of planet , you MUST NOT directly look at the sun.
请注意,直视太阳可能会导致 失明 ,并且极其危险。
The sky of Venus is fully covered by thick clouds of sulfuric acid that are located at a height of 45-70 km, making it hard to observe the planet ‘s surface from Earth-based telescopes and orbiters circling Venus.
金星的天空在45至70公里的高度处完全被厚厚的硫酸云覆盖,因此地面望远镜和绕金星运行的航天器的观测有限,而且金星 表面 附近的温度可达460摄氏度。严酷到可以到达大气层,进入大气层后的 观测 也非常困难。
We observe this ” planet ” is already in the solar system because his mass is visible, its not a point of light.
我们 看到 这颗 行星 已经在太阳系中,它的星团是可见的,而且它不是一个光点。
The planets of the Solar System can only be observed in their current state, but observations of different planetary systems of varying ages allows us to observe planets at different stages of evolution.
虽然太阳系中的 行星 只能观测到它们当前的状态,但对各个年龄的行星系统的观测使得 观测不同演化阶段的行星 成为可能。
Since Venus has been caught in the cup in front of Planet X as well as Earth and its dark twin, this spacecraft is now in a prime position to observe Planet X in close proximity.
航天器现在处于极其密切地 观察 X 行星的 最佳位置,因为金星和地球及其“黑暗双胞胎”一样,被困在 X 行星 前面的粒子涡旋杯中。我在这里。
The information coming from this system, unique in its kind, prove every day very important to observe and understand the Planet and to guarantee our safety.
事实证明,每天来自该系统的信息对于 观察 和了解 地球 以及确保我们的安全极其重要。
Unfortunately, we couldn’t observe the planets with the Subaru Telescope, and we only set the upper limit that there should be planets lighter than Jupiter’s mass.
不幸的是,斯巴鲁望远镜的 观测 并没有发现 任何行星 ,只给了我们一个上限,表明一定存在 一颗质量小于木星的行星
With the superconducting camera Darkness, what we will see is the light reflected by these worlds in the same way that we observe the planets of the solar system.
在黑暗中,超导相机可以看到这些世界反射的光,类似于 我们观察 太阳系 行星的 方式。
However, the predominant planetary formation theories cannot answer many questions regarding multiplanetary systems, such as why we cannot simultaneously observe HJ and terrestrial planets .
然而,迄今为止主流的行星系统形成模型还无法解释多行星系统的奥秘,例如为什么不能同时 观测到 热木星和类地 行星 ,等待新理论的发展。
It is said that you can enjoy 3-D view of the Moon and can observe details of planets and nebulae by seeing two eyes.
据说,用双眼观看时,月亮会出现在三维空间中, 行星 和星云的细节也变得清晰可见。
What makes PIAA special is that telescope observations can be made without losing light allowing for the preservation of clarity and resolution. This new system will be critical to allow Subaru and space-based telescopes to directly observe extrasolar planets for the very first time.
通过将PIAA技术应用于日冕仪,可以在保持亮度和分辨率的同时增加对比度,同时又不会损失望远镜收集到的天体的光线,从而可以 探测到 像地球这样的 行星 ,令人期待。
Of the Solar System planets , Mercury has the innermost orbit.It is a difficult planet to observe from the Earth because it is always located in close proximity to the Sun.
水星是太阳系最内层的 行星 ,从地球上看,它总是距离太阳很近,因此 很难 观测到

听听“ observe a planet ”的陆地声音(发音)!

读法是【əbˈzərv ə ˈplænət】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【əbˈzərv ə ˈplænət】。

【必听】美国人解释“observe a planet”的含义
