【英语单词】彻底解释“observational data”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“observational data”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“observational data”的意思

“observational data” 是由二个英文单词( observational、data )组合而成的一个单词短语。

  • 「observational」 的意思是: 涉及仔细观察某人或某事以学习某些东西
  • 数据 ”用于表示“有关某事物的信息或事实”。


参考:「observational data」示例短语列表

His projects have made available to oceanographers accurate, long-period records for large areas where previously very little observational data were available.
【英语单词】彻底解释“observational data”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Both questionnaire data and observational data , such as eye contact, positive vocalizations, and interaction quality, were used for evaluation purposes.
There are a number of strategies for identifying and coding empirical observational data .
The condition of homoscedasticity can fail with either experimental or observational data .
【英语单词】彻底解释“observational data”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
As such, the test statistic follows a distribution determined by the function used to define that test statistic and the distribution of the observational data .

observational data是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

As observational data and research accomplishments were published, the number of participating institutions increased to 25.
此后, 观测数据 和研究结果被公开,参与机构数量增加至25家。
These observational data are valuable clues to understand the solar activity at that time.
这些 观测数据 为了解当时的太阳活动提供了宝贵的线索。
A large body of consistent observational data , however, supports its effectiveness in reducing mortality from cervical cancer.
然而,大量一致的 观察数据 支持该测试在减少宫颈癌死亡方面的有效性。
He has extensively worked on the development and applications of statistical methods for causal inference with experimental and observational data .
研究利用实验和 观察数据 进行因果推断的统计方法的开发和应用。
I have steadily carried out the reprocessing and quality control of observational data .
我们一直在稳步进行 观测数据 的再处理和质量控制。
These algorithms contain parameters and coefficients that are based on empirical fits to observational data .
这些算法包括基于 观测数据的 参数和系数。
However, it has not been possible to determine which model is correct from the observational data collected so far.
然而,从迄今为止收集的 观测数据 来看,还无法确定哪个模型是正确的。
Our ingredients are observational data and numerical simulations by climate models.
为此,我们使用 观测数据 以及使用数值模型(在计算机上创建的虚拟地球)进行模拟。
Our division conducts such a study utilizing the latest observational data and at same time tries to clarify the theory of particles behind them.
我系非常重视这方面的工作,根据最新的 观测数据 进行理论研究,试图阐明其背后的基本粒子理论。
Often a method of statistical processing of observational data can be obtained by organizing this procedure mathematically.
如果以数学方式组织该过程,则可以获得对 观测数据 进行统计处理的方法。
My research at the time was the clarification of ozone changes at a global scale based on observational data .
我的研究始于根据 观测数据 澄清全球范围内臭氧变化的现实。
When gathering observational data , initial temperature of the inside must be kept constant.
收集 观测数据 时,无论位置如何,初始内部温度都必须保持恒定。
Trying to develop an interpretation of observational data with probabilistic view often suggests useful information for making a prediction.
从概率角度解释 观测数据 可以为预测提供有用的信息。
Besides that, the observational data analysis is also considered to confirm the model result.
观测数据 的分析也被认为是支持模型结果的。
Using the observational data , we adjust the parameters to maximize the likelihood to determine the model.
使用 观察到的数据 并调整参数以最大化可能性来确定模型。
Using long-term observational data from a population of wild geladas in Ethiopia, Aliza Le Roux and colleagues assess this hypothesis.
A Le Roux 及其同事现在利用来自埃塞俄比亚野生狒狒种群的长期 观察数据 来评估这一假设。
The client’s observational data are quality-controlled by Vaisala and then used to statistically correct the model data to reduce bias and error.
客户 观察数据 经过维萨拉质量控制,然后用于统计修正模型数据,从而减少偏差和错误。
Environment | University of Aizu This field involves the study of the relationship between nature and humanity using observational data and computer simulations.
环境|会津大学 该领域利用 观测数据 和计算机模拟研究自然与人类之间的关系。
Many efforts toward evaluation of CSRMs based on in-situ aircraft observational data and ground radar observations have been made.
迄今为止,已经进行了许多研究,利用飞机和地面雷达观测的现场 观测数据 来评估 CSRM。
A recent approach considers not only the current best-fit orbit but also two additional orbits corresponding to the uncertainties of the observational data .
最近的方法不仅考虑了当前拟合良好的轨迹,还考虑了两个额外的轨迹来解释 观测数据 的不确定性。

听“ observational data ”是土地的土地(发音)!

读法是【observational* ˈdætə】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【observational* ˈdætə】。

【必听】美国人解释“observational data”的含义
