【英语单词】彻底解释“observable”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“observable”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“observable”」的含义 (adjective)




There’s no observable connection between the two events.
Large new buildings often have readily observable impacts on wildlife habitats.
【英语单词】彻底解释“observable”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


In this situation, voters face a standard inference problem of predicting the unobservable type (whether competent or not) of the incumbent from the observable policy.
在这种情况下,选民面临着标准的推理问题,即根据 可观察的 政策来预测不可观察的现任者类型(有能力或无能力)。
It is the form of this representation that would dictate the “visual” nature of the phenomenology and the observable visual imagery effects.
正是这种表现形式决定了现象学的“视觉”本质及其 可观察的 视觉图像效果。
Zero places cannot contain any token in any observable state.
零位置不能包含 可观察的 状态令牌。
【英语单词】彻底解释“observable”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Similarly, prices for rice varieties included in this study were not observable .
同样,本研究中包含的稻米品种的价格也 无法观察到
Stable markings describe observable states, whereas the presence of one or more zero tokens in a given marking makes it unobservable.
稳定标记代表一种 可观察 状态,但特定标记中存在一个或多个零标记使其不可观察。
The number of pumps, as observable from grinder movements, was counted within an interval of 20 sec.
从研磨机运动中 可观察到的 泵的数量以 20 秒的间隔进行计数。
【英语单词】彻底解释“observable”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Presence of forest or even initial stages of forest regeneration is associated with sharply lower land values, holding observable characteristics constant.
森林的存在,甚至森林再生的早期阶段,都与土地价格的急剧下降有关,同时保持 可观察到的 特征不变。
In the observable cases, evidence that children are attending provides one index of how children add new words to their store in memory.
可观察的 案例中,儿童参与的证据提供了儿童如何将新单词添加到记忆库中的一项指标。
Finally, we turn to observable indicators of the cost to the president of refusing the slate of cabinet appointments proposed by the prime minister.
最后,我们转向 观察 总统因拒绝总理提出的一系列部长任命而付出的代价。
【英语单词】彻底解释“observable”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Limitations of the study include the restriction of propensity adjustments to observable group differences.
这项研究的局限性包括对 可观察的 群体差异进行倾向调整的限制。

“observable”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • appreciable
  • detectable
  • discernible
  • noticeable
  • perceptible
  • clear
  • discoverable
  • evident
  • obvious
  • open
  • palpable
  • patent
  • perceivable
  • recognizable
  • sensible
  • tangible
  • visible


  • imperceptible
  • invisible
  • obscure
  • unnoticeable
  • hidden
  • unrecognizable

“observable”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
observable 可观察到的,可观察到的 (可以看到并注意到)
显眼的, 可见的, 可辨别的
There are many observable similarities between the two samples.

observable是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

I needed to look at the observable evidence again.
我再次受到启发,去查看 可见的 证据。
It will be bright and observable for a while after this.
未来将会在一段时间内 显得 光明。
This formula requires only the data observable by remote sensing.
该方程仅需要 通过遥感观测的数据。
It also had the advantage of measuring an observable quality.
该标准还具有 可观察的 质量测量的优点。
Dunbar then compared this prediction with observable group sizes for humans.
邓巴随后将这一估计与 可观察到的 实际人口数量进行了比较。
a number so vast that if every atom in our observable universe
这个巨大的数字在 可观测的 宇宙中
Each unit test can be seen as a design element specifying classes, methods, and observable behaviour.
每个单元测试都可以被视为指定类、方法和 可观察 行为的设计元素。
Because its posture observable from the bedroom was somehow seductive.
她坐在卧室里的 样子 异常性感。
Type IIb diamonds may absorb in the far red due to the substitutional boron, but otherwise show no observable visible absorption spectrum.
由于硼杂质,IIb 型钻石有时会吸收远红外区域的光,但没有 可观察到 的可见光吸收光谱。
Sky and Telescope magazine reported that it is observable using over 20 telescope under excellent condition.
据《天空与望远镜》杂志报道,在 50 厘米或以上的 距离观看 条件良好。
It located near by Polaris and it is observable all night.
它距离北极星非常近,整晚都 可见
On contrary, the IAA algorithm offers enhanced imaging results with observable target range estimates and Doppler frequencies.
相反,IAA 算法使用 可观测 目标范围估计和多普勒频率来改善成像结果。
Although this New Moon brought a total solar eclipse, it was not observable from Japan.
显然,伴随着新月出现了日全食,但从日本 不到。
The behavior of matter and energy throughout the observable universe appears to follow well-defined physical laws.
可观测的 宇宙中,物质和能量的行为遵循明确的物理定律。
All of the most readily observable stars in the galaxy are red giants.
这个星系中所有 可观测到的 恒星都是红巨星。
Current causes several observable effects, which historically were the means of recognising its presence.
电流会引起几种 可见的 现象,从历史上看,它们也是确认其存在的一种手段。
It is one of the largest known superstructures in the observable universe.
这是 可观测 宇宙中最大的结构之一。
It may be 3 mag at best actually when it is observable in the morning sky.
事实上,它可能只能在早晨的天空中以 3 级 可见
The observable evidence doesn’t change, but the scientific understanding of that evidence does…
可见的 证据不会改变,但它的科学解释却改变了……
By observing these formations a little closer, we can see wrinkles, which immediately evokes the dunes observable on Mars.
通过仔细观察这些地貌,我们可以看到皱纹,这些皱纹立即让人想起火星上 可观察到的 沙丘。

听“ observable ”陆地声音(发音)!

读法是【əbˈzɜː.və.bəl】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【əbˈzɜː.və.bəl】。


「“observable”」的含义 (adjective)




There’s no observable connection between the two events.
Large new buildings often have readily observable impacts on wildlife habitats.
【英语单词】彻底解释“observable”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


In this situation, voters face a standard inference problem of predicting the unobservable type (whether competent or not) of the incumbent from the observable policy.
在这种情况下,选民面临着标准的推理问题,即根据 可观察的 政策来预测不可观察的现任者类型(有能力或无能力)。
It is the form of this representation that would dictate the “visual” nature of the phenomenology and the observable visual imagery effects.
正是这种表现形式决定了现象学的“视觉”本质及其 可观察的 视觉图像效果。
Zero places cannot contain any token in any observable state.
零位置不能包含 可观察的 状态令牌。
【英语单词】彻底解释“observable”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Similarly, prices for rice varieties included in this study were not observable .
同样,本研究中包含的稻米品种的价格也 无法观察到
Stable markings describe observable states, whereas the presence of one or more zero tokens in a given marking makes it unobservable.
稳定标记代表一种 可观察 状态,但特定标记中存在一个或多个零标记使其不可观察。
The number of pumps, as observable from grinder movements, was counted within an interval of 20 sec.
从研磨机运动中 可观察到的 泵的数量以 20 秒的间隔进行计数。
【英语单词】彻底解释“observable”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Presence of forest or even initial stages of forest regeneration is associated with sharply lower land values, holding observable characteristics constant.
森林的存在,甚至森林再生的早期阶段,都与土地价格的急剧下降有关,同时保持 可观察到的 特征不变。
In the observable cases, evidence that children are attending provides one index of how children add new words to their store in memory.
可观察的 案例中,儿童参与的证据提供了儿童如何将新单词添加到记忆库中的一项指标。
Finally, we turn to observable indicators of the cost to the president of refusing the slate of cabinet appointments proposed by the prime minister.
最后,我们转向 观察 总统因拒绝总理提出的一系列部长任命而付出的代价。
【英语单词】彻底解释“observable”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Limitations of the study include the restriction of propensity adjustments to observable group differences.
这项研究的局限性包括对 可观察的 群体差异进行倾向调整的限制。

“observable”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • appreciable
  • detectable
  • discernible
  • noticeable
  • perceptible
  • clear
  • discoverable
  • evident
  • obvious
  • open
  • palpable
  • patent
  • perceivable
  • recognizable
  • sensible
  • tangible
  • visible


  • imperceptible
  • invisible
  • obscure
  • unnoticeable
  • hidden
  • unrecognizable

“observable”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
observable 可观察到的,可观察到的 (可以看到并注意到)
显眼的, 可见的, 可辨别的
There are many observable similarities between the two samples.

observable是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

I needed to look at the observable evidence again.
我再次受到启发,去查看 可见的 证据。
It will be bright and observable for a while after this.
未来将会在一段时间内 显得 光明。
This formula requires only the data observable by remote sensing.
该方程仅需要 通过遥感观测的数据。
It also had the advantage of measuring an observable quality.
该标准还具有 可观察的 质量测量的优点。
Dunbar then compared this prediction with observable group sizes for humans.
邓巴随后将这一估计与 可观察到的 实际人口数量进行了比较。
a number so vast that if every atom in our observable universe
这个巨大的数字在 可观测的 宇宙中
Each unit test can be seen as a design element specifying classes, methods, and observable behaviour.
每个单元测试都可以被视为指定类、方法和 可观察 行为的设计元素。
Because its posture observable from the bedroom was somehow seductive.
她坐在卧室里的 样子 异常性感。
Type IIb diamonds may absorb in the far red due to the substitutional boron, but otherwise show no observable visible absorption spectrum.
由于硼杂质,IIb 型钻石有时会吸收远红外区域的光,但没有 可观察到 的可见光吸收光谱。
Sky and Telescope magazine reported that it is observable using over 20 telescope under excellent condition.
据《天空与望远镜》杂志报道,在 50 厘米或以上的 距离观看 条件良好。
It located near by Polaris and it is observable all night.
它距离北极星非常近,整晚都 可见
On contrary, the IAA algorithm offers enhanced imaging results with observable target range estimates and Doppler frequencies.
相反,IAA 算法使用 可观测 目标范围估计和多普勒频率来改善成像结果。
Although this New Moon brought a total solar eclipse, it was not observable from Japan.
显然,伴随着新月出现了日全食,但从日本 不到。
The behavior of matter and energy throughout the observable universe appears to follow well-defined physical laws.
可观测的 宇宙中,物质和能量的行为遵循明确的物理定律。
All of the most readily observable stars in the galaxy are red giants.
这个星系中所有 可观测到的 恒星都是红巨星。
Current causes several observable effects, which historically were the means of recognising its presence.
电流会引起几种 可见的 现象,从历史上看,它们也是确认其存在的一种手段。
It is one of the largest known superstructures in the observable universe.
这是 可观测 宇宙中最大的结构之一。
It may be 3 mag at best actually when it is observable in the morning sky.
事实上,它可能只能在早晨的天空中以 3 级 可见
The observable evidence doesn’t change, but the scientific understanding of that evidence does…
可见的 证据不会改变,但它的科学解释却改变了……
By observing these formations a little closer, we can see wrinkles, which immediately evokes the dunes observable on Mars.
通过仔细观察这些地貌,我们可以看到皱纹,这些皱纹立即让人想起火星上 可观察到的 沙丘。

听“ observable ”陆地声音(发音)!

读法是【əbˈzɜː.və.bəl】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【əbˈzɜː.və.bəl】。

