【英语单词】彻底解释“nzse”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“nzse”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

nzse是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

My nose was full of fresh new smells.
我的 鼻子里 充满了新鲜的、新的气味
And he snivel was shining below his nose .
鼻涕 在她漂亮的脸上闪闪发光。
this subversive designer is making nose jewellery happen – i-D As a society we are undeniably obsessed with beauty.
将缺陷转化为个性: 饰的挑战 – iD 我们的社会痴迷于美丽。
No air intake above the nose .
机头 顶部没有进气口等空气动力部件的规格得到了再现。
The MD 311 had a distinctive glazed nose for its role as both a bombing and navigation trainer.
MD 311 具有独特的玻璃 机头, 适合其轰炸和导航教练机的任务。
May suffer from running nose during physical exertion.
体育锻炼时可能会流 鼻涕
I pushed them with my nose lightly.
接下来我应该做什么?是的,尝试用 鼻子 推它。
Become the elephant’s nose muscles.
成为大象 鼻子 的肌肉。
And it begins at her wonderfully developed nose .
它始于一个非常发达的 鼻子
What’s happening to her nose ?
确实如此,但是她的 鼻子 有些奇怪。
I think your mom got your nose .
妈妈走了,但你可以擦擦 鼻子
These contusions around her nose and mouth…
鼻子 和嘴巴周围有淤青…
Well, have you ever fixed a nose before?
那么,你整过 鼻子 吗?
Are you a monster eating my nose ?
你咬我 鼻子 不是怪物吗?
Get back in or you’ll lose your nose
快回来,否则你的 鼻子 就会失去
Broke the poor guy’s nose , she said.
显然赫斯打断了这个可怜人的 鼻子
The eyes, nose , ears and mouth are humanoid.
眼睛、鼻子、 耳朵、嘴巴都是人形的。
Elephant nose park original sweets are a must-see!
象之 公园的原创甜点必看! !
The nose is an evolutionary marvel.
鼻子 是人体一个神秘的部分。
I’ve always wanted a nose .
我一直想要 一个鼻子

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