【英语单词】彻底解释“normal diet”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“normal diet”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“normal diet”的意思

“normal diet” 是由二个英文单词( normal、diet )组合而成的一个单词短语。


参考:「normal diet」示例短语列表

例句 A normal healthy diet should be resumed when possible.
如果可能,应恢复 正常 健康的 饮食
【英语单词】彻底解释“normal diet”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
例句 A normal diet provides some vitamin D, but much of it is made in our skin after we’ve been exposed to sunlight.
常规 饮食 可提供维生素 D,其中大部分是暴露在阳光下后在皮肤中产生的。
例句 We get all the fluids we need from our normal diet and other drinks, including tea.
我们从 日常 膳食 和茶等饮料中获取所需的所有水。

normal diet是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Next, go back to your normal diet .
然后恢复 正常饮食
Patients, which can not combine the drug with a normal diet , to improve absorption of posaconazole should take the drug at the same time taking liquid nutraceutical.
不能将药物与 常规饮食 结合的患者应在服用液体营养补充剂的同时服用该药物,以改善泊沙康唑的吸收。
My mother had a normal diet during the whole period.
这时,妈妈的 饮食行为就和正常人一样了
Soren, Isaac and Travis must have eaten something outside the normal diet .
索伦、艾萨克和特拉维斯吃 食物 以外的东西。
They apparently eat, mentioning shrimp as not unlike their normal diet .
他们吃虾,这显然与他们 平常的食物 没有什么不同。
Young turtles may take some insects and worms but this is not a large part of their normal diet .
幼体也可能吃昆虫和毛毛虫,但这不是它们的主要 食物
Further, both male and female offspring of these males had a higher frequency of developmental abnormalities than offspring of males on a normal diet .
此外,这些雄性小鼠的后代,无论性别如何,都比 正常饮食 的雄性小鼠的后代出现发育异常的频率更高。
Peter Huypens, Johannes Beckers and colleagues fed genetically identical mice a high-fat, low-fat or normal diet for six weeks.
现在,P Huypens、J Beckers 及其同事给基因相同的小鼠喂食高脂肪饮食、低脂肪饮食或 正常饮食 六周。
It was recently discovered that the larva of a common moth, Galleria mellonella, eats plastic! This is not its normal diet , but the beeswax in hive honeycombs is apparently similar to plastic.
最近发现普通蛾幼虫大蜡螟会吃塑料!虽然不是他们的 标准食物 ,但蜂箱中的蜂蜡在外观上与塑料相似。
After the Rapha Roadmap, a report that followed two years of interviews and research into the issues currently faced by professional cycling, the alternative calendar was conceived as a way for riders to expand their horizons beyond the normal diet of WorldTour races.
经过两年的采访和研究,以及记录职业自行车运动面临的问题的拉法路线图的发布,一个全新的日历已经诞生,将团队的活动扩展到 常规 世界巡回赛之外。
Importantly, the effects of the salty diet were reversible after the mice were returned to a normal diet , or by pharmacological intervention, suggesting that a change in lifestyle or new prescription drugs could help reverse or prevent these effects.
他们还发现,给小鼠重新喂食 正常 饮食 和药物干预可以减少高盐饮食的负面影响,而生活方式的改变和新的处方药可以减少这种负面影响。还需要注意的是,有人建议它可能有助于减少或预防该疾病。
The mice, which showed minor metabolic defects, were then put in semi-natural enclosures where they competed for territory, resources and mating partners with mice previously fed a normal diet .
这些表现出轻度代谢缺陷的小鼠被关在半自然的笼子里,被迫与 正常饮食 的小鼠争夺地盘、资源和交配。

听听“ normal diet ”是土地的声音(发音)!

读法是【ˈnɔrməl daɪət】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈnɔrməl daɪət】。

【必听】美国人解释“normal diet”的含义
