【英语单词】彻底解释“normal course”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“normal course”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“normal course”的意思

“normal course” 是由二个英文单词( normal、course )组合而成的一个单词短语。


参考:「normal course」示例短语列表

In the normal course of events one might expect to find one or two a year turned off by mistake.
【英语单词】彻底解释“normal course”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Fast-track degrees take a normal course – often honours – but students lose their three-month summer break and study intensively throughout the two years.
These would not necessarily be noticed in the normal course of business, but some have spotted them.
Why not leave the process of moderation, so marked within 60 years, to pursue its normal course ?
【英语单词】彻底解释“normal course”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
She managed it in 180 days, three times the normal course period.
她用了 180 天就完成了这个任务,是正常课程时间的三倍。

normal course是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Short and normal course students share the same classroom.
半日制课程的学生将在与 常规日托课程的 学生相同的班级中得到照顾。
The change from normal course to short course is not provided.
常规幼儿园课程 无法更改为半日制课程。
To correct this difference between schools, the French government established integrated high schools that have a normal course and a vocational course on the same campus, but this only made the ethnic divide between the white students’ normal course and the immigrant children’s vocational course more visible.
为了纠正学校之间的这种差距,法国政府建立了综合高中,在同一校园内提供 常规课程 和职业培训课程,但相反,他们创建了混合高中,为白人学生提供 常规课程 和职业培训课程为移民儿童开设课程。这导致了种族隔离的形象化。
Students on the normal course , in turn, may be qualified to take the Global Technology Architects course.
此外,优秀且积极进取的 普通课程 学生将能够转入全球技术和科学架构师培训课程。
It is possible that the students on the Global Technology Architects course transfer to the normal course depending on their desire and grade.
根据学习成绩或个人意愿,可以从全球技术和科学架构师培训课程转移到 普通课程
Although illegal, this was then also the normal course of events.
虽然不合法,但这也是 正常的 做法
Enter and post journals to your subsidiary ledger during the normal course of business.
输入日记帐分录并将其过帐到明细分类帐是在 正常 业务过程 中完成的。
The controls are simple and intuitive and do not interrupt your normal course of work.
简单直观的控制,不干扰用户的 正常工作
Chubb may also utilize the information in its normal course of issuing insurance policies and providing related services.
Chubb 还可能在签发保险单和提供相关服务的 日常业务过程 中使用这些信息。
Who have completed more than 12 years of school education in the normal course , in Japan or foreign equivalent education is recognized.
在日本或外国完成12年以上 正规 学校教育,并被认定具有同等学力的人。
Your fantasy is shifted far away from the normal course ! And I got an idea…
无尽的幻想! 然后 一个想法突然出现在我的脑海中。
In the normal course of events please allow 5 -10 working days for delivery (Regular service).
正常 情况下,请允许 5 -10 个工作日送达(常规服务)。
TTL – This is changed en-route as a normal course of processing by routers, and thus its value at the receiver is not predictable by the sender.
TTL – 该值可以在传送路由期间通过路由器的 正常 处理进行更改,并且发送方无法预测接收方的值。
The key here is that archiving the data makes it more readily accessible to users as part of their normal course of business.
这里重要的是,数据归档应该可供用户访问,作为其 正常 业务运营的 一部分。
Milestones collectively provide an outline of the normal course of a child’s development and indicate the time periods taken to develop certain skills.
里程碑大致用来表达孩子的 典型 成长过程以及孩子获得某些能力所需的时间。
But in the normal course of business, they are only legally allowed to do so when they are actively treating that patient.
The session stops automatically when it is complete, so this command is not needed in the normal course of SAN Copy operations.
正常 SAN Copy 操作不需要此命令,因为会话结束时会自动停止。
In the normal course of things, she should never have been pharaoh.
正常来说 ,她不应该成为法老。
As such, it may be necessary during the normal course of business and operations to transfer data back to ATEN International Headquarter in Taiwan or other subsidiaries.
此外, 为了进行 正常 运营,我们的台湾或其他子公司可能需要将数据传输到宏正国际总部。
However, it is worth to remember, that such salt won’t go for canning products, because excessive amounts of this trace element disrupts the normal course of food preservation processes.
但是,请记住,此类盐绝对不能放入罐头产品中,因为过量的这种微量元素会破坏食品保存过程的 正常 过程

听听“ normal course ”的沉稳声音(发音)!

读法是【ˈnɔrməl kɔrs】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈnɔrməl kɔrs】。

【必听】美国人解释“normal course”的含义
