【英语单词】彻底解释“non impact printer”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“non impact printer”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

参考:「non impact printer」示例短语列表

例句 They can only print lower-resolution graphics, with limited color performance, limited quality, and lower speeds compared to non-impact printers.
【英语单词】彻底解释“non impact printer”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

non impact printer是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Non-impact printers (which include laser, ink-jet, and thermal printers ) use other technology (such as a laser) for placing text and graphics on the paper.
非击打式打印机,例如 激光 打印机 、喷墨打印机和热敏打印机,使用其他技术(例如激光)将文本和图形打印到纸张上。
2003 No. Special Edition on Printing Solutions About the special edition on printing solutions [59KB] Masahiko Kawai Top of this page Printer technology: evolution and future prospects [57KB] Yasushi Hoshino Top of this page Trends in the field of non-impact printers [59KB] Minoru Mizutani The estimated number of color page printers sold on the world non-impact printer market has doubled.
转到页顶部 打印机 技术的趋势和对未来的期望 [556KB] 日本工业大学系统工程系 Tadayuki Hoshino 教授 转到页顶部 非击打式打印机 的趋势 [561KB] Minoru Mizutani全球 非击打式 打印机市场容量预测是彩色 页打印机数量 增加了一倍。
It could print about 9 A4 sheets in one minute using a high-speed non-impact page printer (NIP).
5) 高速 非击打式页式打印机 (NIP)可在1分钟内打印约9张A4纸。
Printers are categorized in a number of ways, such as the means by which data is printed (character, line, or page), how characters are printed (dot-matrix characters or fully formed characters), and, most commonly, how text and graphics are transferred to the paper or other printing medium ( impact printer or non-impact printer ).
打印机 可以通过多种方式进行分类。打印数据的单位(字符、行或页)、打印字符的方法(点阵字符或全形状字符)以及最常见的在纸张上打印文本和图形的标准或其他打印介质。打印机根据传输方法( 击打式 或非击打式打印机 )进行分类。
Brief History-Computer Museum From the dawn of computing to the 1970s, type-based impact printers were the main form of computer printer . From the mid-1970s onward, non-impact printers , such as laser printers and inkjet printers began to appear. Because these printers were quieter and faster than impact printers , the proportion of nonimpact printers steadily rose from 1980 on, as they became increasingly used in offices.
诞生与发展历史 – 计算机博物馆 从计算机诞生初期一直到 20 世纪 70 年代,打字式 击打式打印机 一直是主流,但在 1970 年代后期,随着激光 打印机 、喷墨打印机等 非击打式打印机 出现,它们逐渐成为主流。首先,其性能受到关注,从 20 世纪 80 年代开始,随着其在办公室的使用增加,无冲击方法的重要性也随之增加。
The HT-5347 dot impact printer could print Japanese language documents created with word processing functions.
HT-5347 点阵 打印机 可以打印使用文字处理功能创建的日语文档。
Impact printers (such as dot-matrix and daisy wheel) actually strike the paper.
击打式打印机 ,例如点阵式打印机和菊花轮式打印机,实际上是通过冲击纸张来进行打印的。
Some applications do not disable options like collate even though impact printers do not support them.
即使 您的击打式打印机 不支持逐份打印等选项,某些应用程序也可能不会禁用此选项。
The DBX 1.0 GripR is one of Leatt’s first non-impact bicycle protective gloves and feels like a second skin.
DBX 1.0 GripR 是 Leatt 首款无冲击自行车防护手套之一,感觉就像第二层皮肤。
<tag/Dot Matrix/If you want to print on carbons, then you need an impact printer ; many companies still make dot matrix printers , most of which emulate traditional Epson models and thus work fine.
如果您想在标签/点阵/复写纸上打印,您将需要 一台击打式打印机 。许多公司仍然生产点阵 打印机 ,其中大多数都模仿旧的爱普生型号,所以它们工作得很好。
Longer-range factory communications.Current Communication for PLCs Current-control loops evolved from early twentieth-century teletype impact printers , first as 0-60mA loops and later as 0-20mA loops.
PLC 中的电流通信 电流控制回路是从 20 世纪初的电传击打打印机发展而来的,首先是 0-60mA 回路,后来是 0-20mA 回路。
Non-impact printing methods include electrographic methods that use lasers or LEDs, inkjet methods, and thermal transfer methods. IBM announced the IBM 3800 laser printer in 1975 that was capable of printing between 10,000 and 20,000 lines per minute, which widely publicized the advantages of laser printers . From 1977 on, NEC, Hitachi, Fujitsu, and others began rolling out ultra-fast kanji-character laser printers with speeds in the 10,000-lines-per-minute range.
同样在 1977 年,冲电气开发了每行 132 个字符、每分钟 110 行的点行打印机,该打印机后来用于办公计算机和 其他 产品。 非冲击 方法包括使用激光和发光二极管的电子照相方法。 2011年,IBM发布了IBM 3800,这是一款每分钟运行10,000到20,000行的激光 打印机 ,其优越性广为人知。2011年以来,NEC、日立、富士通等纷纷生产每分钟10,000至20,000行 我们已经陆续推出了采用每分钟可处理行数的激光系统的超高速汉字打印机。
Hitachi had two printers for the HITAC T-560/20 video data system: the HT-5641 page printer , and the HT-5347 dot impact printer .
HITAC T-560/20 视频数据系统的 打印机 包括 HT-5641 页式 打印机 和 HT-5347 针式 打印机
With precision printing on a wide variety of metallic materials, the METAZA MPX-90 impact printer is ideal for adding value to products and parts by permanently imprinting logos, serial numbers and text.
此外,金属 打印机 METAZA MPX-90不仅可以在金属上清晰地表达照片、插图和文字,还可以通过在产品和零件上雕刻徽标和序列号来增加附加值。
Top of this page Trends in dot impact printers [58KB] MHitosi Sekine, Noriaki Nagahashi Looking to the future, we expect the market for serial dot impact printers to continue declining. However, markets for line printers that focus on multipart form printing and improved operability, and specialized markets for applications that exploit the advantages of serial dot impact printers , such as high reliability and low running cost, are expected to continue to develop.
返回页首 击打式打印机 的趋势 [444KB] Hitoshi Sekine 和 Noriaki Nagahashi 展望未来,虽然串行 击打式打印机 的市场将继续下降,但水平式打印机的市场 水平式打印机的市场预计将成为一个新的市场。专门开发利用串行点击 式打印机 优势的应用程序,例如高可靠性和低运行成本。
As the technology matured, most large printer installations were drum printers , a type of impact printer which could print an entire line of text at once through the use of a high speed rotary printing drum.
随着技术的成熟,大多数大型 打印机 变成了滚筒 打印机 ,这是一种 击打式打印机 ,可以使用快速旋转的打印滚筒一次打印一行文本。
The printers in the Tables below were Hitachi’s line of printers for the Hitachi Personal Workstation 2020, and the Hitachi Creative Workstation 2050. Dot impact printers could print Japanese language documents created with the document processing functions of the 2020/2050 Workstations.
Hitachi Personal Workstation 2020 和 Hitachi Creative Workstation 2050 的产品阵容中添加了 以下 打印机 。Dot Impact 打印机 可以打印使用 2020/2050 Workstation 的文档处理功能创建的日语文档。
Medical Instrument Marking Devices The medical instrument marking device is a desktop-size dot impact printer designed for the direct marking of medical instruments such as scalpels and forceps with UDI (Unique Device Identification) barcodes for tracking and traceability.
医疗器械用标记装置 这是一种小型点针式标记装置,专门用于标记镊子(镊子)、镊子等医疗器械和设备。通过在每台医疗设备上印上序列号和二维符号可以确保可追溯性。
In the 1980s, with the advent of the personal computer (PC), a dot impact printer for PCs was developed, which gained explosive popularity in the United States market.
20世纪80年代,随着个人电脑的出现,我们开发了一款用于个人电脑的针式 打印机 ,在美国市场上迅速 流行
Stretch panels in movement-critical areas -concertina leather in impact areas and stretch material in the non-impact areas.
拉伸练习 – 关键区域的面板 – 拉伸受影响区域的手风琴皮革和非 受影响 区域的材料。

听“ non impact printer ”的“非击打式打印机”声音!

读法是【nɒn*- ˈɪˈɪm.pækt* ˈˈprɪn·tər*】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【nɒn*- ˈɪˈɪm.pækt* ˈˈprɪn·tər*】。

【必听】美国人解释“non impact printer”的含义
