【英语单词】彻底解释“new commonwealth”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“new commonwealth”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

new commonwealth是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Australia is diverting migrants to New Guinea, another Commonwealth country.
澳大利亚正在将移民转移到另一个 英联邦 国家 新几内亚
Australia has made arrangements to send boatloads of immigrants to New Guinea, another Commonwealth country, as detailed in Issue 407 of this newsletter.
澳大利亚正在安排将移民运送到另一个 英联邦 国家 新几内亚 ,详情请参阅本通讯第 407 期。
As a member of the Commonwealth , New Zealand treats the Queen as a figurehead, as do others in the Commonwealth .
作为 英联邦的 一个自治国家, 新西兰 英联邦其他国家 一样,将女王视为其名义上的国家元首。
Adjacent to the State of New York, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts also has an ongoing project to supply 1 GW of renewable electricity from the Province of New Brunswick in Canada to the Boston area by installing a 600-km submarine power cable under the Atlantic Ocean.
在毗邻 纽约 州的马萨诸塞州,一个项目正在建设中,建设一条横跨大西洋、从加拿大 不伦瑞克到波士顿郊区、全长约600公里的海底输电线路,传输100万千瓦的自然能源电力。
He also joined the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation, the new social-democratic political party that took shape in 1932-1933.
他还加入了合作 联邦 党 (CCF), 这是一个成立于 1932-33 年间的新 社会民主党。
In 2013 Australia arranged to send boatloads of migrants to New Guinea, another member of the Commonwealth .
2013年,澳大利亚安排向 英联邦 成员国 新几内亚 派遣大量移民。
Indonesians trying to make shore in Australia, and being sent, by an agreement within Commonwealth countries, to New Guinea instead.
根据 英联邦 国家之间的协议,试图在澳大利亚停靠的印度尼西亚人将被遣返回 新几内亚
Australia likewise has brutally suppressed immigration, sending those attempting to land to New Guinea, where they have a Commonwealth arrangement.
澳大利亚还残酷地镇压移民,将那些试图登陆的人送往 新几内亚 ,而新几内亚签有 英联邦 协议。
As is well known, all Anglo-Saxon nations such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand are “Kingdom” of the Commonwealth .
加拿大、澳大利亚、 新西兰 等盎格鲁撒克逊国家都是 英联邦 的王国。
However, the Commonwealth will need the agreement of the states and territories to go ahead with the mandatory new rules in 2016.
然而, 如果澳大利亚政府要强制实施新 标签,则需要与各州和领地达成协议,预计最早将于 2016 年完成。
Commonwealth Magazine, a leading media group in Taiwan, used the predictive audience segmentation capabilities in Appier’s Aixon platform to discover new customers, increasing subscribers and purchases on their website by over 400 per cent.
台湾领先的媒体集团 Commonwealth Magazine 在利用 Appier 的 Ison 平台的预测受众细分功能来吸引 客户后,其网站的订阅者和销售额增加了 400% 以上。
Learn about New Westminster’s historic May Day celebration, the oldest continuing event of its type in the British Commonwealth , and still held each May.
了解 威斯敏斯特历史性的五一节庆祝活动,这是 英联邦 最古老的活动,每年五月举行。
New Zealand will not be the last Commonwealth country to dump the Queen, who is not as beloved as the media would have you believe.
新西兰 不会是最后一个抛弃女王的 英联邦 国家,她不像媒体希望你相信的那样不受爱戴。
Why would New Zealand want to spend $26 million to purge the insignia of the Commonwealth from their flag?
为什么 新西兰 要花费2600万美元去除 英联邦 徽章?
Billiga hotell i Boston Brand New Studios And 2 Bed Apts Close To Boston University And Boston College With Private Parking 1505 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, United States
波士顿的公寓和 B&B 全新 单间公寓和 2 床公寓,靠近波士顿大学和波士顿学院,设有私人停车场 1505 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, United States
Met Office to help strengthen Commonwealth ‘s resilience to adverse weather events The UK’s Met Office has announced two new projects aimed at improving weather and climate resilience for Commonwealth countries.
英国气象局帮助 英联邦 国家增强抵御恶劣天气事件的能力 英国气象局宣布了两个 项目,旨在提高 英联邦 国家抵御恶劣天气和恶劣气候事件的能力。
Born in Napier, New Zealand, Gascoigne trained in Auckland and at the University of Bristol, before moving to Australia during World War II to work at the Commonwealth Solar Observatory at Mount Stromlo in Canberra.
加斯科因出生于 新西兰纳皮尔 ,曾在奥克兰大学和布里斯托尔大学接受培训,二战期间移居澳大利亚后,在堪培拉郊外的 斯特罗姆洛 山天文台进行研究。
He was easily returned in Port Arthur, taking just over half of all votes cast, with the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (the predecessor of today’s New Democratic Party) a distant second.
在他所在的亚瑟港选区,他以过半票数再次当选,远远领先于合作 联邦 党(今日 民主党的前身)候选人。
The Gosport Shipyard at Portsmouth was owned by the Commonwealth of Virginia after the American Revolutionary War and was sold to the new United States federal government.
朴次茅斯的戈斯波特造船厂在美国独立战争后归弗吉尼亚州所有,后出售给 新的 美国联邦政府。
Commonwealth champion Laetisha Scanlan commented: I was shocked by the news and it is really surprising that you are thinking about not including this sport, especially in a country where this sport is thriving.
英联邦冠军 Laetisha Scanlan 评论道: 我对这个 消息 感到震惊,你会考虑不包括这项运动,这真的很令人惊讶,尤其是在一个这项运动如此受欢迎的国家。

听“ new commonwealth ”地声(发音)!

读法是【njuː*ː ˈˈkɒm.ən.welθ*θ】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【njuː*ː ˈˈkɒm.ən.welθ*θ】。

【必听】美国人解释“new commonwealth”的含义

new commonwealth是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Australia is diverting migrants to New Guinea, another Commonwealth country.
澳大利亚正在将移民转移到另一个 英联邦 国家 新几内亚
Australia has made arrangements to send boatloads of immigrants to New Guinea, another Commonwealth country, as detailed in Issue 407 of this newsletter.
澳大利亚正在安排将移民运送到另一个 英联邦 国家 新几内亚 ,详情请参阅本通讯第 407 期。
As a member of the Commonwealth , New Zealand treats the Queen as a figurehead, as do others in the Commonwealth .
作为 英联邦的 一个自治国家, 新西兰 英联邦其他国家 一样,将女王视为其名义上的国家元首。
Adjacent to the State of New York, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts also has an ongoing project to supply 1 GW of renewable electricity from the Province of New Brunswick in Canada to the Boston area by installing a 600-km submarine power cable under the Atlantic Ocean.
在毗邻 纽约 州的马萨诸塞州,一个项目正在建设中,建设一条横跨大西洋、从加拿大 不伦瑞克到波士顿郊区、全长约600公里的海底输电线路,传输100万千瓦的自然能源电力。
He also joined the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation, the new social-democratic political party that took shape in 1932-1933.
他还加入了合作 联邦 党 (CCF), 这是一个成立于 1932-33 年间的新 社会民主党。
In 2013 Australia arranged to send boatloads of migrants to New Guinea, another member of the Commonwealth .
2013年,澳大利亚安排向 英联邦 成员国 新几内亚 派遣大量移民。
Indonesians trying to make shore in Australia, and being sent, by an agreement within Commonwealth countries, to New Guinea instead.
根据 英联邦 国家之间的协议,试图在澳大利亚停靠的印度尼西亚人将被遣返回 新几内亚
Australia likewise has brutally suppressed immigration, sending those attempting to land to New Guinea, where they have a Commonwealth arrangement.
澳大利亚还残酷地镇压移民,将那些试图登陆的人送往 新几内亚 ,而新几内亚签有 英联邦 协议。
As is well known, all Anglo-Saxon nations such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand are “Kingdom” of the Commonwealth .
加拿大、澳大利亚、 新西兰 等盎格鲁撒克逊国家都是 英联邦 的王国。
However, the Commonwealth will need the agreement of the states and territories to go ahead with the mandatory new rules in 2016.
然而, 如果澳大利亚政府要强制实施新 标签,则需要与各州和领地达成协议,预计最早将于 2016 年完成。
Commonwealth Magazine, a leading media group in Taiwan, used the predictive audience segmentation capabilities in Appier’s Aixon platform to discover new customers, increasing subscribers and purchases on their website by over 400 per cent.
台湾领先的媒体集团 Commonwealth Magazine 在利用 Appier 的 Ison 平台的预测受众细分功能来吸引 客户后,其网站的订阅者和销售额增加了 400% 以上。
Learn about New Westminster’s historic May Day celebration, the oldest continuing event of its type in the British Commonwealth , and still held each May.
了解 威斯敏斯特历史性的五一节庆祝活动,这是 英联邦 最古老的活动,每年五月举行。
New Zealand will not be the last Commonwealth country to dump the Queen, who is not as beloved as the media would have you believe.
新西兰 不会是最后一个抛弃女王的 英联邦 国家,她不像媒体希望你相信的那样不受爱戴。
Why would New Zealand want to spend $26 million to purge the insignia of the Commonwealth from their flag?
为什么 新西兰 要花费2600万美元去除 英联邦 徽章?
Billiga hotell i Boston Brand New Studios And 2 Bed Apts Close To Boston University And Boston College With Private Parking 1505 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, United States
波士顿的公寓和 B&B 全新 单间公寓和 2 床公寓,靠近波士顿大学和波士顿学院,设有私人停车场 1505 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, United States
Met Office to help strengthen Commonwealth ‘s resilience to adverse weather events The UK’s Met Office has announced two new projects aimed at improving weather and climate resilience for Commonwealth countries.
英国气象局帮助 英联邦 国家增强抵御恶劣天气事件的能力 英国气象局宣布了两个 项目,旨在提高 英联邦 国家抵御恶劣天气和恶劣气候事件的能力。
Born in Napier, New Zealand, Gascoigne trained in Auckland and at the University of Bristol, before moving to Australia during World War II to work at the Commonwealth Solar Observatory at Mount Stromlo in Canberra.
加斯科因出生于 新西兰纳皮尔 ,曾在奥克兰大学和布里斯托尔大学接受培训,二战期间移居澳大利亚后,在堪培拉郊外的 斯特罗姆洛 山天文台进行研究。
He was easily returned in Port Arthur, taking just over half of all votes cast, with the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (the predecessor of today’s New Democratic Party) a distant second.
在他所在的亚瑟港选区,他以过半票数再次当选,远远领先于合作 联邦 党(今日 民主党的前身)候选人。
The Gosport Shipyard at Portsmouth was owned by the Commonwealth of Virginia after the American Revolutionary War and was sold to the new United States federal government.
朴次茅斯的戈斯波特造船厂在美国独立战争后归弗吉尼亚州所有,后出售给 新的 美国联邦政府。
Commonwealth champion Laetisha Scanlan commented: I was shocked by the news and it is really surprising that you are thinking about not including this sport, especially in a country where this sport is thriving.
英联邦冠军 Laetisha Scanlan 评论道: 我对这个 消息 感到震惊,你会考虑不包括这项运动,这真的很令人惊讶,尤其是在一个这项运动如此受欢迎的国家。

听“ new commonwealth ”地声(发音)!

读法是【njuː*ː ˈˈkɒm.ən.welθ*θ】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【njuː*ː ˈˈkɒm.ən.welθ*θ】。

【必听】美国人解释“new commonwealth”的含义
