【英语单词】彻底解释“munify”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“munify”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

munify是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

It focuses on actions and helps to unify the whole figure.
这条线有助于集中运动并 统一 整体画面。
The Optum brand was created in 2011 to unify the group’s health services business.
Optum 品牌于 2011 年创建,旨在 统一 集团的健康服务业务。
The caller passes comparators and operators along the trees to unify .
调用者将比较器和操作过程与树一起传递 以进行统一
You must unify it.Do you think that will be easy?
你以为 统一 灵界容易吗?
This new look is part of a theme, which is intended to both unify and clear up your desktop.
这种新外观是主题的一部分,旨在 统一 和组织您的桌面。
Units of military institutions Al-Sirraj’s spokesman also touched on the strategic need to unify the military institution, adding that negotiations were still underway, thanking Egypt for its efforts in this regard.
西拉吉军事单位发言人也提到了 统一 军事机构的战略需要,并补充说谈判仍在进行中,并就此向埃及表示感谢。
Vision of Bankera We consider Bankera as the project that would unify traditional and crypto worlds.
Bankera 的愿景 我们将 Bankera 视为一个 统一 传统世界和加密世界的项目。
Enable consolidation projects: centralize and unify archives.
实施整合工程:实现档案集中 统一
What is that stimulating element that lets us completely unify our five senses?
我们人类身上能够完全 统一 五种感官的刺激因素是什么?
The G7 recognizes 2016 as an important year to unify global efforts on food security and nutrition.
七国集团认识到2016年是 整合 全球粮食安全和营养努力的关键一年。
Initiatives to unify military institutions must come from within Libya.
统一 军事机构的努力必须来自利比亚内部。
To unify a single EU insurance market and enhance consumer protection.
目标 是统一欧盟保险市场并改善消费者保护。
unique next-gen capabilities that unify IT management silos across physical and virtual environments
独特的下一代功能 可跨物理和虚拟环境整合 IT 管理孤岛
screenshot of editor showing unify field access popup
显示 统一 字段访问弹出窗口的编辑器屏幕截图
Third, we will firmly unify on the basis of mutual trust.
这种关系是建立在 幕后的 相互信任之上的。
With so many different network methods, something was needed to unify them.
那里有很多网络技术,需要有人将它们 集成起来
Nobunaga started to unify the whole country based at this castle.
信长将以此为基地, 努力 统一国家
It is impossible to unify all sports with the same single rule.
用一套规则 统一 所有运动是不可能的。
Even if there are numerous tribes, we should establish a movement to unify them.
即使宗族众多,我们也必须开展统一 宗族的 运动。
Certain approaches can also unify the browsing profile of an individual across multiple devices.
通过某些方法,还可以 统一 每个人在多个设备上的浏览配置文件。

听“ munify ”的土音(发音)!

读法是【ˈmjuːnɪfaɪ 】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈmjuːnɪfaɪ 】。

