【英语单词】彻底解释“municipal employee”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“municipal employee”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“municipal employee”的意思

“municipal employee” 是由二个英文单词( municipal、employee )组合而成的一个单词短语。


参考:「municipal employee」示例短语列表

The council was made up of seven members, while there were 18 municipal employees.
该委员会由 7 名成员组成,并有 18 名市政府雇员。
【英语单词】彻底解释“municipal employee”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Municipal employees and civil servants could now be fired for their adherence to the revolutionary movement.
One guest columnist claimed squads of municipal employees apparently work throughout the day to ensure that they are clean and unharmed by vandals.
Workers and municipal employees who had discovered restaurant chain took family members there.
【英语单词】彻底解释“municipal employee”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
He effected the purchase of a municipal subdivision for the municipal employees in 1979.
1979 年,他为市政雇员购买了一块市政土地。

municipal employee是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Police, operation “Shake Down” municipal employee asked for the lace
警察行动整顿, 市政雇员 要求提供保护费
Koura municipal employees make efforts to interact and talk with residents in various situations and try to grasp the needs of the residents at all times. As one municipal employee said, “It seems to be not so much citizens participating in official activities as it is officials participating in citizen activities.”
然而,在科拉镇, 政府 官员努力在各种情况下与居民接触,进行讨论,不断掌握居民的需求,甚至宣称他们的小镇不是基于居民参与,而是基于行政管理。参与.做.
We have donated items such as testing machines and other equipment to the Fujiyoshida Municipal Medical Center, which often assists us with employee health management, thorough examinations, etc.
我们向富士吉田 市立 医院捐赠检测机器和设备, 员工 经常使用该医院进行健康管理和详细检查。
UEC full-time employee or fixed-term full time faculty member who works 40 hours/week or more: Personnel and Labor Affairs Office UEC Part-time employee who works 29 hours/week or more: Personnel and Labor Affairs Office UEC part-time employee who works less than 29 hours/week, JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow (JSPS Postdoctral Fellowship for Research in Japan) or unpaid researcher: Local municipal office II.
每周工作 40 小时的 专职 教师和特聘教师:电通大学人事劳动部 每周工作 30 小时以上的兼职员工:电通大学人事劳动部 兼职员工 每周工作时间不足 30 小时的人员、JSPS 外国特别研究人员、电通大学大学研究人员等与居住地政府 机关 (保险、年金管理部门)无雇佣关系的人员 II. 邀请家人参加时持有“90天以内的亲戚或熟人访问签证”的日本如果您是免签国家以外的国籍,即使您的短期停留时间少于90天,您也需要获得来日本之前的“亲属/熟人访问签证”。
Foreign workers are often lead to believe that they are not eligible for shakai hoken ( Employee ‘s Health and Pension Insurance), or that – since they don’t want the pension – they are better off with only kokumin kenkō hoken (Nation Health Insurance (NHI), via their local municipal office).
外籍工人经常被误导,认为他们没有资格参加社会保险( 健康 保险和福利养老保险),或者他们不需要养老金,通过 当地政府 参加国民健康保险会更好。

听“ municipal employee ”地道发音(发音)!

读法是【mjuˈnɪsəpəl ɪmˈplɔɪi】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【mjuˈnɪsəpəl ɪmˈplɔɪi】。

【必听】美国人解释“municipal employee”的含义
