【英语单词】彻底解释“morning arrives”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“morning arrives”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“morning arrives”的意思

“morning arrives” 是由二个英文单词( morning、arrives )组合而成的一个单词短语。


参考:「morning arrives」示例短语列表

The story proper begins in his bedroom, where he decides to stay awake all night to make sure that the morning arrives .
【英语单词】彻底解释“morning arrives”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The potency of the aroma gradually increases from late evening until the middle of the night and then tapers off as morning arrives .
When morning arrives , she reverts to human form and removes her wolfskin.

morning arrives是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

When morning arrives , children delightedly discover that the Kings nibbled the sweets, the camels ate the hay, and by their shoes there are wrapped presents just waiting to be torn into.
他冲到 他放鞋子的地方,发现了一份用包装纸包裹的礼物。
Morning Arrive at 8AM when the Observatories open to beat the crowds and start your day off on a spectacular foot.
早上 8点展望台 开放 时,趁着人潮涌入之前,从安静的展望台欣赏壮丽的景色,开始您的假期怎么样?
Morning Arrive at 8.30am for an 8.45am departure from 60 High Street, within Edinburgh’s Royal Mile – and hop aboard the coach to meet your friendly local tour guide.
请于 早上 8:30 之前 在爱丁堡皇家大道 60 High Street 集合。登上巴士后,您的旅行将于上午 8:45 从爱丁堡出发,并有友好的当地导游陪同。
For example, we currently purchase Shikoku’s fish each morning , and the fishes caught in Shikoku early in the morning arrive at “Quintessence” after about 6 hours.
这是否意味着东京的优势在于它拥有世界上最好的基础设施?例如,我们目前 每天早上 从四国采购鱼, 清晨 在四国捕获的鱼大约在六个小时后 到达 Quintessence。
The next morning , Matt arrives at work.
第二天早上 马特来上班
My older brother arrives morning of tomorrow
我哥哥 明天早上会到
He arrives each morning with odd items.
他总是 一大早 给我 带来 一些奇怪的东西。
I sent some this morning so they should arrive soon.
今天早上 又发了一次,所以我想很快就会 到达
The next morning , Lukáš arrives at Martinka’s cottage, with his friends and relatives.
第二天 早上 卢卡斯 与朋友和亲戚一起出现在马丁卡的小屋。
Day: Wushan the morning to arrive around 7:00 and immediately go to Cruise Terminal (foot and a half hours).
周日:竹山 早上 7:00 左右 抵达 ,立即步行(半小时)前往游轮码头。
On a warm August morning I arrive at Shizukuishi Station to meet Hidenori Oka, CEO of Ginga Kogen Beer.
八月的一个温暖的 早晨 ,笔者 来到 雫石站,见到了银河高原啤酒的首席执行官冈英德。
Every morning it arrives at 11 o’clock, bringing salvation.
就像救赎,就像我 很久 以前乘坐的 火车
Got on, watching the light slowly turn dark outside, looking forward to the end of the morning will arrive – Lijiang.
期待着渐渐变暗的转向灯,我们 计划抵达 早晨 的终点——丽。
Every morning when he arrives at his office, Li immediately changes clothes and sits for hours to study X-rays.
每天早上 ,李小兵 进考场,就换上工作服,看电影。
Day 2 Early the next morning we will arrive at Lampi Island, the largest in the region.
第2天 第二天 一早, 到达 该地区最大的岛屿兰皮岛。
If a part is identified on Thursday, after local cut-off time, for next-business-day delivery, it will be ordered Friday morning and arrive Monday morning .
如果周四发现需要更换的部件,但已过了当地截止时间,则订单将 在周五上午 处理,部件将 周一上午交付。
If a part is identified on Thursday, after local cut-off time, for next-business day ordering, it will be ordered Friday morning and arrive Monday morning .
如果周四需要零件,并且您当地的截止时间已过,订单将在下一个工作日下达, 周五早上 订购的零件将在周一 早上 送达
For information about backup completion when you arrive each morning , let alerts inform you of problem events.
如果您想确保 每天早上上班时 备份都已完成,请使用警报来通知您有问题的事件。
The fog greets us in the morning , and darkness arrives earlier each evening.
早晨 ,雾气迎接我们,每一个夜晚,黑暗 来临
It’s a good idea to go early in the morning before the crowds arrive and then stick around until the ice cream stand opens.
我建议 一大早 在人群 到达 之前去,然后四处走走,直到下一个冰淇淋摊开张。

听“ morning arrives ”的土声(发音)!

读法是【ˈmɔrnɪŋ əraɪvz】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈmɔrnɪŋ əraɪvz】。

【必听】美国人解释“morning arrives”的含义

简单汉语中“morning arrives”的意思

“morning arrives” 是由二个英文单词( morning、arrives )组合而成的一个单词短语。


参考:「morning arrives」示例短语列表

The story proper begins in his bedroom, where he decides to stay awake all night to make sure that the morning arrives .
【英语单词】彻底解释“morning arrives”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The potency of the aroma gradually increases from late evening until the middle of the night and then tapers off as morning arrives .
When morning arrives , she reverts to human form and removes her wolfskin.

morning arrives是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

When morning arrives , children delightedly discover that the Kings nibbled the sweets, the camels ate the hay, and by their shoes there are wrapped presents just waiting to be torn into.
他冲到 他放鞋子的地方,发现了一份用包装纸包裹的礼物。
Morning Arrive at 8AM when the Observatories open to beat the crowds and start your day off on a spectacular foot.
早上 8点展望台 开放 时,趁着人潮涌入之前,从安静的展望台欣赏壮丽的景色,开始您的假期怎么样?
Morning Arrive at 8.30am for an 8.45am departure from 60 High Street, within Edinburgh’s Royal Mile – and hop aboard the coach to meet your friendly local tour guide.
请于 早上 8:30 之前 在爱丁堡皇家大道 60 High Street 集合。登上巴士后,您的旅行将于上午 8:45 从爱丁堡出发,并有友好的当地导游陪同。
For example, we currently purchase Shikoku’s fish each morning , and the fishes caught in Shikoku early in the morning arrive at “Quintessence” after about 6 hours.
这是否意味着东京的优势在于它拥有世界上最好的基础设施?例如,我们目前 每天早上 从四国采购鱼, 清晨 在四国捕获的鱼大约在六个小时后 到达 Quintessence。
The next morning , Matt arrives at work.
第二天早上 马特来上班
My older brother arrives morning of tomorrow
我哥哥 明天早上会到
He arrives each morning with odd items.
他总是 一大早 给我 带来 一些奇怪的东西。
I sent some this morning so they should arrive soon.
今天早上 又发了一次,所以我想很快就会 到达
The next morning , Lukáš arrives at Martinka’s cottage, with his friends and relatives.
第二天 早上 卢卡斯 与朋友和亲戚一起出现在马丁卡的小屋。
Day: Wushan the morning to arrive around 7:00 and immediately go to Cruise Terminal (foot and a half hours).
周日:竹山 早上 7:00 左右 抵达 ,立即步行(半小时)前往游轮码头。
On a warm August morning I arrive at Shizukuishi Station to meet Hidenori Oka, CEO of Ginga Kogen Beer.
八月的一个温暖的 早晨 ,笔者 来到 雫石站,见到了银河高原啤酒的首席执行官冈英德。
Every morning it arrives at 11 o’clock, bringing salvation.
就像救赎,就像我 很久 以前乘坐的 火车
Got on, watching the light slowly turn dark outside, looking forward to the end of the morning will arrive – Lijiang.
期待着渐渐变暗的转向灯,我们 计划抵达 早晨 的终点——丽。
Every morning when he arrives at his office, Li immediately changes clothes and sits for hours to study X-rays.
每天早上 ,李小兵 进考场,就换上工作服,看电影。
Day 2 Early the next morning we will arrive at Lampi Island, the largest in the region.
第2天 第二天 一早, 到达 该地区最大的岛屿兰皮岛。
If a part is identified on Thursday, after local cut-off time, for next-business-day delivery, it will be ordered Friday morning and arrive Monday morning .
如果周四发现需要更换的部件,但已过了当地截止时间,则订单将 在周五上午 处理,部件将 周一上午交付。
If a part is identified on Thursday, after local cut-off time, for next-business day ordering, it will be ordered Friday morning and arrive Monday morning .
如果周四需要零件,并且您当地的截止时间已过,订单将在下一个工作日下达, 周五早上 订购的零件将在周一 早上 送达
For information about backup completion when you arrive each morning , let alerts inform you of problem events.
如果您想确保 每天早上上班时 备份都已完成,请使用警报来通知您有问题的事件。
The fog greets us in the morning , and darkness arrives earlier each evening.
早晨 ,雾气迎接我们,每一个夜晚,黑暗 来临
It’s a good idea to go early in the morning before the crowds arrive and then stick around until the ice cream stand opens.
我建议 一大早 在人群 到达 之前去,然后四处走走,直到下一个冰淇淋摊开张。

听“ morning arrives ”的土声(发音)!

读法是【ˈmɔrnɪŋ əraɪvz】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈmɔrnɪŋ əraɪvz】。

【必听】美国人解释“morning arrives”的含义

