【英语单词】彻底解释“morison”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“morison”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

morison是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Prosecutors emphasized personal economic gain and Morison ‘s complaints about his government job.
检察官强调了 莫里森 的个人和经济收益以及对其政府工作的不满。
The successful prosecution of Morison was used to warn against the publication of leaked information.
莫里森 的成功起诉是对发布泄露信息的警告。
A few years ago, when I first saw Morison Kobayashi’s wood carving work, I felt that kind of feeling.
几年前,当我第一次看到 小林莫里森 的木雕时,我就感受到了那种氛围。
In 1964, Morison received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Lyndon B. Johnson.
1964年,林登·约翰逊总统授予 莫里森 总统自由勋章。
The identity of the first American landfall by Columbus remains controversial, but many authors accept Samuel E. Morison ‘s identification of what was later called Watling (or Watling’s) Island as Columbus’ San Salvador.
尽管对于哥伦布发现的巴哈马第一个岛屿的身份存在不同的理论,但许多作者都采用了塞缪尔 ·莫里森 的沃特林岛是哥伦布的圣萨尔瓦多岛的理论。
Historian Samuel Eliot Morison rejected the notion that the Hartford convention was an attempt to take New England out of the Union and give treasonous aid and comfort to Britain.
历史学家塞缪尔·埃利奥特 ·莫里森 否认了哈特福德会议是试图将新英格兰从联邦中分离出来、向叛乱分子提供援助并安抚英国的理论。
Morison refused to eliminate references to slaves who were loyal and devoted to their masters because they were treated well, and to some positive “civilizing” effects of the American system of slavery.
然而, 莫里森 拒绝删除对奴隶的存在的提及,这些奴隶忠于主人,受到良好的对待,以及美国奴隶制对文明的积极影响。
As Samuel Eliot Morison explained, they believed that liberty is inseparable from union, that men are essentially unequal, that vox populi is seldom if ever vox Dei, and that sinister outside influences were busy undermining American integrity.
正如塞缪尔·艾略特· 莫里森 (Samuel Eliot Morrison)所解释的那样,自由与联邦密不可分,人们从根本上来说是不平等的,人民的声音不可能是上帝的声音,而外部他担心美国的恶意影响正在威胁破坏国家的完整性。美国。
Morison wrote: “Democratic politicians, seeking a foil to their own mismanagement of the war and to discredit the still formidable Federalist party, caressed and fed this infant myth until it became so tough and lusty as to defy both solemn denials and documentary proof.”
莫里森 希望民主共和党政客们能够以严肃的否认和书面证据来证明自己在战争中的失败,并抹黑仍然强大的联邦党。仿佛要挑战和击退双方,这个年轻的神话被反复摩擦直到它变得强大和活跃。
And of course, that beast, Nancy Lieder, whom David Morrison advised the public to find on Wikipedia, where the beast is also mistreated via disinformation claiming that ZetaTalk says a collision with Earth will occur. David Morison and Don Yeomans, who previously attacked Nancy Lieder (and only Nancy Lieder) by name were both at the helm here, and did not disappoint.
大卫· 莫里森 (David Morrison)和唐·约曼斯(Don Yeomans)此前曾点名攻击南希·雷德(Nancy Reader)(而且只是攻击南希·雷德),他们都是这里的掌舵人,并且没有让人失望。
On July 19, 1979, the frigate USS Samuel Eliot Morison was launched, honoring Morison and his contributions to the United States Navy.
1979 年 7 月 19 日下水的一艘美国海军护卫舰被命名为塞缪尔·埃利奥特· 莫里森号 ,以纪念 莫里森 及其对海军的贡献。
In the same year he met the typographer Stanley Morison .
同年,他遇到了印刷师斯坦利 ·莫里森
Each of our Morison KSi affiliates, in more than 80 countries, is well-respected for providing specialized business services and high technical standards.
Morison KSi 的成员公司遍布 80 多个国家,并以在各自地区提供高标准的专业商业服务而闻名。
Extensive global network As a member firm of Morison KSi, CWCC supports clients expanding into China or from the mainland China into worldwide markets.
作为 Morison KSi 广泛的全球网络的成员,CWCC 可以帮助您在中国发展业务并从中国扩展到全球市场。
Ambassador Kenji Hiramatsu visited Aurangabad, Maharashtra, on 1st March 2016, and attended the inauguration of the first plant of Hoyu (Japanese company for manufacture and distribution of hair coloring products, hair-care products, and home medical supplies) in India, with J L Morison , which has a technical tie-up with Hoyu.
平松大使3月1日访问马哈拉施特拉邦奥兰加巴德。平松大使与Hoyu有技术合作关系的J L Morrison 共同出席了生产和销售染发剂、头发化妆品和家庭疗法的日本公司Hoyu在印度第一家工厂的开业仪式。
In 1925 he designed the Perpetua typeface, with the uppercase based upon monumental Roman inscriptions, for Morison , who was working for the Monotype Corporation.
1925 年,他为在 Monotype 工作的莫里森设计了 Perpetua,一种基于罗马铭文大写字母的字体。
In the same year, we had Toni Morison in literature, and she is a household name.
同一 时期 成为 文学导师的 托尼 ·莫里森 (Toni Morrison) 现在已是家喻户晓的人物。
Samuel Loring Morison was a government security analyst who worked on the side for Jane’s, a British military and defense publisher.
塞缪尔·洛林· 莫里森 ( Samuel Loring Morrison) 是英国军事和国防杂志《简氏信息集团》的一名政府安全分析师。
Morison ‘s first marriage to Elizabeth S. Greene produced four children-one of whom, Emily Morison Beck, became editor of Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations.
在他的个人生活中,他和第一任妻子伊丽莎白·S·格林育有四个孩子, 其中 一个 名叫艾米丽 ·莫里森 ·贝克,被称为“巴雷特语录”。他成为了百科全书的编辑。
Morison ‘s legacy is also sustained by the United States Naval History and Heritage Command’s Samuel Eliot Morison Naval History Scholarship.
为了纪念 莫里森 ,塞缪尔·埃利奥特 ·莫里森 奖学金是由美国海军遗产司令部设立的。

听“ morison ”的土声(发音)!

读法是【ˈmɔrəsən】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈmɔrəsən】。

