【英语单词】彻底解释“morethan you could shake a stick at”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“morethan you could shake a stick at”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

morethan you could shake a stick at是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Salt do not shake – it should stick a lot.
不要 盐——它会 得很厉害。
The media database has been scavented morethan once since upgrading to <:v “NetWorker” 1> 7.x.
<:v “NetWorker” 1> 自升级到 7.x 以来媒体数据库是否已被 扫描 多次。
With an integrated laptop storage compartment and more useful pockets than you can shake a stick at, it’s the ultimate bag for time spent off the mountains!
配有集成笔记本电脑存储空间和 更方便的口袋 它是登山时的终极包!
Stir the silicones with a stick and shake the bottle briefly networking with the curing agent.
搅拌硅胶并短暂 摇动 瓶子以与硬化剂形成网络。
This neighborhood has more homeless people than you can shake a stick at.
这附近有 很多 无家可归的人。
Since way back in November I’ve had a go at presenting and production, and met more people than you could shake a stick at.
十一月的时装秀让我回归了时装秀和生产线,当我遇到更多的人时,我可以 摇摆 不定
If you stick with low calorie foods, then the resulting shakes and smoothies should taste great and help you lose weight.
如果您 坚持 吃低热量食物,结果 将会令人兴奋 ,而且冰沙一定味道鲜美,并有助于您减肥。
If you can’t get enough flower power here, drive over to Abbotts Lagoon, where an easy walk rewards you with more golden poppies than you can shake a stick at.
如果您仍然无法补充花的能量,请尝试开车前往阿伯特泻湖。仅几步之遥,您就会看到数量 惊人 的金色罂粟花盛开。
If you cancel or modify your booking with morethan 24 hours before your arrival time it is free.
抵达前 24 小时 可免费取消和更改。
MORETHAN TAPAS LOUNGE On the 2nd floor there is “MORETHHAN GRILL” where you can enjoy grilled Italian cuisine and wines in a stylish and sober setting.
MORETHAN GRILL 位于二楼,您可以在时尚、平静的氛围中享用意大利烧烤美食和美酒。
Dentsu Aegis Network is a world leading advertising and digital marketing communications company headquartered in London, UK. They currently have morethan 23,000 employees worldwide.
电通安吉斯网络是一家全球领先的广告和数字营销传播 公司 ,总部位于英国伦敦,在全球拥有 23,000 名员工。
New earthquake shake makes central Italy – PRP Channel shake
PRP Channel – 意大利中部 发生 新地震
本 发明提供一种无论液体透镜的温度变化如何都能够进行稳定的 抖动校正的 抖动 校正装置等。
Shake Device WeChat users can now shake their BlueStacks device.
设备 摇动 微信用户可以 摇动 他们的 BlueStacks 设备。
We would get burgers and chocolate shakes .
我们要吃汉堡和巧克力 奶昔
EMC Shakes Security, Content Management Cocktail
EMC 提供安全性和内容管理的 有效 组合
Shake off hiking shoes waterproof trousers on the contaminated Xuekuai.
抖掉 登山鞋、沾染血块的防水裤。
Minimize windows on the desktop using Aero Shake
使用 Aero Shake 最小化桌面上的窗口
Reuters AlertNet 2003/05/26Strong earthquake hits north Japan, shakes Tokyo.
路透社AlertNet 2003/05/26 东北地区发生强烈地震,东京也出现 晃动
Participants in the competition treated it morethan seriously – at the Award Ceremony, held in mid-June2009 in the Bulgarian capital, all construction and real estate companieswere presented to top managers and owners.

听“ morethan you could shake a stick at ”地道发音(发音)!

读法是【juː*ː ʃʃeɪk* stɪk*】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【juː*ː ʃʃeɪk* stɪk*】。

【必听】美国人解释“morethan you could shake a stick at”的含义
