【英语单词】彻底解释“more than meets the eye”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“more than meets the eye”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

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例句 It shows an inclination to examine more than meets the eye.
【英语单词】彻底解释“more than meets the eye”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
例句 His installations are about much more than meets the eye.
例句 Is there more than meets the eye to the new arrival?
例句 Less and more than meets the eye.
【英语单词】彻底解释“more than meets the eye”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
例句 The instinct of political pundits is that there is more than meets the eye, or less than the eye.
例句 More than meets the eye might be the mantra for an event trying to shed any negative perceptions.
例句 There is always more than meets the eye here – always something which means more than what is actually said.
【英语单词】彻底解释“more than meets the eye”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
例句 The question is whether there is more than meets the eye to this and whether it will backfire spectacularly.

more than meets the eye是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

More than Meets the Eye a maze full of illusions and mind twisting spaces.
与眼睛相遇以及更多, 这是一个充满幻想和令人费解的空间的迷宫。
Nonetheless, there is more than meets the eye on this trend.
然而, 这一趋势的内涵远不止表面所见
Instead, their decision to investigate turned a mystery into medicine showing that sometimes there’s more than meets the eye .
相反,通过呼吁对原因进行调查,我们能够将这个谜团变成一种药物,表明有时结果 比表面上看到的更重要
I think there’s a lot more than meets the eye with you.
它的内容远比我们看到的 要多得多……
There Is More Than Meets The Eye The Cryptocurrencies support terrorism, money laundering, illegal transfer of money, and other wrongs, the CBI circular read.
据 CBI Circle 报道 ,故事的真相远不止表面上看的 那样,加密货币支持恐怖主义、洗钱、非法转移资金和其他不法行为。
While the Progetto may look like just another tank, there’s more than meets the eye .
这款 Progetto 乍一看可能 只是 一辆普通坦克,但它 一些有趣的隐藏功能。
And believing in more than meets the eye is that little secret to believing in what’s impossible.
相信 表面上看不到的东西 是相信不可能的小秘密。
Lethbridge You may know it as a tournament town, but there’s so much more than meets the eye in Lethbridge.
莱斯布里奇 您可能知道它是一个锦标赛城镇,但莱斯布里奇 的魅力远不止 于此。
The public, reading the news about what seems to be a pending race war in the US, feels there is more than meets the eye in the recent developments.
阅读有关美国即将爆发种族战争的新闻的公众感觉, 最近的事态发展比表面上看到的要复杂得多
There is more than meets the eye : The name says it how it is-steak knives and pizza knives are qualified specialist with a clear purpose.
不仅仅是外观 :牛排和披萨刀。虽然名字已经说明了功能本身,但这些刀具都是具有明确用途的精英专业人士。
There’s much more to OneNote than meets the eye .
OneNote 提供的功能 远比表面看上去的 要多。
As in Iga, there is more than initially meets the eye , including hidden exits.
与伊贺的忍者宅邸一样,房屋内 也设有 隐藏出口等 机关
Is there more to virtualization than meets the eye ?
我们能否 对虚拟化抱有比目前看到的更多的期望
There’s more to this painting than meets the eye .
正如 你所看到的 ,这是一幅丙烯画 的男人 ,但 它不是画在画布上的。
There is more to Dan than meets the eye however.
但丹的魅力 不止于此
There is more in life than meets the eye .
There’s far more here than meets the eye .
There’s more to this painting than meets the eye .
这幅画中隐藏的东西 比我们看到的还要多。
But might there be more to these myths than meets the eye ?
但这些神话 是否比表面上看到 的更真实呢?
Is there more to this agreement than meets the eye ?

听“ more than meets the eye ”!

读法是【ðæðæn* ðə* aɪ*ɪ】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ðæðæn* ðə* aɪ*ɪ】。

【必听】美国人解释“more than meets the eye”的含义
