【英语单词】彻底解释“more responsibility”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“more responsibility”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“more responsibility”的意思

“more responsibility” 是由二个英文单词( more、responsibility )组合而成的一个单词短语。


参考:「more responsibility」示例短语列表

例句 It is time parents were forced to take more responsibility .
现在是父母被迫承担 更多 责任 的时候了。
【英语单词】彻底解释“more responsibility”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
例句 Are you ready to handle more responsibility ?
您准备好承担 更多 责任 了吗?
例句 It has been about players’ attitudes and them taking more personal responsibility on the field.
这是关于球员的态度以及在球场上承担 更多的 个人 责任

more responsibility是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

To have more responsibility at work?
在工作中承担 更多责任
He gradually took on more responsibility in various regional posts.
他逐渐在当地的各个岗位上承担起 更多的责任
Now is not the time to take on more responsibility or assignments.
现在不是承担 更多责任 和任务的时候。
Schröder took a certain risk with this decision as he wanted Hingst to take more responsibility .
施罗德冒着做出这个决定的风险,因为他希望辛斯特在俱乐部承担 更多责任
After some time passes, you will be given more and more responsibility , until you are allowed to attempt your first actual tattoo.
一段时间后,您将被赋予 更多责任 ,直到您被允许尝试您的第一个真正的纹身。
That will force manufacturers of connected devices to step forward and take on more responsibility when it comes to protecting their computers.
展望未来,互联设备制造商将被迫在保护其计算机方面承担 更多责任
Debate if you think hunger or immigration rights or gun control or health care for sick kids are issues that the US should take more responsibility for.
(如果你考虑辩论饥饿或移民权利或枪支管制或患病儿童的医疗保健等问题,这些问题需要美国承担 更多责任
I feel that they do not have self-blame Mix of travel, more responsibility should be by the local government and travel agencies to bear the responsibility. short-sightedness is caused by the local government’s tourism value spots reasons for the decline, they do not know why the tourists going to Wuyuan, they have from the field based solely on the commercialization of the tourist attractions learned experience to develop Wuyuan, causing blind development, blind construction.
我觉得,由于他们本身并没有把旅游责任混为一谈,所以地方政府和旅行社需要承担 更多的责任 。 由于当地政府造成景点旅游价值近视降低的原因,他们不知道为什么游客会到五渔湾,他们外地只是根据旅游景点商业开发五园,造成了视障的发展,据悉盲目的施工经验。
The government must have more responsibility .
政府 应承担更多责任
I feel more responsibility compared to before.
我感觉 以前更有 责任了
His success as a fighter pilot also led to promotions and more responsibility as an officer.
他作为战斗机飞行员的成功 使 他晋升为机长。
His next goal: to become a qualified technician in mechanical engineering in order to take on even more responsibility .
我的下一个目标是获得机械工程师资格并承担 比以前更多的责任
He added that the new name comes with more responsibility to represent the entire Cryptocurrency sector positively.
他补充说,新名称 负责 积极代表整个加密货币领域。
Producing and acting in the film-it just means more responsibility .
一边做制作一边演戏意味着你 有更多的责任
As the industry shifts increasingly towards modular supply, automakers are requiring suppliers to share more responsibility for warranty and recall claims.
随着向模块化汽车的转变继续,汽车制造商要求供应商在出现保修和召回问题时承担 更多 责任
Jacob Rogers, now in his late 70s, gradually passed more and more responsibility to Wells until Rogers resigned the presidency in 1893.
雅各布·罗杰斯 (Jacob Rogers) 赋予了威尔斯 越来越多的 责任 ,直到他于 1893 年 70 多岁时辞去总统职务。
Many of you dream of wealth, but it carries far more responsibility than you might imagine.
你们中的许多人都梦想着财富,但财富带来的 责任 比您想象的要大得多。
Now that the United States was requesting that Japan take more responsibility for its own defense, Chinese worried more that Japan would again become militaristic.
现在,美国要求日本为自己的防务承担 更多责任
Of course, more freedom also means more responsibility , which we were happy to take, because we believed in our work.
当然,我们 拥有的自由越多,我们的责任就越大 ,但这正是我们想要的,因为我们对我们的研究充满信心。
I got you pegged for fry cook this summer, and that’s a lot more responsibility .
今年夏天,我将晋升为炒菜厨师 ,但我将承担更多责任。

听‘ more responsibility ’的‘更多责任’声音!

读法是【mɔr riˌspɑnsəˈbɪləti】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【mɔr riˌspɑnsəˈbɪləti】。

【必听】美国人解释“more responsibility”的含义
