【英语单词】彻底解释“mizrachi”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“mizrachi”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

mizrachi是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

In fact, years ago, both York and his colleague Michael Mizrahi , of the Community Operations team, worked in Zendesk Support as agents-York from Los Angeles and Mizrahi from New York.
事实上,直到几年前,York 还在洛杉矶担任 Zendesk 支持代理,而他的同事 Michael Mizrahi 在纽约市担任社区运营团队的同事。
Isaac Mizrahi : We’re back on the set.
Niv Mizrahi January 14, 2019 12:39 Updated 1 follower 0 comments 0 votes Main Channels content does not sync (Ripples Content) Troubleshooting Content This article describes how to troubleshoot content issues related to the main content channels.
Niv Mizrahi 更新于 2019 年 1 月 10 日 05:14 0 关注者 0 评论 0 投票 未从移动应用程序接收内容 排除移动应用程序故障 症状: 步骤: 1。
[Big idea.] [Isaac Mizrahi on the Button] No one knows who invented the button.
[小事] [大创意] [Isaac Mizrahi 谈论 纽扣] 我们不知道纽扣是谁发明的
Niv Mizrahi April 04, 2019 12:19 Updated 1 follower 0 comments 0 votes Off Center Troubleshooting Print Quality This article describes how to troubleshoot off centered printing.
Niv Mizrahi 更新于 2019 年 1 月 10 日 02:22 0 关注者 0 评论 0 投票 如果在同一区域发生打印 打印质量故障排除 如果在同一区域发生打印,请尝试以下步骤。
This is often why some dishes in Ashkenazic cuisine are known for being blander than dishes in Sephardic or Mizrahi cuisine.
这也是为什么一些阿什肯纳兹菜肴经常被描述为比塞法迪和 米兹拉希姆 菜肴平淡的原因。
Over the next few years, Campbell’s success grew steadily: she walked the catwalk for such designers as Gianni Versace, Azzedine Alaa, and Isaac Mizrahi , and posed for such photographers as Peter Lindbergh, Herb Ritts, and Bruce Weber.
在接下来的几年里,坎贝尔的成功正在步入正轨。 :她走在 Gianni Versace 等设计师的时装秀上,为 Azzedine Alaa、Isaac Mizrahi 和 Peter Lindbergh 等摄影师摆出姿势。
Articles Recent activity by Niv Mizrahi Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes Organization’s Channel content does not sync (User Channel) Troubleshooting Content This article describes how to troubleshoot content issues related to the Brand Channel. Symptom: Action: 1.
文章作者: Niv Mizrahi 最近活动 按最近活动排序 最近活动 投票 缓慢 UI/应用程序中断 Ripple 不打印故障排除 症状: 步骤: 1. 您的手机内容包含大量 Ripple 内容,请检查是否有。 (如果超过60条,请删除手机内容。
Niv Mizrahi January 03, 2019 13:44 Updated 1 follower 0 comments 0 votes The tray goes up + not printing Troubleshooting Ripple Maker is not Printing This article describes how to troubleshoot a tray that goes up and won’t print.
点击设备部分的“Ripple Maker” … Niv Mizrahi 更新于 2019 年 1 月 10 日 05:37 0 关注者 0 评论 0 票 主频道内容未同步 故障排除 关于内容 症状: 红圈内 周围频道不同步。
And that’s to take Isaac Mizrahi ‘s advice and confront the manipulation of it all, and sort of admit that manipulation is something that we enjoy, but also enjoy how it happens.
我们可以遵循艾萨克 ·米兹拉希(Isaac Mizrahi )的建议,面对我们被操纵的事实,并承认我们喜欢这种操纵及其运作方式。
The tray is sha… Niv Mizrahi July 10, 2019 14:14 Updated 1 follower 0 comments 1 vote Ripple Maker doesn’t turn on\Power button is not working Troubleshooting Ripple Maker is not Printing Symptom: Action: if you are Tier 2 agent, please click here.
Niv Mizrahi 更新于 2019 年 1 月 10 日 03:23 0 位关注者 0 条评论 1 票 Ripple Maker 无法启动/电源按钮不起作用 Ripple 无法打印故障排除 症状: 步骤: 联系我们的支持中心。

听听“ mizrachi ”的陆地声音(发音)!

读法是【mɪzˈrɑːxi】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【mɪzˈrɑːxi】。


