【英语单词】彻底解释“mizoram”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“mizoram”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

mizoram是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

A small crack first appeared on the surface of the town of Mamit in the mountainous northeastern state of Mizoram in 1994.
1994年, 米佐拉姆邦 东北部山区马米特镇的地表首次出现小裂缝。
The Government of Mizoram allows ecofriendly visit to the mountain only during November to April.
出于保护原因, 米佐拉姆邦 政府限制十一月至四月参观这座山。
Times of India 2018/06/5Ten people were killed in a landslide triggered by heavy rain in Mizoram , while the northern states continued to reel under the searing heat today with Churu sweating it out at 48.5 degrees Celsius.
印度时报 2018/06/05 北部各邦出现热浪,其中楚鲁市气温达48.5摄氏度, 米佐拉姆邦 因暴雨引发山体滑坡已造成10人死亡。
Elections will be held across five states-Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram , Telangana and Rajasthan-spread over November 12 until December 7.
选举投票将于11月12日至12月7日在五个邦举行:恰蒂斯加尔邦、中央邦、 米佐拉姆邦 、泰伦加纳邦和拉贾斯坦邦。
Under the terms of the peace accord, Mizoram was granted statehood in February 1987.
根据这项和平协议的条款, 米佐拉姆邦 于 1987 年 2 月获得独立国家地位。
In the Mizoram state of northeast India, BJP won the legislative assembly elections.
在印度东北部 米佐拉姆邦 ,人民党赢得州议会选举。
Mizoram is a small state in the northeast-the only one in the region where the INC holds a majority.
米佐拉姆邦 是东北部的一个小邦。 INC是东北地区唯一一个在该州拥有多数席位的政党。
What is more telling is that the main Opposition party, the Congress, is in power in only four states – its lowest-ever tally – and that include Mizoram and Puducherry.
更重要的是,主要反对党国民党仅在 米佐拉姆邦 和本地治里等四个州执政,创历史新低。
This chapter of insurgency finally came to a close with the signing of the Mizoram Accord on 30 June 1986 between the underground government of the Mizo National Front and the Government of India.
1986年6月30日,米佐民族阵线地下政府与印度政府签署 《米佐拉姆和平 协议》(米佐协议),叛乱进入了最后阶段。
After Rameswaram, it entered Sri Lanka at Delft Island, exited at Jaffna in Sri Lanka, crossed the Bay of Bengal and re-entered India in Mizoram .
经过拉梅斯瓦拉姆后,从代尔夫特岛进入斯里兰卡,经贾夫纳,越过孟加拉湾, 从米佐拉姆邦 再次进入印度。
The Mizo National Famine Front, which was originally formed to help ease the immense sufferings of the people during the severe Mautam Famine in Mizoram , was converted into Mizo National Front (MNF) on 22 October 1961.
米佐民族饥荒阵线最初成立的目的是帮助 米佐拉姆邦 严重毛塔姆饥荒期间的人们摆脱苦难,1961年10月22日改组为米佐民族阵线(MNF)。
Construction is expected to start in October, with a Rs 1,600-crore contract awarded for building 109-km road connecting Paletwa river terminal to Zorinpui in Mizoram .
这条长 109 公里的项目将连接帕雷瓦河码头和佐林普伊,总耗资 160 亿卢比,预计将于 10 月开始建设。
The Chin are of Sino-Tibetan origin and inhabit a mountain chain which roughly covers western Myanmar through to Mizoram in north-east India and small parts of Bangladesh.
钦人是汉藏血统,生活在从缅甸西部到印度东北部的山脉中,包括 米佐拉姆邦和 孟加拉国的部分地区。
The law is presently in force in whole or in parts of the States of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram , Nagaland and Tripura.
目前,AFSPA 已在阿鲁纳恰尔邦、阿萨姆邦、曼尼普尔邦、梅加拉亚邦、 米佐拉姆邦 、那加兰邦和特里普拉邦的全部或部分邦生效。
As a commemoration of this project, the baby girl is going to be given a Japanese name according to MFM. *Update: 2nd June 2016 As a commemoration of this support from Japan and Ms. Hitomi Takahira who is working as a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer (JOCV) in Mizoram District, the baby girl was named “Hitomi”.
据捐赠组织称,将为这名女孩取一个日本名字,以纪念日本的这一支持。 *更新日期:2016年6月2日 “瞳”这个名字是为了纪念日本的支持,并向在 米佐拉姆邦 工作的日本海外协力志愿者成员高平瞳表示感谢。

听听“ mizoram ”的陆地声音(发音)!

读法是【mɪˈzɔːrəm】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【mɪˈzɔːrəm】。

