【英语单词】彻底解释“missionaries”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“missionaries”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


例句 My missionaries are the stores and the artisans and all the staff.
例句 He maintained that she had stuck to protocol when treating the missionaries.
【英语单词】彻底解释“missionaries”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
例句 How are his missionaries doing in selling the word?
例句 His grandfathers were preachers and other family members were missionaries.
例句 Together, they ran a school, which had been founded by missionaries.
【英语单词】彻底解释“missionaries”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
例句 Three missionaries were on the same ship.
例句 The missionaries take great care not to get caught.
例句 The war is estimated to have cost 500,000 lives, including those of missionaries.
据估计,这场战争导致 50 万人丧生,其中包括传教士。
【英语单词】彻底解释“missionaries”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
例句 Protestant missionaries poured in, building schools and hospitals.
例句 Christian crusaders and missionaries had the same aim under a different banner.

missionaries是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Only child of missionaries , grew up in africa,
我刚在非洲长大,是 传教士 的儿子。
Discounts are available for pastors and missionaries .
牧师和 传教士 可享受折扣。
Early missionaries also traveled to parts of Africa.
早期 传教士 也前往非洲部分地区。
During the next ten years all foreign missionaries either fled from China or were murdered by the Communists.
在接下来的十年里,外国 传教士 要么被赶出中国,要么被共产党杀害。
In addition, Portuguese missionaries came to Japan at the middle of the 16th century.
此外,葡萄牙 传教士 于 16 世纪中叶抵达日本。
Both missionaries and cannibals must cross the river safely.
所有 传教士 和食人者必须安全过河。
Three missionaries were killed and eaten by cannibals.
三名 传教士 被食人部落杀害并吃掉。
Padre, you missionaries do not seem to know Japan.
神父,你 这个传教士 似乎对日本一无所知。
Her parents had been missionaries in Africa.
她的父母是非洲的 传教士
In the last couple years, there were only three of us missionaries .
在过去的几年里, 传教士 只剩下三名。
A revival began that sent thousands of missionaries to the ends of the earth.
一场复兴开始了,派遣了数千名 传教士 到世界的尽头。
Our missionaries did not visit person by person.
当我们的 传教士 出去传教时,他们不会到处拜访人。
All Christians and missionaries , both hardwood and soft wood, decided to break free.
所有基督徒和 传教士 ,无论是硬木还是软木,都决定免费解散。
Also school song of Yale University where many missionaries were graduated from, uses the same melody.
同样的旋律也被用在当时许多 传教士 的母校耶鲁大学的校歌中。
Our Unification Church missionaries live without luxurious furnishings and use only the most basic household goods.
我们 传教士的 生活没有豪华的家具,只有最基本的生活用具。
After him, many missionaries came to Japan, and the number of Christians increased.
此后, 传教士 陆续来到日本,基督徒人数不断增加。
That was by the year 2010 to send out 2,000 missionaries , and to raise up 10,000 workers.
这意味着到2010年将派遣2,000名 传教士 并雇用10,000名工人。
Nobunaga accepted foreign soldiers who came with missionaries and adopted them as his own soldiers.
他们接受随 传教士 而来的外国士兵,并雇用他们作为自己的士兵,无论其国籍如何。
Spring Bridge Lighting: Montreal’s exact birthday falls on May 17th – the day in 1642 when French missionaries first came ashore.
春桥照明:蒙特利尔的确切生日是 1642 年 5 月 17 日,这一天是法国 传教士 首次登陆的日子。
Most of the first missionaries entering Japan during this time were Portuguese Jesuits.
当时, 传教士 初期,来到日本的人大多是来自葡萄牙的耶稣会僧侣。

听“ missionaries ”地道发音(发音)!

读法是【ˈmɪʃənərɪ】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈmɪʃənərɪ】。

