【英语单词】彻底解释“minshuku”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“minshuku”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


例句 Minshuku often serve as the only type of accommodation in towns or villages too small to warrant a dedicated hotel or ryokan.
【英语单词】彻底解释“minshuku”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

minshuku是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

In the farmstay minshuku , guests can enjoy farm activities all year round and not just during harvest season.
农家乐 ,您一年四季都可以体验农耕,而不仅仅是收获季节。
After returning to the port, we prepare you snacks at Niiya minshuku .
返回港口后,我们将在 宾馆 为您提供便餐。
Almost all of the houses are now souvenir shops, dining establishments and minshuku B&Bs, and at this time, Ouchi-juku has transitioned from farming over to a tourism industry.
大内宿的大部分房屋都被改造成纪念品商店、餐馆或 宾馆 ,现在大内宿已经从农业产业转变为旅游业。
Also day trippers can pay for the ride on a minshuku shuttle bus. ( Please contact a minsuku for the ride in advance.)
一日游游客还可以付费乘坐 宾馆 的班车。
One of the ancestors of 81-year-old Taguchi Tomisaburou, a minshuku owner on Ojika island, had a particularly profound link with Funamori.
船森家族 | 船森 – 心旅(长崎、天草地区与基督教有关的隐秘遗产) 在小值贺岛上经营 旅馆 的田口富三郎(81 岁)的祖先与船森有着深厚的渊源。
In 1937, sixteen houses of local guides in Hosono gained permission to provide lodging for travelers – marking the beginning of the minshuku business.
1937年,细野登山向导的16间房屋获得警察许可,开始作为 宾馆 营业,标志着日本宾馆的开始。
Day 2: Home of Wasabi After staying in a local Japanese minshuku , the owner of the hotel decides to help the team by escorting them out of town and deeper south into the Izu Peninsular.
第二天:静冈芥末产地 团队入住当地一家 宾馆 。老板决定一路护送我们去伊豆半岛南部。
When you get off at the bus stop for Totsukawa Onsen, you will find everything conveniently around you including the public baths, ryokan, minshuku inns and souvenir shops.
如果在十津川温泉巴士站下车,除了这些公共浴池之外,附近还有很多旅馆、 旅馆 、土特产店,非常方便。
Visiting a minshuku inn, Waguuraso, which offers fresh seafood caught in the Wagu fishing harbor of Shima town, we had the restaurant owner, Kiyomitsu Yamamoto, cook a Sekogiri dish with fresh fish.
可以品尝到志摩町和牛渔港捕获的新鲜海鲜的 民宿 和宫庄庄的店主山本清光先生,请来了ikizukuri等,用新鲜的鱼制作了切切。
Shin-Hirayu Onsen has a variety of accommodations ranging from modern hotels to Japanese-style ryokan, Tochio Onsen is known for its simplicity with unassuming B&B-type minshuku , and Shin-Hotaka Onsen has that resort flavor at its location as the gateway for Mt.Yarigatake and Mt.Hotaka.
新平汤温泉拥有从现代酒店到日式旅馆的各种住宿设施,栃尾温泉是一个质朴的温泉区,拥有一系列朴素的 旅馆 ,新穗高温泉位于矢鹿山和穗高山的入口处,很有度假胜地的感觉,各有各的个性,奥飞驒温泉乡的魅力就在于可以享受。
After this unprecedented disaster, the Kizuna (Bond of Friendship) Project was started as a part of Japanese reconstruction plans. Under this project, a group of students from West Vancouver Secondary School visited Japan from March 1 to 13. Their itineraries included various activities in Miyagi Prefecture, such as touring Yuriage, the most devastated neighbourhood in Natori City; visiting temporary housing for the tsunami evacuees while staying in a minshuku (bed-and-breakfast) in the Oku Matsushima area; and participating in exchanges with students from Seiwa Gakuen High Schools in Sendai City.
在为应对这场史无前例的灾难而启动的“Kizuna 强化项目”下,西温哥华高中的学生于 3 月 1 日至 13 日访问了宫城县名取市 Yuriage 区和奥松岛的受灾地区。入住 宾馆 、参观临时住房、与仙台青和学园的学生进行交流。
Gassho style Minshuku – Page 2 – Shirakawa-go
合掌 民宿 – 第2页 – 白川乡观光协会
This is the entrance of ‘ Minshuku Matabe’.
这是Matabe 旅馆 的入口。
In this area, there is ‘ Minshuku Matabe’.
有一家 旅馆 叫Matabe。
The nearest airport is Kagoshima Airport, 48 km from Minshuku Suzukaze.
最近的机场是鹿儿岛机场,距离 Minshuku Suzukaze有48公里。
For those ferry travelers, I would highly recommend an accommodation ” Minshuku Kumejima (Annex),” which is easily found from the port because of its brilliant white and saxe blue appearance.
对于这些人来说,推荐的住宿是 久米岛 民宿(别馆),它的外观是明亮的白色和萨克斯蓝色的,从港口就可以看到。
Kagoshima is 49 km from Minshuku Suzukaze, while Kirishima is 44 km away.
Minshuku Suzukaze距离鹿儿岛有49公里,距离雾岛有44公里。
Playing in the wetland and staying the night together with friends at Minshuku was funh.
我在湿地里玩耍,和大家一起睡在 宾馆 里。
After I returned home at my retirement, I started to help our family Minshuku and work for the educational trip.
当他回到退休年龄时,他开始在父母的 宾馆 工作,并担任教育旅行的联系人。
Only drying machine is paid All rooms and indoor space of Minshuku Daikuya are non-smoking, so please use outdoor smoking space.
仅提供烘干机的收费 旅馆 “大久屋”的所有客房均为禁烟客房,馆内禁止吸烟,因此请使用室外的吸烟区。

听“ minshuku ”的土声(发音)!

读法是【mɪnˈʃuːkuː 】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【mɪnˈʃuːkuː 】。

