【英语单词】彻底解释“minister of the crown”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“minister of the crown”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

参考:「minister of the crown」示例短语列表

例句 `I suppose that even you would not discuss a murder attempt during lunch in front of a Minister of the Crown.
【英语单词】彻底解释“minister of the crown”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
例句 My husband is a Minister of the Crown; some standards are expected.
例句 As he is, I believe, a Minister of the Crown, albeit a junior one, couldn’t the Crown provide?

minister of the crown是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

The Law Officers of the Crown are responsible for criminal prosecution work and for providing legal advice to the Crown , ministers and other members of the Assembly of the States of Jersey.
皇家 法律官员负责刑事起诉服务,并向 皇家 部长 和泽西议会其他成员提供法律咨询。
In fact, they continued to serve him as if he were still alive.The Nakatomi Ame-no-Taneko, Minister of the Left, together with his son Usamaro and Kushine (the appointed Ministers for the Crown Prince), started to discuss the funeral arrangements with Kanunakawa-mimi.But his elder half-brother, the Prince Tagishi, now tried to take control of the government.
它为你 服务 ,就好像 你还活着一样 事实上 ,天猫 、久信、 兔麻吕 三人曾就葬礼仪式向鹿野川见皇太子请教,但自从 天皇 去世后,田岸太子突然变得自以为是,试图自己管理政治,连皇太子的意见都懒得听。三个家臣(御手直织)的意见,提出问题却得不到答复,家臣与田岸皇子之间产生了不和。
Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Louis XIV’s Minister of the Navy and Trade, was eager to stuff the coffers of the Crown .
路易十四的海军事务和贸易 部长 让-巴蒂斯特·科尔伯特热衷于扩充国库。
Fearing for his life and that of his regime, King Salman of Saudi Arabia checked into a hospital claiming severe Alzheimer’s disease while his son, the real power, Defense Minister and Crown Prince Salman flew to Russia.
沙特阿拉伯国王萨勒曼因担心自己的生命和政府而住进医院,声称患有严重的阿尔茨海默病,而他的儿子、真正的 国防部长 王储 萨勒曼则访问俄罗斯。我逃走了
This was an unbearable humiliation for her, being the daughter of a minister and the former Crown Prince’s wife, and for this she bore a deep grudge against Lady Aoi.
作为 大臣之 女、 皇太子 前公主,这对她来说是难以忍受的屈辱,她对葵上怀有深深的怨恨。
In 965 he had a coming-of-age ceremony and Sadaijin ( Minister of the Left), MINAMOTO no Takaakira put the crown on him, then on the following year, he married Takaakira’s daughter.
965年,他庆祝元福,加冕 左相源 贵昭,次年与女儿结婚。
He served as Togu gakushi (Teacher of the Classics for the Crown Prince) for Imperial Prince Norihira (later Emperor Reizei) and became Shikibu no taifu (Senior Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies) via Daigaku-ryo (Bureau of Education under the ritsuryo system).
曾担任典平皇子(后来的礼城天皇)的皇太子,在大学宿舍工作后成为 式部大辅
He successfully had the son of his sister made Crown Prince by taking advantage of the Jowa no Hen (Jowa Conspiracy), and when the Crown Prince became Emperor Montoku, he controlled the Imperial government and attained the position of Daijo-daijin (Grand Minister of State).
城羽事变时,妹妹所生的皇子被立为 皇太子 ,文德天皇即位 ,掌握了朝政,并晋升为 大城大神
This can be seen from an article in “Nihonshoki” that in 648, at the time of effectuation of the thirteen grades of cap rank, Ministers of the Left and the Right refused to wear the crowns of the new system.
648 年实行冠爵十三品时, 左右大臣都 拒绝戴新冠就证明了这一点。
He bade farewell to the people in the House of the Sadaijin ( Minister of the Left), those who were close to him and Fujitsubo, and sent farewell letters to the Crown Prince and his wives.
他向 藤壶 和包括佐大人家在内的亲密朋友发出恳求,并向 皇太子 和女士们送去了告别信。
He successively held the posts of Dainaiki (Senior Secretary of the Ministry of Central Affairs), Daigaku no kami (Director of the Bureau of Education), Togu gakushi (Teacher of the Classics to the Crown Prince), and Kunaikyo ( Minister of the Sovereign’s Household).
曾任大学校长大内基、东宫学士、 内务大臣 等职务。
The decline of the power of Genji and sadaijin ( Minister of the left) was significant and Fujitsubo, who did not have an influential guardian, decided to become a priestess in order to protect the crown prince after being annoyed by further courtship from Genji (‘Sakaki’).
源氏家族和佐代 大臣 势力大幅衰退,没有主护的藤壶因受到源氏家族进一步求爱的困扰,为了保护 东宫神社 而选择出家为僧。 )。
His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince delivered an address at the opening ceremony on the first day of the Forum, followed by messages from Mr. Masaji Matsuyama, Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy, Mr. Hiroshi Ogawa, Prefectural Governor of Fukuoka, and Mr. Soichiro Takashima, Mayor of Fukuoka.
在25日星期二举行的开幕式上,我们收到了 皇太子殿下 的致辞,以及时任内阁府 特使大臣 松山正二、福冈县知事小川宏、宗一郎的问候。福冈市市长高岛..
While our Science Minister was here for the Crown Prince’s address, he discovered a roll of microfilm in his suit pocket.
科学 部长 在向王储殿下发表演讲时注意到了他 西装 口袋里的缩微胶卷。
FUJIWARA no Nagate, Minister of the Left, who is said to have made efforts for the investiture of the Imperial Princess Inoe and the investiture of the Crown Prince Osabe, died on March 15,771 and the regime shifted from the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan to the Ceremonial House of the Fujiwara clan, which is also worth paying attention.
另外,据说努力成为井上皇子的皇后、大里 皇子 的皇太子的左相藤原永门,于771年2月21日(农历)去世。以及藤原氏的内政 还值得注意的是,藤原喜多家到藤原志木家的权力更迭。
She is said to have been the daughter of TAIRA no Tsunekata, Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade), Minbu taifu (Senior Assistant Minister of Popular Affairs), Togu no suke (Assistant Master in the Crown Prince’s Quarters), or even the very same woman as 堀河院御乳母典侍紀伊三位師子 who was the daughter of FUJIWARA no Moronaga, but her real father is still unknown.
据说她是民间上位中五品的春宫良平常方大辅的女儿,也是 藤原 师长的乳母、堀川院的保姆纪伊三美诗诗的女儿,所以她的父亲并不确定。
In the era of the Emperor Reizei, as the first daughter of the naidaijin ( minister of the center) (To no chujo), Kokiden no nyogo, was defeated by Itsuki no miya nyogo (later Akiyoshi chugu) in the competition to become the empress, and so he pinned his hope on his second daughter, Kumoi no kari and hoped to make her become the crown princess.
灵城天皇在位期间,长女幸喜传公主在与西宫公主(后来的中宫秋芳)的皇后争夺战中惨败, 内政大臣 (远中条)将希望寄托在次女云井的身上。甘,成为 太子妃 。我希望。
Under the Emperor Godaigo Court, he successively held Bizen gon no jo (the third officer of regional administration in Bizen), Minbu no jo (the third officer of tax and urban improvement department), Gyobu no sho (Junior Assistant Minister of Justice), vice minister of Kageyushicho, Daigaku no kami (Director of the Bureau of Education), and Togu gakushi (Teacher of the Classics of the Crown Prince, and got to Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade) Kokushi (the officer), and Gon no kami (Provisional Governor) in Shinano Province.
At the outset I would like to extend personal greetings to His Majesty the Emperor, His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince, and to His Excellency, Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita.
密克罗尼西亚联邦总统约翰·H·哈格勒加姆 首先,我 谨向 天皇陛下、 皇太子 殿下和首相竹下升致以个人问候。
The farewell reception, held in a hotel in Brussels, was attended by the Crown Prince, the Prime Minister and many leaders from various circles. It is indeed a brilliant history.
这次在布鲁塞尔酒店举行的告别酒会,有比利时 王储 首相等 多位各界领导人出席,堪称一段辉煌的历史。

听听“ minister of the crown ”的陆地音(发音)!

读法是【ˈˈmɪn·ɪ·stər* ðə* kraʊn*】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈˈmɪn·ɪ·stər* ðə* kraʊn*】。

【必听】美国人解释“minister of the crown”的含义
