【英语单词】彻底解释“membership renewal”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“membership renewal”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“membership renewal”的意思

“membership renewal” 是由二个英文单词( membership、renewal )组合而成的一个单词短语。


参考:「membership renewal」示例短语列表

Board membership renewal rates and the quality of members are increasing.
【英语单词】彻底解释“membership renewal”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
These are used to calculate the member’s eligibility for membership renewal , upgrade or downgrade during the membership year.
Seals become inactive when a sealholder’s membership renewal and annual seal fees are not paid.

membership renewal是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

It is necessary to unsubscribe by the day before the membership renewal date.
您必须在 会员资格续订 日期的前一天取消您的会员资格。
Changes to Membership Period A membership renewal notice will be sent to the member by E-mail about two months before expiration of the membership.
) 6. 关于会员期限的更新 在会员期限到期前大约两个月,我们将通过电子邮件向您发送 会员期限更新的 信息。
Membership Renewal Renewing your membership Points will be carried over if membership cards are renewed before the expiration date specified on the card.
关于更新 您的会员卡。如果您的卡在卡上显示的到期日期后 30 天内续订,则拥有积分的用户将能够续订而不会失去积分。
About two months before expiration of your membership (the expiration date is on the reverse of your Member’s Card), you will receive an E-mail with the subject “MAMC, Membership Renewal .”
在您的会员资格到期日期(写在您的会员卡上)之前大约两个月,您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含 有关如何续订会员资格的说明
If a Student Member cannot prove that he or she is still enrolled a school prescribed in Article 2, paragraph 2 at the time of membership renewal for the following year, then his or her membership status shall be changed to that of General Member.
学生会员 续会 时,如无法证明其就读于第二条第二项所定学校者,应转为正式会员。
About credit cards Please contact the following department for any troubles relating to credit card payment or credit management, or if you have erroneously made a double payment or your credit card seems to be unusable. Available in English and Japanese CREDIX Customer Support Center (24 hours/day, 7 days/week) TEL:83-6832-1339 About ID and password Please contact the following department if you have any troubles relating to the ID and password, or if you have not received a password or have lost your ID and password. Available in English and Japanese CREDIX Customer Support Center (24 hours/day, 7 days/week) TEL:83-6832-1339 About automatic membership renewal If you have selected the credit card payment, your membership will be automatically renewed until canceled as described in the “Membership Registration Procedure” within the “Start Guide.”
信用卡问题 如果您在信用卡付款或信用管理方面遇到任何问题,例如意外重复付款或无法使用信用卡,请联系以下联系信息。 *提供日语和英语服务 CREDIX Customer Support Co., Ltd.(全年 365 天、每天 24 小时) TEL: 0570-07-3210 (TEL 03-6832-1339) 关于会员资格的自动更新 请参阅会员资格 入门指南中的 注册程序如上所述,本服务是自动续订网站,会员合同将自动延续,除非客户自行取消会员资格。
Membership registration renewal | MYUTRON If you are member from our website, you can download STEP file.
会员 页面 已更新 | 如果您注册为Myutron 会员 ,则可以下载每个文档。
Renewal and membership application documents are being updated to provide IDD-compliant remuneration disclosures in respect of the Managers’ remuneration.
续约 登记 表将更新,以提供符合 IDD 要求的俱乐部管理员薪酬披露。
Gentle reminder on renewal of membership fee, probably of club or library.
巧妙地提醒人们缴纳俱乐部或图书馆的 会费
Plus, PRO, Business, and Premium members can also renew their membership before the auto- renewal date.
Plus、PRO 或 Business 会员还可以在 自动续订 之前续订 其会员资格
Akita AIR Net Application PDF/WORDAkita AIR Net Activities Report PDF/WORD Membership Fees None Renewals At the end of every fiscal year your group must submit an activities report to AIA.
秋田县国际活动民间组织网络会员申请表 PDF/WORD 秋田县国际活动民间组织网络活动报告 PDF/WORD 会员费 免费 续会 在年底,我们协会将向您发送一份活动报告。
Rapha will use this information to provide the services requested, maintain records, notify Members of important information regarding an individual’s membership (such as renewal notices), develop the organisation and, if the Member agrees, send the Member information on things that may be of interest to them.
Rapha 将使用这些信息向您提供您需要的服务、维护记录、通知您有关 您的会员资格 的重要信息(例如与 续订 相关的信息)、发展我们的组织,并且只有在您同意的情况下,我们才会向您发送我们的会员可能感兴趣的信息。
You can change this option back to “Yes” at any time.To ensure your choice is processed correctly by our system, we recommend you make any changes to your auto-renew settings at least 48 hours before your membership is due to expire.If this option is not visible in your Membership Settings, auto- renewal is not available for your current membership .
您还可以通过选择“是”随时设置自动更新。请在 您的会员资格 到期前至少 48 小时完成更改,以确保系统正确处理您的选择。
The membership settings page displays information regarding your subscription, including automatic renewal dates.
会员 设置页面显示有关您的订阅的信息,包括自动 续订 日期。
Your automatic renewal will now be switched off for the current membership period.
您当前 会员资格 的自动 续订 将被 取消
Membership cards are only shipped out upon first application, and not on renewal .
会员 卡仅在加入时发送,办理续费手续后不再发送 续费
Your automatic renewal will now be switched off for the current membership period.
要更改 照片 的顺序,照片 1 必须可见。
“DOMIN Membership Number”: Valid membership number displayed on My Page after accomplishment of registration or renewal procedures.
Domin 会员 号码:指已注册并 更新 并显示在我的页面上的有效 会员 号码。
Membership Settings – MapMyFitness Help & Support In order to edit your payment method, add a new credit card, or change your auto- renewal settings you will want to visit your Membership Settings page.
会员 设置 – MapMyFitness 帮助和支持 要编辑您的付款方式、添加新信用卡或更改 自动续订 设置,请访问 会员 设置页面。
To change your auto- renewal settings, please go to your Membership Settings page and turn off the auto- renewal of your membership .
要更改您的 自动续订 设置,请转到您的 会员资格 设置页面并关闭 您的会员资格 自动续订

听“ membership renewal ”声!

读法是【ˈmɛmbərˌʃɪp rɪˈnuəl】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈmɛmbərˌʃɪp rɪˈnuəl】。

【必听】美国人解释“membership renewal”的含义

