【英语单词】彻底解释“meaning is clear”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“meaning is clear”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“meaning is clear”的意思

“meaning is clear” 是由三个英文单词( meaning、is、clear )组合而成的一个单词短语。

  • 「meaning」 的意思是: 词语、符号或动作的意义是它们所代表或指示的内容。 ] 它被用作一个含义。
  • clear ”的意思是“容易理解”


参考:「meaning is clear」示例短语列表

例句 That grammatical construction is quite complex, but the meaning is clear .
它的语法结构相当复杂,但 意思 明确
【英语单词】彻底解释“meaning is clear”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
例句 This time, though, the meaning was abundantly clear .
不过这一次的 意思 却很 明确 了。
例句 The meaning is clearer when spoken aloud.
当你大声说出来时, 意思 就会变得 更清楚

meaning is clear是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

When the meaning is clear from context, the symbol +∞ is often written simply as ∞.
当从上下文中 含义清楚 时,正无穷符号+∞通常简单地写为∞。
For me the meaning is clear – living creatures do and will exist beyond the physical.
对我来说, 意义很明确 :生物在物质世界之外的维度中存在并继续存在。
In common usage and where the meaning is clear in context, we will sometimes use simply “Event” when discussing “Event Records”.
在通常的用法中,如果从上下文中 含义清楚 ,“事件”可以用来指代“事件记录”。
The quality of each component being easy to decipher (readability) is determined by whether a component’s meaning is clear , whether its content is simple, whether it is stereotypical, and whether it can be understood independent of other components.
每个部分的解读难易程度(可读性)取决于 该部分的含义是否清晰 、内容是否简单、类型是否明确以及能否独立于其他部分来理解。
The meaning is clear : to have made Trump sit at the negotiating table for nothing, means that North Korea, in addition to having nuclear power, has, from this moment, also the diplomatic force to deal on a par with the US.
让特朗普坐到谈判桌上而不做任何事, 意味着 朝鲜除了拥有核力量之外,从此还 拥有 与美国同等水平的外交力量。
The public is not noticing these efforts, as they are kept out of the mainstream press. But for those tracking such revealing plans and actions, the meaning is clear .
公众 不知道这些努力,因为他们避开主流新闻媒体。
But for those tracking such revealing plans and actions, the meaning is clear . The US government, FEMA, expects the New Madrid disaster to occurs soon, and is saying nothing to its citizenry about it!
但对于那些遵循这些被揭露的计划和活动的人来说, 真正的意图 显而易见的
The intended meaning is usually clear from the context.
从上下文来看,预期的 含义 通常 很清楚
According to another authority, his parents did not raise him but the meaning is not clear .
一种说法是他不是由父母养大的,但这 句话的含义并不清楚
In cases where the intended meaning is n’t clear , using the full terms avoids ambiguity.
如果预期 含义不明确 ,请使用完整的单词以便清楚起见。
I wonder what kind of back-and-forth communication, if any, occurs when a given sentence’s meaning is not clear . ↩
当句子的 意思 不清楚时,您与客户进行什么样的互动?
Discovering or rediscovering meaning is about getting clear on what’s most important to you and aligning your choices with those priorities.
寻找 重新发现 意义 可以帮助我们 弄清楚 什么对我们来说最重要,并使我们未来的选择与我们的优先事项保持一致。
(Original) Artistic License We cannot say that this is a free software license because it is too vague; some passages are too clever for their own good, and their meaning is not clear .
(原件)艺术许可证 我们不能称其为自由软件许可证。因为太模糊了。有些段落对于其预期目的来说过于复杂,而且 其含义也不清楚
We cannot say that this is a free software license because it is too vague; some passages are too clever for their own good, and their meaning is not clear .
有些段落对于其预期目的来说过于复杂,而且 其含义也不清楚
In a foreshadowing of his ultimate fate, Tom Nero’s name is written under the chalk drawing of a man hanging from the gallows; the meaning is made clear by the schoolboy artist pointing towards Tom.
仿佛是为了预示他的命运,汤姆·尼禄的名字 用粉笔潦草地写在了绞刑架上的男人的画下面,表明艺术家把汤姆当作了主角。
Even if the meaning is relatively clear , simple mistakes such as misspelling, or spacing, which most native speakers know by age 5 or 6, can have a more negative effect than you would expect on the reviewer and can lead to a rejection.
即使您了解了 一般含义 ,犯一些简单的错误,例如拼写错误和空格(大多数母语人士在 5 或 6 岁时就知道这些错误)可能会给审稿人带来比您想象的更负面的影响。这可能会给人留下负面印象并导致拒绝。
If I settle icPod just in front of the Dock, the meaning of name Pod is clear ; stable dock and mobile pod.
如果您将 iPod 放在底座前面,您就会明白它的象征 意义 。一个固定底座和一个便携式吊舱。
For example, zazen, the cross-legged posture of seated meditation that brings mind, body and breath into harmony, and Zen calligraphy-the transcription of words from Zen literature-are not easy, but the meaning behind them is clear .
比如打坐、调和身、呼吸、意的“坐禅”,以及抄写禅宗文献中的禅语的“修禅悟”,虽然并不容易,但 内容却很明确
Because the meaning of inscription is getting clear to some extent, the front and back side can be distinguished.
之所以能分清正反面,是因为我们已经在一定程度上 理解了铭文的含义
The word ‘Sokutenkyoshi’ was not written by Soseki in his sentences, but dictated by his disciples, therefore, its meaning is not very clear (according to an opinion, it is understood as a guiding principle for human life, and according to another opinion, it is understood as an attitude in creation.)
不过,“少十行我”这个词并不是漱石本人写的,而是他的弟子们根据漱石所说的话写下来的,其 含义并不一定很明确 (这是人们对事物的一种指导)。 live)。有一些理论将其视为一种创造性态度,而另一些理论则将其视为一种创造性态度。)

听听“ meaning is clear ”的土声(发音)!

读法是【ˈminɪŋ ɪz klɪr】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈminɪŋ ɪz klɪr】。

【必听】美国人解释“meaning is clear”的含义
