【英语单词】彻底解释“mean sun”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“mean sun”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

mean sun是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

For the synodic month, the sidereal period of the mean Sun (or Earth) and the Moon.
Santomoon的意思是“ SUN (太阳)和MOON”(月亮)。
In the indigenous Mochica language, its name is Jang-Jang, which means Sun-Sun .
Chan Chan 在奇穆王国使用的穆奇语中被写为 Jang-Jang, 意思是 “太阳-太阳”。
Inti means the sun , while Raymi means festival.
Inti 是盖丘亚语, 意思是 太阳 raymi 意思是节日。
When people talk about RPC they most often mean the Sun RPC variant.
在正常情况下,它经常 用来指 Sun 的RPC 实现。
By the way, Chura Tida means beautiful sun in Okinawa dialect.
顺便说一下,“Churatida”在冲绳方言中 是“美丽的太阳”的意思
“Software” means the Sun software described in your Entitlement.
(e) 软件 是指 您的权利中指定的 Sun 软件。
Full sun means a minimum of 5 hours per day.
充足的 阳光 意味着 每天至少 5 小时。
There are three Yanchi the whole party ink-stone, left for the sun and the moon in the middle is a map of China, it means sun and the moon Tong-hui.
三雁齐万方砚台是中国地图上留下的月亮,中间为 太阳 ,但孙会, 意思是 同月。
Full sun means a minimum of 5 hours of sunlight daily.
充足的 阳光意味着 每天至少有 5 小时的阳光照射。
Humanity’s sun means the Parents of Humankind.
人类的 太阳 代表 人类的父母。
In mantra M means the Sun , other sounds mean elements, planets and zodiac signs.
老虎M代表 太阳 ,其他 声音 代表 元素行星和黄道十二宫。
That means the Sun would, if I could view it, be 360º.
意味着 如果我能看到 太阳 ,它就是 360°。
It was given the present name by the 15th emperor Ojin when he traveled to Omi province and his tentative palace was set up at this shrine.As the emperor saw double rings around the sun , he ordered to build a shrine hall here and named Himure no Yashiro Hachimangu Shrine, which means Sun Gathering Shrine.
因第十五代应神天皇出使近江时在此设置了宝座, 据说 从这里可以看到两个 太阳 环,因此得名日向八幡宫。后来又修建了神社,并建造了神社。名为“姬氏八代八幡宫”。
Wanding Bridge “Wanting” in Chinese means “the sun when the top place.”
把它放在畹町桥的顶端 ,畹町桥的中文意思是 “白天”
A wobble means when the Sun rises in the east, it will not be at exactly the azimuth expected.
摆动 是指 太阳 从东方升起时,它不一定处于预期的方位角。
The uniform interface is also available for low-voltage drives.This means that interior sun protection installations can also be controlled intelligently and accurately.
SMI甚至可以与低压电机一起使用,从而可以智能、准确地安装和调节室内 遮阳帘 等简单设备。
means ‘the sun ‘ in hawaiian, ‘her’ in Spanish and ‘you’ in latin.
Galerie 致力于传达 Lã 的含义:“ 太阳 (夏威夷语)、女朋友(西班牙语)、你(拉丁语)”,我们将其传递给大家,像温暖的光芒一样照亮你美妙的情感。马苏。
After a day-watt, they reached the destination of our trip – Aden, which means the sun rose out of place.
一天后,Wat从原来的位置升起——我们此行的目的地——亚丁,也就 意味着 这一天
Taiyo Ink was established as a manufacturing and marketing company for printing ink in Minato-ku, Tokyo. In Japanese, “taiyo” means sun “.
我们公司成立于东京都港区芝 滨松 町,旨在制造和销售印刷油墨。
It means sun ” or “King’s throne”.
它的意思是 太阳 或王座。

听听“ mean sun ”的土声(发音)!

读法是【sʌn*】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【sʌn*】。

【必听】美国人解释“mean sun”的含义
