【英语单词】彻底解释“mealie”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“mealie”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

mealie是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Why would a poor little faun like me lie to you?
这样可怜的法努斯为什么要对你 撒谎
Why would a poor little faun like me lie to you? Proceed.
我怎么知道你没有 说谎
You made me lie to your aunt.
有时 我的心会因回忆而疼痛
My fate and the fate of the world around me lie inside my hands.
我的命运以及我所生活的世界的命运都 掌握 在我的手中。
And so that’s what makes me lie awake at night, I guess, you know.
也许我总是在想这个,这让我彻夜 难眠
Ancient secluded, quiet, and so the feeling of the ancient city of Qufu had seen, when the moon is inclined in a withered tree, the scene that really want time to dock, let me lie quietly Gobi Desert, leisurely viewing.
曲阜古城给人的感觉是古老、安静、与世隔绝,当满月被枯树斜斜的时候,码头上真想时光的情景,是一个安静的 谎言 ,让我知道 慢慢观看戈壁滩。
I asked some questions to fill out my card: name, surname, illnesses, etc. This board serves the, I explained, to understand the patient’s history. At this point he made me lie down on a special mat, the treatment is carried out on the ground.
我问了几个问题来填写我的卡片:名字、姓氏、病情等。我已经解释过,这张卡片是为了了解病人的病史。此时 被要求 躺在 一个特殊的垫子 ,治疗是在地面上进行。
WEBER NEW SINGLE “Let me lie ” Release event – MAGCUL (Please note that this page was created using Google’s automatic translation service and understand that because of this, its translation may not necessarily be accurate.)[Event contents] Mini Live & Bonus (High Touch & Handshake & Hand Signed Shikishi & Handshake) Admission free Advance entrance area will be set in front of the stage.
WEBER新单曲《My Memories Lie 》发售纪念活动 – Magcal [活动内容] 迷你现场&特别活动(高五活动&握手活动&签名赠品&握手活动) 免费观看 舞台前提前入场区 我们将设置向上。
Omurice in front leading the way, walk a few steps to stop and wait for me will be encountered sad shake of the stone and Hom, the total rotation to patiently pointing and hand; traffic police walking behind me and supervision, and would not let me lie down or sit down and rest, and even Even packages are not allowed to unload, said that this would increase the burden of re-start, so I had to bow into a shrimp body, the body resting on top of the double stick.
煎蛋饭前面,交警走了几步,耐心地指着铅石,遇到了红咸那悲伤的手,手上的全程旋转。交警走在我和导演的身后。而这个, 无法 躺下 或坐下,而且包裹也不被允许卸下,所以我在虾的体内鞠躬。压力又开始增加,身体靠在双杆上。
You made me lie .
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
You just want me to come running out to kick that ball so you can pull it away and see me lie flat on my back and kill myself.
我在一张纸上写下:“ 永远不会让你走。”
He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, (3) he refreshes my soul.
(2-3) 主 我到肥沃的牧场,带领我到温柔的溪畔。
Each time she layers on the foam, it’s like my skin is being wrapped by a cloud ( ^^ ) The neck area finished, Ms. Shimizu has me lie down and cleanses my face.
蓬松的泡沫轻轻包裹着肌肤(^^) 脸部方面,洁面后,用蒸毛巾将洗面奶擦掉。
He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, (3) he refreshes my soul.He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.
2 他使 躺卧 青草 地上,又带我在海水旁。 3 他使我的灵魂苏醒,并为神的名引导我走义路。
David confesses about this Shepherd, the Lord, The LORD is my shepherd.I shall not be in want.He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul.
主是我的牧者。我从来都没有想要过。 2 耶和华使我躺卧在青草地上,又带我到大水的岸边。
Larry, you only told me one lie .
然而,帝一告诉我,我只是在一件事情上对他 撒了谎
Never tell me a lie again.
别再 了。
She may have told me a lie .
她可能对 撒了
You want me to lie again?
你应该向 船长 解释一下情况。

“mealie”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
mealie 玉米穗 南非 (玉米穗)
mealie 玉米 南非 (玉米)

听“ mealie ”的土声(发音)!

读法是【ˈmiːlɪ】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈmiːlɪ】。

