【英语单词】彻底解释“master a subject”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“master a subject”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“master a subject”的意思

“master a subject” 是由三个英文单词( master、a、subject )组合而成的一个单词短语。


参考:「master a subject」示例短语列表

It seems that when civil servants have been in post long enough to master their subject they get moved on, wasting all that knowledge.
【英语单词】彻底解释“master a subject”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Some will see university as an opportunity for scholarship, seeking to master a subject and test their ideas, pitting them against those of academics and peers.
Working to master the subject , he develops a friendship with his teacher.
Master your subject matter, have confidence, be reliable and sincere.
【英语单词】彻底解释“master a subject”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
I’d mastered the subject after 24 hours, so kicked it in the head.

master a subject是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

However, I believe that what is more important for researchers is to master a single subject and be an expert in that area.
但我觉得更重要的是能够把一件事做得 非常好并且 做到独一无二。
For a long time, women have brought a lot of master pieces as a subject … elegance, delicacy, glamour with women and a capacity as a mother…
女性自古以来就是 摄影 的对象,创造了许多杰作。
Common basic subjects : Science and engineering subjects to master basic knowledge of engineering.
公共基础 科目 由理科科目和工科 科目 组成, 学习 工科基础知识。
Some of the required subjects of master ‘s program will be conducted only in English (no Japanese).
对于那些不懂英语的人,我们计划提供 课堂支持 (日语)。
EMC sponsors the use of NovaNet, an Internet-based instruction tool that North High students use to master math or English subject areas in which they are having difficulty.
EMC 将赞助 NovaNet(一种基于互联网的教学工具)的使用。北方高中的学生使用此工具来学习他们在数学或英语 科目 中不理解的领域。
With it, the student will be able to better master the subject , and also to solve more problems and to check the correctness of the implementation with the help of.
在此,学生将实现解决问题的正确性,以及更多的 硕士 科目
The writers, torn by self-consciousness and battling with an unfamiliar language, develop a strong sense of mission as they tell themselves that they must master the subject of their studies before returning home to Japan.
与自我意识的冲突,与无法沟通的语言的斗争,以及因认识 不学东西就无法回家而产生的强烈使命感。
According to the Graduate School of Engineering guidelines and the Department of Polymer Chemistry’s directory of master ‘s course subjects , the following units must be satisfied.
根据附件、研究生院学习手册、高分子化学系 硕士 课程 科目分布表 分布分类 获得以下学分。
Between these two episodes are inserted the following episodes: the hero’s tragic love affair with Nijo no Kisaki, ‘Azuma Kudari’ where he journeys into Eastern provinces, his amour with Ise Saigu (Vestal Virgin of Ise), and the master-subject love between Imperial Prince Koretaka and him.
在此期间,发生了与二条皇后的悲惨恋情、流放东诸国、与伊势西宫谈判、与是隆皇子的 主仆 爱情等故事。
Not only masters the subject of the report, when the Chinese real estate services group vice president of tourism, China top travel agents and other representatives will participate in the summit and the suggestions.
除中国 硕士 外,出席本 次专题的 还有中国房地产服务集团的负责人、副总裁、旅游旅行社等代表,并提出建议。
We have set up “Advanced Processing System”, “Advanced Aerospace Propulsion Engineering”, and “Field Robotics” for basic subjects to master basic knowledge.
此外,我们还提供处理系统专题讲座等核心课程,以获取基础知识;航空航天推进工程、现场机器人、机械 / 航空航天项目管理专题讲座,以培养通过协作工作构建复杂系统的协调能力。通过科目,我们将培养管理地球的基本技能,以及与社会合作解决 问题 的态度和应用技能。
You need to understand the subjects , understand what kind of people the schools are seeking to have as their students and attitude for study, and understand the examination trends.For that, we opened a class taught by teachers who have a Master ‘s degree at one of the top level national universities, Tokyo University. (*1) They give students ideas of efficient way of studying and of course let you master subjects in an easy way to understand deeply.
当然,你需要对 考试科目 以及日本大学所看重的性格特征、学习态度、考试趋势等有透彻的了解。为此,HAJL 提供 由毕业于日本顶尖国立大学之一东京大学 研究生 院的讲师教授的预备课程。 (*1) 为了帮助您进入您所选择的大学或研究生院,我们提供课程来帮助您加深学习态度、学习方法和对各个学科的理解。
And the island of Mindanao is not spared from this practice more so that its people gave the colonizers a hard time in infiltrating the island during the Spanish colonization in the early 1800s, which gives the continuation of the Master and Subject relationship cultural reality.
棉兰老岛也不例外,1800 年代初定居于此的西班牙殖民者在进入该岛时遇到了相当大的困难。因此, 这种主仆 关系 在岛上文化中根深蒂固。我们的故事也从那里开始。
In the “Research on System Design and Management” special research subject ( master ‘s thesis), they write a thesis on their two years (standard) of research and the findings that they have published in Japan or other countries.
在专项研究 课题 SDM研究( 硕士 论文)中,学生将进行为期两年(标准)的研究,在国内外展示其成果,并撰写成论文。
Master ‘s Core subjects (Required subjects ) Students register for four subjects that help them to master the basics of the design and management of large, complex systems: “Introduction to System Design and Management”, “System Architecting and Integration”, “System Verification and Validation”, and “Project Management”.
具体学科领域和班级名称如下。 1. 核心 科目 (必修 科目 ) 通过学习四个 科目 :系统设计和管理简介、系统架构和集成、系统验证和确认以及项目管理,您将学习设计和管理大型复杂系统的基础知识。
To achieve this objective, the Graduate School of Humanities awards degrees in line with the following two policies: Students shall study in the Graduate School Master ‘s Program Period for two years or more, shall earn the specified credits in common subjects of the Graduate School, elective subjects and master ‘s thesis seminars, and shall receive the necessary research instructions.Then students shall pass a review of the research results of their master ‘s thesis or their specific themes, and the final examinations.
已就读本研究生院硕士课程两年以上,在研究生院公共 科目 、选修 科目 硕士 论文指导研修班中至少获得规定学分,并接受必要的研究指导;已完成 硕士 论文或通过特定主题的研究成果审查和期末考试。
Masters are not experts because they take a subject to its conceptual end.
大师 大师的不同之处在于,他将自己的作品推向了概念的极端。
Master a new craft or hobby.
掌握 新的手艺或爱好。
How many CDs do you master a year?
您每年 掌握了 多少张 CD?
Has a reputation as a subject matter expert
被公认为 主题 专家

听听“ master a subject ”的俗音(发音)!

读法是【ˈmæstər ə ˈsəbʤɪkt】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈmæstər ə ˈsəbʤɪkt】。

【必听】美国人解释“master a subject”的含义
