【英语单词】彻底解释“master a language”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“master a language”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“master a language”的意思

“master a language” 是由三个英文单词( master、a、language )组合而成的一个单词短语。

  • 「master」 的意思是: 养狗的人
  • 语言 ”是指[由声音、单词和语法组成的交流系统]。


参考:「master a language」示例短语列表

The world opens up for you this year as you master the language of luck and love.
【英语单词】彻底解释“master a language”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Yet not only did he master the language , he also reached the level of interpreter.
No matter how hard we study, we’ll never master the language with quite the same fluency.
Even if you’re starting to master the language of fashion, getting the pronunciation wrong will instantly mark you out as a hopeless parvenu.
【英语单词】彻底解释“master a language”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
What tips can help us to master a language more quickly?

master a language是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

My classes are a mix of interesting texts, grammar drills, and easy tools to help you to master a language .
我的课程包括有趣的文本、语法练习和简单的 语言掌握 工具。
After graduating college, I wanted to master a language and chose to move to Japan and stay until I could read, write and speak Japanese like it was second nature.
大学毕业后,我想 掌握至少一门外语 ,所以我搬到了日本,并决定在我能像我的母语一样读、写、说日语之前不再返回。
This is the main path you need to follow in order to master a foreign language .
请快速回复聊天和交流!这是 学习 外语 必须走的康庄大道。
You chose this university to learn and master a foreign language .
这意味着你 终于 开始明白学习 外语 的真正意义了。
However hard one may work, one cannot master a foreign language in a year or two.
不管你学得多好,你也不可能在一两年内 掌握 一门 外语
It takes us a long time to master a foreign language .
我们需要很长时间才能 掌握 一门 外语
It’s by no means easy to master a foreign language .
精通 一门 外语 绝非易事。
It takes a great deal of practice to master a foreign language .
学习 外语 需要大量练习。
I think that it is impossible to master a foreign language by self-learning.
我认为通过自学来 学习 外语 是不可能的。
The best way to master a foreign language is to go to the country where it is spoken.
学习 外语的 最好方法是去说该语言的国家。
If I want to master a foreign language , I must study as much as possible.
如果你想 掌握 一门 外语 ,你必须尽可能多地学习它。
That interpreter is a master of five languages .
那个翻译 可以自如地讲五种语言
In other words, becoming world-class people means that you acquire a broad range of common sense while understanding the culture and history of each country, in addition to master a foreign language as a communication tool.
这不仅意味着学习 语言 作为交流工具,还意味着了解每个国家的文化和历史并拥有广泛的常识。
In addition to the time it takes to master a local language , I think it requires more time to become able to explain your work in your own words.
除了学习说 本国 语言 需要时间之外,我认为用自己的语言谈论工作需要更多的时间。
You can’t master a foreign language in a short time; you have to study it step by step.
外语 不是短时间内就能 学会的 。你必须一点一点地学习。
They can therefore relate to you, to your background, and to your efforts to master a new and different language and culture.
利用这些经验,我们不仅 了解 学习者的背景,还了解学习新 语言 或文化所需的困难和努力,并愿意为他们提供支持。
Open Studio at PIONEER WORKS -I can imagine that it was not easy to move from South Korea to Japan, and then to the U.S. Not just changing where you live, but each time having to master a new language , create new relationships and find occasions to present your works by yourself.
PIONEER WORKS 开放工作室 – 从韩国到日本再到美国,不仅可以轻松更换地点,还可以轻松 学习 语言 、建立关系并扩大展示作品的机会。我想情况并非如此。
Staff Interview: Masanori Itoh | Arc Communications Newsletter – funNOTE Masanori Itoh, translation project manager, is a master of languages who speaks several languages including English, Chinese and Korean.
员工访谈(翻译项目经理 1 ) | Arc Communications 翻译项目经理 伊藤是一位 语言 专家 ,可以讲英语、中文、韩语 多种语言。
Can understand without effort and master the language .
你可以 流利 、自然地表达自己的意思,而不会给人留下你在寻找 词语的 印象。
Practice is the only way to master foreign languages .
实践是 精通 外语 的唯一途径。

听听“ master a language ”的陆地音(发音)!

读法是【ˈmæstər ə ˈlæŋgwɪʤ】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈmæstər ə ˈlæŋgwɪʤ】。

【必听】美国人解释“master a language”的含义
