【英语单词】彻底解释“make it so”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“make it so”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

make it so是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

You make it so difficult sometimes.
有时我不 明白
make it so form always opens at a blank entry
使 表单始终以空白条目打开
Don’t make it so upright.
别弄得 那么
If it is not, I challenge you to make it so .
如果不是这种情况,请向您的客户 建议
To say that a machine is benevolent doesn’t make it so .
不一定。机器 让你看不到现实。
Doing this will make it so much easier to make money online.
这样 将使在线 赚钱 变得 更加容易。
Resorts make it so you never have to leave the grounds.
度假村 永远不必离开场地。
Don’t make it so splashy that it’s distracting.
不要 得太 花​​哨 ,以免令人不安。
Then I click ok make it so this message does not come up?
这是什么 意思 意味着您会得到相同的结果。
But what are the features of Dickens’s writing that make it so special?
但狄更斯的作品有何 特别之处 呢?
all those tiny little moments that make it so sweet.
只有 一点时间来享受
how do i make it so that everything i do is automatically recorded
如何 自动记录所有动作
“I hope to make it so that 10 years from now, we will be known not only for our technology, but also as a company with great designs.”
10年内,我希望 成为 一家不仅拥有卓越技术,而且拥有卓越设计的公司。
We don’t know how to make it so that it can be used by people with different types of disabilities yet .
我们不知道 如何 为不同类型的残障人士 提供 这些服务
I make it so that air voids do not form between the roots.
避免 在根部之间形成空气空间。
Going forward we want to make it so that high quality events and output continue being hosted here.
从这里开始,我想 确保 重复高质量的输入和输出。
I will make it so that after five or six years the students under these professors receive their higher degrees.
然后 ,大约五六年后, 将再次授予 学位。
Also, I will make it so that it checks the existence of the entered phone number.
另外,请 务必 检查您的电话号码是否存在。
[orig] You need to make it so you can connect to slapd as somebody with permission to add entries.
您必须能够以有权添加条目的用户 身份 连接到 slapd。
In Moriyama, I thought it would be nice to make it so that customers can enjoy it.
森山:但是我认为如果 我们 顾客可以享受 方式来创造它会更好。

听“ make it so ”的沉稳声音!

以下是观看下面的视频时练习「make it so」发音的文本。

【必听】美国人解释“make it so”的含义
