【英语单词】彻底解释“limited quantity”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“limited quantity”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“limited quantity”的意思

“limited quantity” 是由二个英文单词(limited、quantity)组合而成的一个单词短语。


参考:「limited quantity」示例短语列表

The company said it was a ‘genuine error’ after a ‘ limited quantity ‘ were shipped to stores.
【英语单词】彻底解释“limited quantity”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Packages bearing this mark contain hazardous material in a limited quantity that presents a limited hazard during transportation, due to its form, quantity, and packaging.
They also made a limited quantity of the album available on vinyl records.
These were made in very limited quantity and by few silversmiths, presumably because they required the highest craftsmanship for their manufacture.
【英语单词】彻底解释“limited quantity”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Many stores have a limited quantity of big draw or deeply discounted items.

听听 “ limited quantity」的地道发音(发音)!

limited quantity是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

VIP coupon ticket is also limited quantity , please purchase.
VIP优惠券 数量有限 ,请务必购买。
Tea Party offered only for a limited quantity of sweets on the plate change every month, we can enjoy it many times.
茶会每天 数量有限 ♡盘子里的东西每个月都会更换,所以无论去多少次都可以享受。
Important note: very limited quantity , collector item, make sure to get your copy before it’s too late!
重要提示:这是 限量版 收藏品,所以请尽快购买!
The vinyl is available in limited quantity , so hurry up before it’s too late!
唱片 数量有限 ,所以在为时已晚之前购买吧!
It is a limited quantity product only available at Seibu Sogo.
这是只能在西武崇光百货购买的 限定 商品。
Sold in limited quantity at MCM boutiques and PUMA stores.
MCM 精品店和 PUMA 商店将 限量 发售。
We distribute program information magazines and novelty goods from each station ( limited quantity ).
还将分发各站的节目信息杂志和新奇商品( 数量有限 )。
As you are in a limited quantity , please buy it early.
数量有限 ,请尽早购买。
The products sold in a limited quantity may be sold out as you enter the store.
数量有限的 产品可能在您进入商店时就已售完。
It will start selling on June 6th limitedly in Hokkaido, of course, for a limited quantity .
该产品将于6月6日开始发售,当然仅限北海道, 数量有限
Enjoy a “smooth moment” in your day by eating “MOW Uji Maccha ( limited quantity ).”
MOW 宇治抹茶( 数量有限 )让您享受顺畅的时光。
We will only have limited quantity , so don’t miss it!
数量有限 ,赶快行动吧!
Orders will open on the company’s online shop and over at the Donguri Kyowakoku store from the middle of July and will be sold in a limited quantity .
2017年7月中旬起,网上商店Donguri Republic Soranoue店开始接受 限量 预约。
Make sure you hurry up next time something is released in limited quantity … but until then, there are plenty of other cool merch you can get from the YFE Store!
下次 限量 发售某件商品时,请抓紧时间,以免为时已晚。但在那之前,YFE 商店里仍然有一些很酷的商品!
Lunch will also be served in limited quantity from the building in the Seiryu-en Gardens which is normally closed the public.
此外,通常不向公众开放的青龙园香云亭将提供 数量有限 的午餐。
We’ve got a couple of amazing Italian wines ready to land on the BottlesXO app in very limited quantity – and if you want to grab a bottle or two, you have a chance to pre-order them.
这款令人惊叹的意大利葡萄酒 数量有限 ,为了确保您能买到它,我们接受预订。
“Kumejima Beef Hamburger Chapaty Sandwich” (1,400 yen (tax included)) is sold in a limited quantity .
还有很棒的菜单! ?久米岛牛肉汉堡薄饼三明治(含税1,400日元) 数量有限
An ice cream brand which offers you a “smooth moment” in your day, the “MOW” series ice cream will release “MOW Uji Maccha ( limited quantity ) from the 12th of June (Mon.), nationwide.
提供冰淇淋的冰淇淋品牌MOW系列的MOW宇治抹茶( 数量有限 )将于6月12日(星期一)全国发售。
The pajamas will be sold on the official website and at the Asakusa shop( limited quantity ) and the users of the facilities can also rent these pajamas.
除了在网站和浅草店 限量 出售外,还可以向客人出租。
The MMN area is the only place you can get this pin badge in France from AEON! But be aware that we only have a limited quantity , so make sure to come on over to play at the MMN area first if you want one!
法国唯一发放只能从 Aeon 获得的徽章的地方是 MMN 地区(根据 MMN 研究)!徽章 的发放数量有限 ,所以如果您想获得一枚,请先前往 MMN 区域。
读法是【ˈlɪmɪtɪd kˈwɑntəti】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈlɪmɪtɪd kˈwɑntəti】。

【必听】美国人解释“limited quantity”的含义
