【英语单词】彻底解释“limited menu”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“limited menu”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“limited menu”的意思

“limited menu” 是由二个英文单词( limited、menu )组合而成的一个单词短语。

  • 「menu」 的意思是: 餐厅提供的食物和饮料列表
  • 有限 ”用来表示“少量或少量”。


参考:「limited menu」示例短语列表

A limited menu , granted, and yet hard to come by conveniently here unless you’re a professional rugby player.
【英语单词】彻底解释“limited menu”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
This hole in the wall has a limited menu that changes frequently.
The gas problem has forced the beach-side restaurant to offer a limited menu with only cold foods and salads available.
Life on board was regimented, with a single sitting for dinner and a limited menu dished up at shared tables.
【英语单词】彻底解释“limited menu”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Its ten eateries around the capital have a limited menu of six sourdough pizzas, supplemented by two daily specials and some side orders.
首都周围的 10 家餐馆将提供有限的菜单,包括六种酵母披萨品种,还有两种每日特色菜和一些额外的配菜。

limited menu是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Restaurant services (for breakfast) with limited menu have resumed.
餐厅(早上)已恢复营业, 菜单有限
We created that limited menu after few experiments.
经过几次失败,我们终于创建了 一个有限的菜单
Also, for every period of time, there is a limited menu , so maybe it is fun to try different ramen here with your friends or family.
此外,一周中的每一天和每个时期的 菜单都有限 ,因此与家人和朋友比较食物可能会很有趣。
They have the standard flavors such as chocolate and strawberry waffles, as well as the seasonally limited menu such as apple and cinnamon flavor.
我们提供各种各样的菜单来吸引您,从巧克力华夫饼和草莓华夫饼等标准菜单项目到苹果和肉桂华夫饼等季节性 菜单项目
A Halloween photo contest will be held in conjunction with the limited menu sales.
我们将在销售 限量菜单 的同时举办万圣节摄影比赛。
About limited menu of Q-pot CAFE.”Velvet Strawberry plate” is here.
点击此处查看 限定菜单 “天鹅绒草莓拼盘”的详细信息!
After the event, the exhibition limited menu “Monochrome Vanilla Cafe Mocha” will be held at Café Kokurayama in the museum.
活动结束后,馆内小仓山咖啡厅将提供展览 限定 单色香草咖啡摩卡咖啡。
Enjoy the lovely limited menu for winter season! Reservation service is now available at Q-pot CAFE.!
截止至2月28日(周二)!享受充满心意的冬季 限定菜单 ! Q-pot CAFE.的座位预订服务现已开放!
Let’s enjoy lovely limited menu for winter 2016.12.26 How about having a tea time with sweets at Q-pot CAFE.?
2016.12.26 在Q-pot CAFE温馨的房间里,一边吃着暖心的甜点,一边度过一个女孩的夜晚怎么样?从2017年1月14日星期六开始的冬季 限定菜单 销售期间,我们将推出新的预订服务,让您可以从常规座位中选择座位!当你坐在可爱的Q-pot CAFE的有限菜单旁时,自然会有很多女孩的谈话。
Each store has a limited menu that is tailored to the early morning Kanrenkai, so please enjoy it in the morning.
每家餐厅都有针对清晨赏荷活动的 限定菜单 ,因此请务必在早餐时享用。
The restaurant offers their proud Zangi of course, but also a limited menu for Hokkaido Zangi Union gatherings.
除了举办活动的餐厅的特色菜“Zangi”之外,他们还提供线下活动 限定的菜单
We thought some users may feel resistance against credit card prepayments but many of them appear to accept that in return for receiving a limited menu for Popcorn users.
另外,我认为用信用卡支付会有更多阻力,但由于你可以使用爆米花的 有限菜单 ,所以提前支付似乎是有意义的(Hiroshi Kuraoka,Coubic首席执行官)目前在福冈,除了一些地区,沙龙主要位于东京,但未来我们将逐步扩展到其他城市。
In earlier times (and especially on the “name” trains), a lounge car was more likely to have a small kitchen, or grill and a limited menu .
早期的休闲车厢(以及特别命名的火车)有小厨房,并提供 有限的菜单
If you pick up the limited menu ‘Mango Daifuku’ or ‘Mango Pudding’, you can also topped any Mango you like on a regular buffet cake.
如果您选择 限量版 芒果大福或芒果布丁,您可以在普通自助蛋糕上添加任意数量的芒果配料。
This time, a L’Hotel de’s limited menu called “Enmusubi Soba Set” will be sold at Honke Tsuruki Soba which has been supporting the temple.
此次,自古以来为寺庙提供支持的本家鹤木荞麦面将为比睿酒店的客人提供 专属的 “相亲荞麦面套餐”。
By offering a special limited menu , many beauty salons participating in the app use have succeeded in gaining repeat customers while more than half the customers delivered to salons by the app are repeat customers.
此外,通过让沙龙准备 有限的爆米花菜单 ,回头客的数量正在稳步增加。最近,超过一半的预订来自回头客。
For celebrating 4th anniversary, the theme is 4th Room “Macaron & Religieuse” of Q-pot CAFE. There are so many limited menu and goods of pastel color that are inspired by girl’s room in Paris
4周年纪念日…Q-pot CAFE.房间的主题是“Macaron & Religieuse”!许多少女 限定菜单 和商品都以巴黎女孩的房间为灵感,以柔和的色彩包裹着。
Halloween limited menu [Location] Nagai Uminote Park Soleil Hill [Inquiry] 046-850-0000 [Halloween Burg] Topped with cheese pulled into a pumpkin shape on top of a hamburger.
孩子们一定会对可爱的食物感到高兴!万圣节 限定菜单 [地点] Nagai Uminote Park Soleil Hill [咨询] 046-850-0000 [万圣节汉堡] 汉堡牛排上撒上南瓜形状的奶酪。
However, because of this party, people make new relations, and a limited menu created for the party became the signature menu of the restaurant.The relationship started in Zangi is growing.
然而,金井桑说,多亏了这些线下会议,我认为Zangi建立的联系正在迅速扩大,例如通过形成横向联系,并使线下会议 专用的菜单 成为餐厅的招牌菜单。我做到了。
“Ginza Parfait” is a limited menu of GINZA SIX which has a thick tea soft served ice cream using high-quality Uji matcha of Tsujiri and toppings such as bean paste, warabi mochi and Baumkuchen.
银座芭菲是 GINZA SIX 的独家菜单, 提供浓郁的茶软冰淇淋,采用辻利的高品质宇治抹茶和奢华的配料,如豆沙、八桥、辻利的蕨麻糬和年轮蛋糕。

听听“ limited menu ”的陆地音(发音)!

读法是【ˈlɪmɪtɪd ˈmɛnju】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈlɪmɪtɪd ˈmɛnju】。

【必听】美国人解释“limited menu”的含义
