【英语单词】彻底解释“liberal justice”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“liberal justice”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“liberal justice”的意思

“liberal justice” 是由二个英文单词( liberal、justice )组合而成的一个单词短语。


参考:「liberal justice」示例短语列表

By then, he had become the court’s most liberal justice .
【英语单词】彻底解释“liberal justice”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Their supporters are thus urging them to pack the court with liberal justices if they gain control of the government in 2020.
因此,他们的支持者呼吁,如果他们在 2020 年控制政府,法院应由自由派法官组成。
The court currently has a 4-4 split between conservative and liberal justices.
目前最高法院的保守派法官和自由派法官的比例为 4 比 4。
The four liberal justices dissented.
【英语单词】彻底解释“liberal justice”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
From 1986 to 1990, his rate of agreement with the two most liberal justices was 97.1% and 95.8%.

liberal justice是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

However, the firm guiding principle of these interventions was the Western values and mores of liberal democracy and justice under the law.
然而,这些干预措施受到源自西方的思想和价值规范的强烈指导,例如 自由 民主和基于法律 正义 的惩罚。
The assertion that people have a claim right to liberty – i.e. that people are obliged only to refrain from preventing each other from doing things which are permissible, their liberty rights limited only by the obligation to respect others’ liberty – is the central thesis of liberal theories of justice .
人们主张自由,即他们只有“不阻止彼此做允许的事情的义务”,而每个人拥有的自由权是“尊重自由” 自由主义正义理论 的中心论点是,一个人仅受“做事的义务”的限制。
All academic programs offered by Genesee Community College including degrees and courses in Business and Commerce, Computers and Technology, Creative Arts, Health Care, Human Services, Law and Criminal Justice , Liberal Arts, Math and Science, Office Technology and Support, Sports and Physical Education and Teaching have been approved by the State University of New York and the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.
我们学校提供的科目和学位包括商业/商业、计算机/技术、创意艺术、医疗保健、人类服务、法律/ 刑事 科学、 人文学科 、数学/科学、办公技术/支持、体育/体育、教育学和获得纽约州立大学和中部各州高等教育委员会的认可。
Lalonde served as Minister of Justice from 1978 until the Liberal government’s defeat in the 1979 election.
拉隆德从1978年担任加拿大 司法部长 ,直至1979年加拿大 自由 党政府失败。
During the 1960s, under the aegis of Chief Justice Roger J. Traynor, the California Supreme Court became more liberal and progressive.
20 世纪 60 年代,在首席 大法官 罗杰·特雷纳 (Roger J. Traynor) 的领导下,加州变得 自由 和进步,即使犯罪率飙升,也强调被告的权利。
Niebuhr’s Burkean ideology, however, often conflicted with his liberal principles, particularly regarding his perspective on racial justice .
尼布尔的伯克意识形态经常与他的 自由主义 原则相矛盾,特别是在他对种族 正义 的看法上。
Mirsaidov created a new party, Adolat ( Justice ) in December 1994, calling for liberal economic reforms, political pluralism and secularism.
米尔赛多夫于1994年12月成立新政党正义党( Adolat ),主张 自由 经济改革、政治多元化和世俗主义。
The altermondialiste or “global justice ” movements (comprising trade unions, political groups, networks and organisations) with their anti-neo- liberal position played an important part in reconstituting the social question after the long years of the neo- liberal “pensé unique” of the 90s.
经过20世纪90年代长期的新自由主义之后,另类全球化运动或全球 正义 运动(由工会、政治团体、网络和组织组成)开始从反 新自由主义的 角度重新关注社会问题,并 在其中 发挥了重要作用。定义
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a liberal Democrat, did not attack the Supreme Court directly in 1937, but ignited a firestorm of protest by a proposal to add seven new justices .
1937年, 自由 民主党总统富兰克林·罗斯福虽然没有直接攻击最高法院,但他确实发出了反击的信号,向最高法院增加了七名新 法官
Obama extolled Prime Minister Trudeau’s progressive agenda, casting him as an heir to his own liberal legacy on climate change and social justice .
峰会结束后,奥巴马总统对记者发表讲话,赞扬特鲁多总理进步的政治议程和目标,称他希望继续他在气候变化和社会 正义 方面的 自由主义 遗产。加拿大国家报纸《环球邮报》称,总理特鲁多是向世界宣布自己将成为自己的继任者的最佳选择。
This is because in liberal democracies the people’s will exerts control over the policies of the country to maintain the observance of international rules, good faith relationships with other countries, and a strong belief in fairness and justice .
这是因为在 自由 民主国家,舆论控制国家政策,遵守国际规则、对其他国家的信任和公平感得以维持。
He also continued to put his liberal theories into practice in Stowey, establishing the Female Friendly Society in 1807, the elementary school in 1812-13 (he donated the building for it), and the Co-operative Bank in 1817, and from 1814 until his death he was an active justice of the peace.
他还在家乡斯托威继续实践 自由主义 思想,于 1807 年创立了女性友好协会,于 1812-13 年创立了一所小学(他向其捐赠了建筑),并于 1817 年创立了一家合作金融机构。从 1814 年起 担任太平绅士 直至去世。
So if you really care about strengthening families, you might want to talk to some liberal groups who are working on promoting educational equality, who are working on raising the minimum wage, who are working on finding ways to stop so many men from being sucked into the criminal justice system and taken out of the marriage market for their whole lives.
因此,如果你 改善家庭关系,请与致力于减少教育不平等和提高最低工资 的自由主义者 交谈。这些人正试图阻止一生的希望被切断。
Some of our most popular programs include: Engineering Science, Graphic Design and Computer Graphics, International Business, Environmental Science, Computer, Communication Media Arts, Criminal Justice , Cyber Security, Teacher Education, Nursing, Hospitality and Tourism, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Paralegal Studies, Performing Arts and Speech/Communication Studies.
我们受欢迎的课程包括科学与工程、平面设计与计算机图形学、国际商务、环境科学、计算机、传播、媒体与艺术、 犯罪学 、网络安全、教师培训、护理、酒店与旅游、 文科 、律师助理、表演艺术、语音和交流等等。
We do, however, recognize the necessity for radical media to convey critical analyses of the situation in the Japanese archipelago, and we understand that the importance of presenting alternative voices from social movements for social justice and peace continues and even increases, particularly given the drastic changes in Japanese politics coming with the downfall of the Liberal Democratic Party government.
然而,批判性地捕捉日本列岛局势的激进媒体是必要的,而最近 自民党 的垮台使得致力于社会 正义 与和平的社会运动的另类声音难以传达。我认为这正在变得更加困难。在日本列岛政治发生巨大变化的时期更为重要。
Attending the opening ceremony, among others, were Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan; Ms. Caroline Kennedy, US Ambassador to Japan; Mr. Yasuo Fukuda, former prime minister of Japan; Ms. Haruko Arimura, Minister of State for Special Missions; Ms. Yoko Kamikawa, Minister of Justice ; Mr. Sadakazu Tanigaki, Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party; Mr. David S. Ferriero, Archivist of the United States; and Mr. Thomas J. Putnam, Director of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum.
公告:肯尼迪总统生平与遗产展览开幕式在国家档案馆举行 2015年3月5日,肯尼迪总统生平与遗产展览开幕式举行,安倍首相和卡罗琳·肯尼迪首相出席。美国驻日本大使、前首相福田、内阁府特派大臣有村、 法务大臣 上川、 自民党 干事长谷垣、国家档案馆馆长大卫·费里罗、肯尼迪总统图书馆馆长托马斯·普特南和博物馆等等。您参加了。

听听“ liberal justice ”的俗音(发音)!

读法是【ˈlɪˌbərəl ˈʤəstɪs】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈlɪˌbərəl ˈʤəstɪs】。

【必听】美国人解释“liberal justice”的含义
