【英语单词】彻底解释“leather bag”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“leather bag”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“leather bag”的意思

“leather bag” 是由二个英文单词( leather、bag )组合而成的一个单词短语。

  • 「leather」 的意思是: 用于鞋子和包袋的动物皮
  • 「bag」 的意思是: 由纸、塑料、布或其他材料制成的软容器,用于运输物品,尤其是购买的物品

含义: [皮包]

参考:「leather bag」示例短语列表

例句 The clerk agreed, hurriedly collected his papers, quill and inkpot, put them in a leather bag and followed Newington out of the chamber.
【英语单词】彻底解释“leather bag”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
例句 They wear this beautiful leather bag with the jogging pants.
例句 They worked magic on a tan leather bag that had been splattered with white paint.

leather bag是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Sary mai is butter made from old milk, often in a leather bag .
Sary mai 是由陈年牛奶制成的黄油,通常保存在 皮袋 中。
So Abraham, after having sojourned with Hagar and Ishmael, left them there with a skin of water and leather bag full of dates.
在夏甲和以实玛利短暂停留后,亚伯拉罕离开了,留下了 一个水袋 和一个枣椰树。
The leather bag with the bamboo handle.
带竹柄的 皮包
Draw people in long-term experience in hunting, white rock hard, throws to the later easier to find pick up, so people will use leather bag loaded onto the back of white stone, portable hunting.
吸取长期狩猎经验的人的经验,白石质地坚硬,拾起后很容易,所以人们会在白石背上扔 一个皮包 ,使用便携式狩猎负重。
Lined leather bag Choice and analysis of the student’s design.
皮包 内衬学生设计的选择和分析。
It is kept in a special leather bag .
存放 在特殊的 皮袋 中。
Always protect your leather bag with a reputable protection cream/treatment.
使用信誉良好的保护剂保护 您的皮革
Programmes Pattern making and sewing of a leather bag . Brief study of the basics of leather working.
编程 皮包 图案制作和剪裁 对皮革产品制作基础知识的简短研究。
Low prices, excellent production This is the lowest price you need, Quality leather bag , do not miss it! Such products rarely!
价格低廉,制作精良 这是您需要的最低价格,优质 皮包 ,不要错过!这样的产品很少见!
Attention to detail Even with this strong presence leather, the sub parts like the metal parts affects the appearance of the leather bag !
彰显细节的原创金属配件 无论对皮革质感的重视程度如何,影响 皮包 外观的还是金属配件等次要材质。
Shoyo said, “new sake is put in an old kawabukuro ( leather bag ).”
将新酒装满旧 皮囊 。这是萧阳的话。
We’ll be the first to admit that for style aficionados or minimalists, the classic leather bag will always be top of the list.
我们对时尚人士和极简主义者最喜欢经典 皮包的 趋势做出快速反应。
HERZ 提供:株式会社ヘルツ HERZ is a leather bag workshop that was started in 1973 by its founder who loved making bags.
HERZ 提供者:HERZ Co., Ltd. 由热爱制作包袋的创始人于 1973 年创办的 皮包 工坊。
The Longchamp Le Pliage Tote, available at Nordstrom, is a large, sturdy, nylon and leather bag that folds down to nothing when not in use, perfect for tucking away as an extra bag.
这款别致的可折叠手提包很受欢迎! Nordstrom 有售的 Longchamp Le Pliage Tote 是一款大而坚固的尼龙和 皮革包 ,不使用时不会折叠,使其成为完美的备用包。
Japanese artisans are some of the finest in the world, and they perfect their art to levels that I’ve not seen anywhere else, whether it’s a leather bag , designer jacket or a kokeshi doll.
日本的工匠可以说是世界上名列前茅的。无论是 皮包 、名牌夹克还是木芥子娃娃,他们都将自己的工艺提升到了无与伦比的水平。
Some of the staff also use the same type of leather bag , it is a very tough leather that is great for any season.
就我个人而言,我通常使用同类型的 皮包 ,而且它是一种非常坚韧的皮革,即使使用频繁也不会出现任何变质的迹象。
ARTMOMO 2016 Strap you Flower Female handbag belt women bag strap pu leather bag part bolsa accessor- Bag Parts & Accessories
Artmomo 2016 Strap You Flower 女士手提包腰带 女士包带 PU 皮革 包包 配件 Bolsa 配件 礼品腰带 M1650- 包包配件
Get into direct contact with the Florentine world of artists and artisans and make some unforgettable memories. Make your own leather bag Individual 4-hour lesson on how to make a “clutch” or “baguette” type bag.
在私人课程中,您可以在 4 小时内制作自己的手工 皮革 背袋或单肩包。
Tohoshinki Official Website [TILL2 goods] Leather slide mirrors and leather bag charms with reels have been resold!
[TILL2商品] 皮革滑镜、带卷轴的皮包吊饰再次发售! [TILL2商品] 皮革滑镜、带卷轴的皮包吊饰再次发售! [TILL2商品] 我们开始转售流行的皮革滑镜和带卷轴的 皮包 吊饰!不要错过这个机会。
He had trained belonging to “A Vou,” a leather bag atelier from 2007 to 2013.It’s said that he was originally a manicurist before entered the leather world.
她于2007年至2013年在 皮包 工作室Abo工作,接受皮革工匠培训,但最初她是一名美甲师。

听听“ leather bag ”的土声(发音)!

读法是【ˈlɛðər bæg】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈlɛðər bæg】。

【必听】美国人解释“leather bag”的含义
