【英语单词】彻底解释“least upper bound”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“least upper bound”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

least upper bound是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

He evaluated the least upper bound and the greatest lower bound of the circumference ratio by calculating the circumference of the inscribed polygon and the circumscribed polygon.
通过计算圆内接和外接的多边形的周长来评估 pi 的 上限 和下限。
Weyl predicted that in the subsequent 20 years, mathematicians would come to realize the total vagueness of notions such as real numbers, sets, and countability, and moreover, that asking about the truth or falsity of the least upper bound property of the real numbers was as meaningful as asking about truth of the basic assertions of Hegel on the philosophy of nature.
韦尔相信,在接下来的 20 年里,数学将认识到实数、集合和可数性概念的模糊性,乔治·威廉、弗里德里希·黑格尔和其他人的自然哲学将质疑 最小有界 的真假。实数的本质。我们期望我们会认识到,这样一个问题的答案就像询问一个基本主张的真假一样模糊,并且这样一个问题的答案是无法验证的,也无法被经验到。因此被认为毫无意义。
More generally, we would like to restrict to a certain subset of elements as being sufficient for getting all other elements as least upper bounds .
更一般地,我们希望限制一个足以获得所有其他元素作为 上限的 子集。
Specifically, the real line is linearly ordered by <, and this ordering is dense and has the least-upper-bound property.
具体来说,实数轴是一个关于量值关系<的全序集合,并且这个顺序是稠密的并且具有 上限 性质。
Specifies an exclusive upper bound for values.
指定值的独占 上限
This value specifies the upper bound of the range of indices reserved for application programs.
该值指定为应用程序保留的索引范围的 上限
Specify the lower and upper bounds of the parameters value
指定参数值的 上限 和下限
Uniform This is characterized by lower and upper bounds .
它的特点是有一定的下限和 上限
B is an optional upper bound to the interval of x.
指定B x 的区间 上限 (可选)。
Furthermore, lower- and upper bounds for the n = 3 Frobenius numbers have been determined.
此外,我们已经获得了 n = 3 时弗罗贝尼乌斯数的下界和 上限
Again, the difficult part and a great achievement of analytic number theory is obtaining specific upper bounds on the error term E(r).
重复一遍,获得解析数论的困难部分是获得误差项 E(r) 的特殊 上限
Despite this difficulty, K. Böröczky gives a universal upper bound for the density of sphere packings of hyperbolic n-space where n >= 2.
尽管存在这些困难,K. Böröczky 仍然获得了 n 维双曲空间中球堆积密度的 通用上限 ,其中 n >= 2。
Set an upper bound to the solver solution
设置求解器解的 上限
If the upper bound is omitted, it defaults to 65535.
如果 省略上限值 ,则表示默认 65535。
Whole number indicating which dimension’s upper bound is returned.
一个 整数 ,指示要检查最大下标值的数组的维度。
This section provides conceptual information and procedures for establishing an upper bound on recovery time.
本节提供 限制 恢复时间的概念和过程。
These two factors impose an upper bound of achievable power levels while operating within the given design constraints.
这两个因素 决定了在设计限制内可以实现的功率水平的上限
You can specify lower and upper bounds in parentheses for each argument.
您可以通过在参数名称后面的括号中指定数字来指定每个参数的下限和 上限
This message appears when the compiler cannot output the exact upper-bound variable to be replaced.
当编译器无法正确输出要替换的 上限 变量时,会出现此消息。
It must expand to a tuple containing two elements – a lower and upper bound .
它必须扩展为包含代表下限和 上限的 两个元素的集合。

听“ least upper bound ”的土声(发音)!

读法是【liːst* ˈʌˈʌp·ər* baʊnd*】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【liːst* ˈʌˈʌp·ər* baʊnd*】。

【必听】美国人解释“least upper bound”的含义
