【英语单词】彻底解释“landman”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“landman”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


例句 The terms landman and right of way agent are often used interchangeably; however, their duties often vary significantly.
【英语单词】彻底解释“landman”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
例句 His father worked as an oil and mineral landman (rights leaser).
例句 Telecommunications, mining, pipeline, power and transportation are just a few of the other industries that frequently engage the landman’s services.
例句 Wind development requires the locating of surface sites for turbines, determining surface ownership, negotiating lease agreements, and has many other similar duties performed by the petroleum landman.
【英语单词】彻底解释“landman”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

landman是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

The presses require little maintenance and do not give us any trouble.We are also happy about the low water consumption, which was a prerequisite, says Landman .
我们对能够实现最初设定的低耗水率感到满意。 兰德曼说
Sandman (William Baker) – Sandman has the ability to convert his body into sand.
沙人 真实身份:威廉·贝克(弗林特·马尔科……他小时候用的 化名 )他可以随意将自己的身体变成沙子。
New messages introduced with the LANMAN 1.0 dialect are
LANMAN 1.0 方言中引入的新消息有:
Karl Felix Wilhelm Sandman (born 25 October 1998) is a Swedish singer, songwriter and actor.
菲利克斯·卡尔·威廉 ·桑德曼 (Felix Karl Wilhelm Sandman,1998 年 10 月 25 日出生)是 一位 瑞典创作歌手。
Sandman has been Dunqu township dream is no way to find the.
没有办法查明哪个是 沙敦曲 果木。
Currently I see almost every night with my daughter Sandman .
目前,我几乎每晚都会去看望我的女儿 桑德曼
The Lanmans took Umeko to various places during their vacations.
度假时他还会在拉曼夫妇的 陪同 下去各地旅行。
The Sandman No. 19, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, won the World Fantasy Award in 1991 for Best Short Fiction.
睡魔 第19号《仲夏夜之梦》于1991年荣获世界奇幻文学奖最佳短篇小说奖。
Brody saw Sandman get into yesterday.
目标是你昨天 登上的 车辆吗?
Concept art in the game’s special edition shows Beetle giving Sandman ‘s vial to Doctor Doom.
游戏特别版的概念艺术展示了甲壳虫将 睡魔 小瓶交给末日博士。
EMF-Portal | Not in our back yard: media coverage of community opposition to mobile phone towers – an application of Sandman ‘s outrage model of risk perception.
EMF-Portal | [不熟悉:当地反对手机信号塔的媒体报道 – 应用风险感知的 桑德曼 模型]
After graduating, he became a bandman and then worked as a music producer.
毕业后 ,我成为一名乐队成员,然后成为一名 音乐制作人。
This command tells what would happen if you suspended the services that have a service name that begins with lanman .
此命令将向您展示如果中断名称以 lanman 开头的服务会发生什么。
Cause The problem is that Microsoft Lanman Server has a fixed limit on the quantity of filters it supports.
原因 出现此问题的原因是 Microsoft Lanman Server 可支持的筛选器数量有限。
Sandman took part in Melodifestivalen 2018 with the song making it to the Second Chance round where Sandman and Mimi Werner duelled for a place in the final.
Sandman 凭借这首歌参加了 2018 年 Melodifestivalen 音乐节,并与 Sandman 和 Mimi Werne 一起参加了第二轮机会比赛。
But I feel like the time for a Sandman movie is coming soon.
我觉得我们离 桑德曼 电影越来越近了。
Sandman and Roach then drag Soap to the Osprey while Frost rushes to cover the evacuating operatives.
桑德曼 和罗奇把索普拖到鱼鹰号上,而弗罗斯特则赶紧疏散船员。
Delta Force operatives Sandman and Frost are atop a hill aiming with a Barrett M82 at several Russian soldiers guarding a safehouse.
三角洲部队 成员桑德曼 和弗罗斯特在山顶上用巴雷特 M82 射击了几名守卫安全屋的俄罗斯士兵。
Freud gives an extensive psychoanalytic analysis of Hoffmann’s “The Sandman ” in his 1919 essay Das Unheimliche.
西格蒙德·弗洛伊德在其 1919 年的论文《神秘》中分析了霍夫曼的 睡魔
The Sandman : The Kindly Ones.
最喜欢的 人:善良的人。

听听“ landman ”的地主声音(发音)!

读法是【ˈlændmən 】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈlændmən 】。

