【英语单词】彻底解释“keyword phrase”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“keyword phrase”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“keyword phrase”的意思

“keyword phrase” 是由二个英文单词( keyword、phrase )组合而成的一个单词短语。

  • 「phrase」 的意思是: 一组经常一起使用且具有特定含义的单词
  • 「keyword」 的意思是: 您在计算机中输入的单词,以便计算机可以找到包含该单词的信息


参考:「keyword phrase」示例短语列表

Writing content that includes frequently searched keyword phrase , so as to be relevant to a wide variety of search queries will tend to increase traffic.
【英语单词】彻底解释“keyword phrase”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Thus, trademark-stuffed anchor links signal relationship information to the search engines, thereby increasing the chance that an infringing website could achieve higher organic search rankings for a trademark keyword phrase .
With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market.
Searchers typically type in keywords or keyword phrases to find or search what they are looking for on the web.
【英语单词】彻底解释“keyword phrase”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

keyword phrase是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Doing so tells Google to return all pages with both the keyword phrase and the word articles on them.
你所做的将告诉谷歌返回所有包含这些词中的文章和 关键词短语的 页面。
Create a page for each keyword phrase that you are targeting.
为您要定位的每个 关键字词组 创建一个页面。
Carefully work on a title that includes a keyword phrase .
仔细对待包含 关键词短语的 标题。
If you can make it sound good, also include an additional secondary keyword phrase in the title.
如果你能让它听起来不错,还可以在标题中添加辅助 关键词短语
Step 7 – Put in your dictation keyword phrase and select “when I say.”
第 7 步 – 输入您的听写 关键字短语 并选择“当我说”时。
The keyword phrase displays at the top of search results from any query using one of the synonymous terms.
对于使用任何同义词的查询 ,关键字短语 会显示在搜索结果上方。
You can write an article for each keyword phrase that you found.
在文章和文章中包含您的 关键词短语
Keyword stuffing occurs when a keyword phrase appears over and over again in website copy.
关键字词组 在网站副本中反复出现时,就会发生关键字堆砌。
Step 4 – Click “enable dictation keyword phrase ” and place the word which you want Siri to be attending to.
步骤 4 – 单击启用听写 关键词短语 并放置您想要 Siri 加入的单词。
You can search the keyword phrase in Google and look at the top ten websites for that phrase.
您可以在 Google 上搜索 关键字词组 ,然后在排名前 10 的网站中查看该词组。
This means that only when someone enters that EXACT keyword phrase will your ad appear.
‘ 这意味着仅当有人输入时出现的确切 关键字词组 决定了您的广告。
When users type in the keyword phrase , the search results for the keyword appear.
当用户输入 关键字短语 时,将显示该关键字的搜索结果。
When the results appear, the keyword phrase appears at the top of the search results.
当结果出现时, 您的关键字词组 将出现在搜索结果的顶部。
For the description of your site you will want to include not only your main keyword phrase but several other supporting keywords.
对于您的网站描述,您的主要 关键字短语 将仅包含一些其他支持关键字。
Look for a keyword phrase that people will search for but not too many people are advertising for.
寻找人们做但搜索的 关键词短语 ,因为太多人在做广告。
Looking at our keyword phrase , and the Encarta definition, it is clear that the commodity of our trade is internet or web traffic.
看看我们的 关键词短语 和 Encarta 定义,很明显我们的交易商品是互联网/网络流量。
Each keyword is represented by a keyword phrase composed of one or more words, a list of synonymous search terms, and a definition of the term.
每个关键字都由一个或多个单词组成的 关键字短语 、要搜索的同义词列表以及术语的定义来表示。
Use the keyword phrase on it’s own, or better yet, combine it into a sentence that is a compelling explanation of what your site is all about.
在您自己的关键字短语之上使用 关键字短语 ,或者更好的是,将它们组合成句子,对您的网站的内容进行令人信服的解释。
Definition Each keyword can have one or more definitions, and search results for keywords display the definitions next to the keyword phrase , before any other search results.
定义 每个关键字可以有一个或多个定义,并且在关键字搜索结果中,定义出现在 关键字短语 旁边、其他搜索结果之前。
Synonyms Each keyword can have one or more terms identified as synonyms, and the same search results appear for a synonym as appear for the keyword phrase .
同义词 每个关键字可以包含一个或多个被识别为同义词的术语,同义词显示与 关键字短语 相同的搜索结果。

听“ keyword phrase ”是陆地音(发音)!

读法是【ˈkiˌwərd freɪz】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈkiˌwərd freɪz】。

【必听】美国人解释“keyword phrase”的含义
