【英语单词】彻底解释“justify the need for”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“justify the need for”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“justify the need for”的意思

“justify the need for” 是由四个英文单词( justify、the、need、for )组合而成的一个单词短语。

  • 「the」 的意思是: 用在名词前,表示已经谈论或已知的事物或人
  • 「justify」 的意思是: 给出或成为一个好的理由


参考:「justify the need for」示例短语列表

Single-author studies, however, can exaggerate exclusion to justify the need for recuperation.
【英语单词】彻底解释“justify the need for”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Counsel can obtain access to their own classified work product only if they can justify their need for such information.
These indivisibilities are responsible for external economies and thus justify the need for a big push.
As such, most education providers justify the need for the degrees by relating the increasing importance of the discipline with real world situations and employment opportunities.
【英语单词】彻底解释“justify the need for”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
It justifies the need for interventions to save us from ourselves.

justify the need for是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

By characterizing system performance over time, you can justify the need for new resources before the need becomes critical.
通过观察一段时间内的系统性能并了解系统的状态,您可以在情况变得严重之前 确定是否需要 新资源。
Both the above points justify the need for the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction to accord explicit recognition to persons with disabilities and their partners as a “major group” with their own “organizing partners”, not to be subsumed under other groups.
这两点共同确保了 2015 年后减少灾害风险框架将残疾人及其合作伙伴明确定义为一个拥有自己的业务合作伙伴的主要群体,而不是附属于其他群体。这 证明了认可的必要性
And as you can see, none of the organizations consider the compounds to be safe, which justifies the need to decrease them in our diet.
正如您所看到的, 没有 组织 确定 PhIP 是 安全 的,这表明 需要 减少食品 中的 PhIP。
If we cannot justify the need to build a story, perhaps the story is not valuable and needs to be reconsidered.
如果您无法 证明创建故事的必要性 ,那么它就不重要, 需要 重新考虑。 9.
Naturally, artists are burdened with a self-imposed need to justify the work that they do. This is important.
艺术家必须始终 不断 质疑他们作品的意义。
Saving lives alone needs no justifies itself.
无需为拯救生命辩护 因为 这个行动 显然是正确的事情。
You will need to justify your choice based on cost, performance, and availability of the new solution.
您必须 根据新解决方案的成本、性能和可用性提供选择的 理由
With new applications, the need for increased performance justifies the higher pricing that usually accompanies the introduction of a new technology into the market; so too with gallium nitride semiconductors.
对于新应用,对改进性能的 需求 通常 证明 与向市场引入新技术相关的更高定价是合理的。
A Measure That Is Difficult to Justify at the WTO This measure is based on domestic law, but because the U.S. is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), they need to justify the measures under the rules of the WTO agreement.
难以在世贸组织下 证明 其合理性的措施 该措施基于国内法,但由于美国也是世贸组织成员,因此 措施 必须 根据世贸组织协议的规定 证明其合理性
Many fraudsters are first time offenders, so in order to commit an act most would regard as wrong, they need to justify it to themselves.
很多出轨的人都是初犯 ,他们在犯罪之前需要为 自己 辩解
Despite her initial reservations about the bombing, Alice feels a need to justify their actions to others, but realises it would be fruitless because “rdinary people simply didn’t understand”.
尽管他不支持轰炸,但他觉得 有必要 向其他人 证明和解释 战友的行为,但他意识到,当普通人无法理解时,这是没有用的。
Nice choice – You know how to speed things up from our last blog, but you need to justify this to your scrum team.
最佳选择 我们在上一篇博客中知道如何加快速度,但 我们需要 向 Scrum 团队 证明 这一点。
Flash drives meet a storage niche requirement-not every application needs it or can justify the cost.
尽管闪存驱动器满足存储空间的要求,但并非所有应用程序都 需要 证明 成本合理。
to provide a preview of benefits that will be discussed later in the presentation; don’t need to justify these benefits statements here-this is just a preview
我将简要介绍一下稍后将解释的好处。 无需 证实其好处,只需简单提及即可。]
This reduces downtime and eliminates the need for expensive outsourced data recovery services.Download Read more…
具有基于向导的简单界面,使任何人都可以在短短几分钟内恢复损坏的 Outlook 数据文件!这减少了停机时间并消除了 对昂贵的外包数据恢复服务的需求 。下载阅读更多…
Use the following table to determine if the needs of your site justify the additional overhead that results from enabling one or more audit policy options.
使用下表确定您站点的 要求 同时考虑 启用 一个或多个审核策略选项时产生的额外开销。
Reduce the need for storage specific knowledge
减少 获取存储特定知识的需要
Eliminate the need for restrictive user quotas
消除对用户配额 限制
Eliminate the need for restrictive quotas by managing mailbox sizes with EmailXtender.
EmailXtender 通过管理邮箱空间消除了严格配额的 需要
The Need for Fortune 100,000 Focused Solutions
财富 100,000 强企业 对专业解决方案的需求

听“ justify the need for ”,地球的声音!

读法是【ˈʤəstəˌfaɪ ðə nid fər】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈʤəstəˌfaɪ ðə nid fər】。

【必听】美国人解释“justify the need for”的含义
