【英语单词】彻底解释“justify the conclusion”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“justify the conclusion”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“justify the conclusion”的意思

“justify the conclusion” 是由三个英文单词( justify、the、conclusion )组合而成的一个单词短语。


参考:「justify the conclusion」示例短语列表

But critics say that such tests can be used to justify any conclusion which the judge might arbitrarily decide upon.
【英语单词】彻底解释“justify the conclusion”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
His issuance of detailed instructions in military matters, coupled with his failure to understand either the geography of the colonies or the determination of the colonists, may justify this conclusion .
Lab employees began to work backwards, from a conclusion preordained by the prosecutors they served, and sought to justify that conclusion rather than using more scientific research paradigms.
Unlike them, however, she justifies her conclusions by appealing to the deep, almost spiritual relationship that people can have with animals, which she calls ‘affective interconnectedness’.
【英语单词】彻底解释“justify the conclusion”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
He has neither challenged any accusation nor bothered to justify his conclusions.

justify the conclusion是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

The aesthetic and technical comparison is revealing and, in my opinion, justifies the conclusion that, not only the marble as a raw material, but also the laboratory undertook to painted Tomb sculptures came from Thassos. Also, There is another head, female, which was found in the Temple of Hercules in Thassos, that looks extremely, This time not with the head of the Sphinx, but with her head Karyatidas.
美学和技术的比较揭示了,在我看来, 证明了这个结论 ,不仅是大理石和实验室作为原材料,而且还制作了来自萨索斯的彩绘坟墓。此外,在赫拉克勒斯圣殿中还发现了另一个头颅,一个女人在萨索斯岛,很像那个,这次不是狮身人面像的头,而是女像柱的头。
For example, an expert system might justify a conclusion that an animal is an elephant by reporting that it is large, grey, has big ears, a trunk and tusks.
例如,专家系统可能会为大象 辩护 说它 很大,呈灰色,有大耳朵、鼻子和象牙。
Helps plan and justify the growth of backup infrastructure
帮助规划备份 基础设施 扩展并 证明 其合理性
Do the Ends Justify the Means?
目的是否 证明 手段的合理性?
Do you think LED lighting in monitors justifies the extra price?
您认为显示器的 LED 照明 值得 额外支付费用吗?不客气。
Help you plan and justify the growth of your backup infrastructure
帮助规划备份 基础设施 扩展并 证明 其合理性
What is most likely to help Alexis justify the purchase of a Centera-based active archive solution?
选择最能有效 说服 Park 先生 购买 基于 Centera 的主动归档解决方案的解释。
How do I justify the cost to upgrade?
如何 验证 我的升级成本?
Justify the Details But what’s the secret behind effective communication?
通过详细数据说服 顺便问一下, 有效 沟通的秘诀是什么?
They will spend less on backup infrastructure and the savings may justify the purchase of a disk library.
这降低了可用于 购买 EMC 磁盘库的备份基础架构成本。
That would certainly justify the extra expense of this new technology.
这种效应足以成为 投资 这项新技术的理由。
Does the pursuit of scientific knowledge justify the means?
换句话说,追求学术知识是否 可以不择手段
Can you justify the use of violence?
你能为使用暴力 辩护 吗?
The end does not always justify the means.
只要目标是好的, 并不意味着可以使用任何手段。
Flash drives meet a storage niche requirement-not every application needs it or can justify the cost.
尽管闪存驱动器满足存储空间的要求,但并非所有应用程序都需要或 证明 成本合理。
Using this simple chart it is easy to justify the cost of the Centera with EX/DX solution.
使用这个极端案例,您可以轻松 证明 EX/DX 解决方案 + Centera 的成本合理。
Persson Professor Uppsala 1951, It reached the conclusion that the script is Cretan Origin (linear A).
Persson Uppsala 教授 1951 年得出的 结论 是该文字源自克里特岛(线性 A)。
The conclusions echo union concerns but could go further.
这一结论 部分反映了工会的担忧,但更进一步。
To justify the invasion, Germany ordered a request of military assistance from their allies in Finland.
为了 证明 入侵的合理性,德国向芬兰的盟国请求军事援助。
South Korea’s government justifies the cost for reasons of long-term commercial benefits and national pride.
韩国的太空计划是政府 出于 长期商业利益和爱国主义而 合理化的

听“ justify the conclusion ”!

读法是【ˈʤəstəˌfaɪ ðə kənˈkluʒən】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈʤəstəˌfaɪ ðə kənˈkluʒən】。

【必听】美国人解释“justify the conclusion”的含义
