【英语单词】彻底解释“justification by works”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“justification by works”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

justification by works是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

There exist vast religious systems with complex theologies that teach the false doctrine of justification by works .
(罗马书3:28)有很多宗教组织 使用复杂的神学来教导人称义是因行为的错误教义
Therefore, this era has been called the age of justification by works .
因此,这个时代也被称为 行为 时代。
Paul dogmatically says that justification is by faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-9), while James appears to be saying that justification is by faith plus works .
保罗教条地说,我们 称义 是因着独一的信心(以弗所书 2:8-9),但雅各却说我们称义是 因着信心和行为。 看来你是这么说的。
James is not saying that justification is by faith plus works , but rather that a person who is truly justified by faith will have good works in his/her life.
所以雅各并不是说我们 因信和行为称义 ,而是说那些真正因信称义的人会在生活中 行善
Justification cannot work in an excuse that mass movements to defend the constitution have been defeated.
护宪 反抗却失败了,这还不够。
The RPA was criticized in the late 50’s for overcounting the degrees of freedom and the call for justification led to intense work among theoretical physicists.
RPA 在 20 世纪 50 年代末因高估自由度而受到批评,理论物理学家花费了大量精力 来证明 它的合理性。
In repeated interviews, Governor Kuroda of the Bank of Japan has given the reason as bringing about a reduction in the price of crude oil, but although crude oil has remained at the high level of about $50 for a long time, without a corresponding rise in commodity prices, the governor, having lost his justification , works hard to change the subject.
日本央行行长黑田东彦每次发布会都以油价下跌为理由,但尽管原油长期维持在50美元左右的高位,但物价却丝毫没有上涨,失去 主见的 行长 原因是 很难 将话题转移到价格以外的任何事情上。
Certainly the situation, from the point of view of international law, is an anomaly, since the troops of a foreign country act on the territory of another state, however, the emergence of a counter force alternative is for the government of the country in which it operates and that threatens to become a supranational presence, can be a justification for the work of Chad, if this action preserves the limits of not undermining the integrity of the state government on which the intervention takes place in war.
事实上,从国际法的角度来看,这种情况是不寻常的,因为在另一个国家的领土上出现一种外国法律的替代力量,是针对其运作所在国的政府的,并威胁到该国的政府。成为一个超国家实体,如果干预保持在不损害战争中国家政府完整性的限度内,那么为了乍得的 工作 ,这一行动是 合理的
A set of drawings for the planned rebuilding exists, together with a full architectural justification by Burges.
一系列重建工程的图纸以及伯吉斯 所有建筑 论证 都得以保存。
That is the great watchword of the Reformation: justification by faith alone.
亚伯 因信称义
Moreover, these methods can be given a reasonable philosophical justification by construing non-normal worlds as worlds at which “the laws of logic fail.”
此外, 通过 将非正常世界构建为“逻辑规则不成立”的世界,这些方法可以在理性和哲学上 得到证明
Take the first example of this, their teaching with regard to the question of justification justification by faith.
让我们 看一下《Tariiki Bengan》一书中的第一个例子——他们关于 称义 问题的教导。
Sadly, the doctrine of justification by faith is virtually absent from the history and theology of the Orthodox Church.
可悲的是,因信 称义 的教义实际上 东正教历史和神学中并不存在。
Seemingly his recognition with the Banu Tamim tribe thought is in line with the justification by some scholars of being the inheritor of the teachings of Ibn Taymiyyah.
承认他出生在巴努塔米姆将符合一些乌里玛的信念,即他 伊本·泰米亚教义的合法继承人。
The law in the age of justification by attendance is the highest law Your conduct, the way you sit – everything must conform to heavenly law.
武士 时代的法律是最好的法律。你所做的一切,从 你的 举止到你的坐姿,都必须受到规范。
Then they began to argue justification by faith, the highest, final, appropriate authority of the Scriptures, all believers universal priesthood and such.
然后他们开始宣称信仰的 合法性 、圣经的最高、最终和适当的权威、所有信徒的牧师等等。
Working capacity defined by work patterns and calendar exceptions.
工作 计划和日历例外定义的工作能力。
Her every waking hour is occupied by work .
从早上起床到晚上睡觉,她的时间都 被工作 填满了。
Report on the operation relations used by work centers
工作 中心 使用的相关流程的报告
I was lost in salvation by works for 8 years.

听听“ justification by works ”の地道发音(发音)!

读法是【ˌˌdʒʌs.tɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃən* wɜrks*】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˌˌdʒʌs.tɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃən* wɜrks*】。

【必听】美国人解释“justification by works”的含义
