【英语单词】彻底解释“jump seat”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“jump seat”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

参考:「jump seat」示例短语列表

例句 The couple sat in air crew jump seats at different ends of the plane for take off.
【英语单词】彻底解释“jump seat”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
例句 But he was allowed to sit in the jump seat – which is also illegal.
例句 A tractor-style jump seat was located behind the navigator’s seat.
例句 A useful design aspect was the ability to carry a mechanic on a jump seat fitted in the hopper to assist with operations at remote stations.
【英语单词】彻底解释“jump seat”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
例句 The cabin was divided into three compartments that held eleven regular passenger seats, four jump seats for passengers, a jump seat for the steward, and an enclosed lavatory.
机舱分为三个隔间,设有 11 个普通乘客座位、4 个乘客折叠座椅、1 个乘务员折叠座椅和一个封闭式卫生间。
例句 The car accomplished this eight-passenger capacity through the use of factory-installed jump seats.
例句 It could seat up to six, with four front and rear captain’s chairs and fold-out jump seats on each of the rear seats.
最多可容纳 6 人,前后排座椅均配有 4 张船长椅,每个后排座椅均配有可折叠的折叠座椅。
【英语单词】彻底解释“jump seat”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

jump seat是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

And the pilot, I actually knew – because they used to let me sit in the jump seat , to tell you how long ago this was.
这位飞行员曾经把我放在 加高 椅上,这告诉你这张照片是多久以前的。
Get strapped into the jump seat there.
在加高 座椅上系好安全带。
I came here in the jump seat of a C1-30 with turbulence.
我的曾祖父是 移民 ,当然他不是一流的。
It’s the happiest time for me that, on the taxiing aeroplane preparing for takeoff, I catch the eyes of a stewardess sitting in the jump seat facing me and when our eyes meet we smile each other.
当飞机静静地沿着滑行道滑行时,我瞥了一眼坐在我对面 座位 上的机组人员,他们一边练习飞行中的广播,一边低声嘀咕着。突然四目相对、相视一笑的幸福时刻……这才是飞机旅行真正的乐趣。
Investigation into the cause It is assumed that the cabin attendant attempted to stand up in order to warn the parent in a loud voice but lost her balance, fell backward onto the right-side floor of the jump seat , and sustained injured.
报道称,当安全带指示灯亮起时,一名空乘人员发现一名家长怀里的婴儿爬到她旁边的空座位上,当她站起来大声警告时,她失去了平衡。说他受伤是因为他晕倒并跌倒在 折叠座椅 右侧的地板上。
Get strapped into the jump seat there.
This is a Tri-Star, and so they let Natasha actually sit in the jump seat .

“jump seat”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
jump seat 可折叠辅助椅 (飞机:工作人员座位) 飞机、汽车
The flight attendants were sitting on the jump seats during take-off.
jump seat 汽车折叠座椅 (汽车折叠座椅
Our car has a jump seat in the back.

听听“ jump seat ”的陆地声音(发音)!

读法是【dʒʌmp* siːt*】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【dʒʌmp* siːt*】。

【必听】美国人解释“jump seat”的含义
