【英语单词】彻底解释“jet travel”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“jet travel”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“jet travel”的意思

“jet travel” 是由二个英文单词( jet、travel )组合而成的一个单词短语。

  • 「travel」 的意思是: 意思是“旅行”。
  • jet ”是一种飞得非常快的飞机。


参考:「jet travel」示例短语列表

Like repeated jet travel , frequent drastic changes in working hours are likely to cause stress on the body and brain.
【英语单词】彻底解释“jet travel”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Those donations included private jet travel , helicopter rides and cash.
It was that significant; a new everyday miracle to compare with the dawn of jet travel half a century earlier.
Supersonic jet travel must have sounded like a brilliant idea a few decades ago.
【英语单词】彻底解释“jet travel”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The change began in the early 1950s with the precipitous decline of the railroad to competition from the automobile and jet travel .
这一变化始于 20 世纪 50 年代初,当时铁路由于汽车和飞机旅行的竞争而迅速衰落。

jet travel是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Shangri-La Hotel, Paris is partnering with Victor, the world’s first marketplace for private jet travel , for a truly luxurious Christmas.
巴黎香格里拉大酒店与全球私人 飞机旅行 市场首个先驱Victor合作,将带来极致奢华的圣诞体验。
By 2008, Grand Junction was being discovered by the “nation’s elite business and leisure travelers” as a destination for private jet travel , with nearby Powderhorn Resort and other ski resorts a major attraction.
2008 年,大章克申以及附近的 Powderhorn 度假村和其他滑雪场被美国精英商人和休闲游客视为私人 飞机旅行 的主要景点。
This jet travels about three times as fast as the speed of sound.
这架 喷气式飞机的 飞行 速度约为音速的三倍。
Powered by twin Honeywell HTF7250G engines, the business jet can travel 3,400 nautical miles at Mach 0.80.
这款商务 喷气机 由双霍尼韦尔 HTF7250G 发动机提供动力,能够以 0.80 马赫的速度 飞行 3,400 海里。
In jet mode he can travel from Earth to the moon and back in 15 minutes.
喷气 模式下,它可以在 15 分钟内从地球飞到月球并 返回
Centered on its “Design in Motion” brand message, TUMI designs products for the global jet set who often travel on business.
该品牌精神与TUMI的口号“Design in move”类似,旨在针对全球性且需要经常 出差 的业务需求进行设计。
We’re living in a culture of jet lag, global travel , 24-hour business, shift work.
我们生活在一个 充满 时差、长途 旅行 、24 小时商务和轮班工作的世界。
After all, the ancient astronauts who used it did not travel by jet very often, preferring instead to travel by feathered serpent powered by crystal skulls.
这是因为古代宇航员很少使用 喷气式飞机 ,而是乘坐水晶头骨推动的羽毛蛇 旅行
He can transport the Cybertrons using his jet mode and can travel over any terrain in his tank mode.
喷气 模式下驾驶所有汽车人,并在坦克模式下 驾驶穿过 任何荒地。
8, 8, 6, 7, 6, 5, 10, 8, 58 Metalhawk C-201 Pretender Function: Space Commander Transformation: Human Mode, SF Jet Mode Abilities: In SF Jet Mode, can travel from Earth to the Moon and back in 15 minutes.
C-201伪装者/太空指挥官/金属鹰变身:人类模式/SF 喷气机 模式能力:SF 喷气机 模式可以在15分钟内从地球到月球并返回。
In the late stages of World War II, Japan employed thousands of incendiary and antipersonnel weapons via unmanned balloon, using some 9,300 of these devices, releasing them into the high altitude jet stream to travel over the Pacific Ocean to the North American mainland.
二战末期,日本发射了数千个装载燃烧弹和杀伤性武器的无人气球,其中约9300枚此类武器是通过高空 急流 携带的,横跨太平洋, 飞越 大陆飞往北美。
He is not superman, nor is any human. He will adjust to video and teleconferences, be the more mentally alert for this as jet lag and travel will not be a part of his routine, and none of the deadlines before him will suffer.
他不能容忍任何在他面前的最后期限,协调视频、远程会议、 飞机 剂量和 旅行 都不是他日常生活的一部分,更多的是精神警报。
This causes the light emitted over hundreds of years of the jet ‘s travel to not have hundreds of light-years of distance between its front end (the earliest light emitted) and its back end (the latest light emitted); the complete “light-train” thus arrives at the observer over a much smaller time period (ten or twenty years), giving the illusion of faster-than-light travel .
这意味着 喷射机 飞行数百年所发出的光,从尖端(最古老的光发出)到后端(最新发出的光)的距离不会有几百光年。整个光 将在短时间内(大约几十年)到达,造成 超光速 现象发生的错觉。
Harking to a bygone era of travel where the trunk was the only way to bring your belongings with you (and luggage restrictions were far less intimidating), most commonly seen alongside the Jet Set’s extravagant travel plans to visit far flung locations in Europe, the international personality of the Bally Stripe is one that continues this sense of travel as it inspires a new generation with its simplicity and a versatility that can go with you anywhere in the world.
旅行 行李箱是唯一选择的时代(而且行李规定要宽松得多),前往欧洲偏远地区的 喷气机 旅客在豪华 旅行 中总是带着 Barry Stripes,给他们一种国际化的感觉。天赋。继续激励新一代 旅行者 寻求简单和多功能的方式环游世界。
Jet lag? 5 pre- travel steps to reduce the effects of jet lag – Aviation articles – Messaggiamo.Com
旅行前的 5 个 步骤 可减少 喷气式飞机 延误的影响 – 航空文章 – Messaggiamo.Com
By the early 1950s, people could travel upstream by jet boat from Lee’s Ferry.
到了 20 世纪 50 年代初,人们可以从李氏渡轮 喷射 快艇逆流而上。
When molten iron travels toward the cylinder it is diverted sideways and forms a jet along the theoretical tube.
当铁水 圆筒移动时,它会转向并沿着理论管形成 射流
Instruments were subjected to water jets from four directions, dropped from a height of one meter onto an oak platform, and withstood the pressure changes of air travel .
他们 从四个方向喷水,从1米高的地方扔到橡木枕木上,再装进 飞机货舱 折磨它。
Travel Accessories Women’s Travel Accessories From Switzerland to London, Buenos Aires to Tokyo, our women’s travel accessories fit seamlessly into luggage and carry-on bags for a jet -set style.
旅行 用品( 男士) | Bally 旅行 用品(男士) 从瑞士到伦敦,从布宜诺斯艾利斯到东京。
Best Places to Run In Tokyo|Japan Tourist and Travel Information: JOURNEY of JAPAN Due to overeating, jet lag or unusual time frame of activities, we sometimes fell sick during a trip.
东京推荐的3个跑步/慢跑路线 | 日本 旅游 信息:JOURNEY of JAPAN 旅行时,由于暴饮暴食、 时差 和环境差异,很容易生病。

听“ jet travel ”声!

读法是【ʤɛt ˈtrævəl】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ʤɛt ˈtrævəl】。

【必听】美国人解释“jet travel”的含义
