【英语单词】彻底解释“jet pack”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“jet pack”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“jet pack”的意思

“jet pack” 是由二个英文单词( jet、pack )组合而成的一个单词短语。

  • 「pack」 的意思是: 外出度假或离开居住地时将东西放入袋子或盒子中。
  • 「jet」 的意思是: 飞得很快的飞机


参考:「jet pack」示例短语列表

Maybe it’s time to say goodbye to the jet pack .
【英语单词】彻底解释“jet pack”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Flying a jet pack at all requires great skill and co-ordination – and a heat-resistant suit.
The achievement catapulted the 45-year-old into the record books and was hailed as a big step towards a commercially viable jet pack .
这一壮举将这位 45 岁的人载入史册,并被誉为向商业可行的喷气背包迈出的重要一步。
Come on, auto-engineers, get creative – bring me my hover boots, my jet pack , my teleporter, quick before the future gets here!
【英语单词】彻底解释“jet pack”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Only the introduction of the jet pack spices the action up as it, say, enables you to explore the upper levels of an enemy base.

jet pack是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

The jet pack runs out of fuel.
喷气背包 耗尽燃料。
Another zoetrope appears and a better animated Carl suggests taking his steam-powered jet pack .
西洋镜不再出现,更好的动画建议卡尔带着他的蒸汽动力 喷气背包
Dr. Doofenshmirtz isn’t worried because he has a jet pack .
杜芬什米尔茨博士并不担心,因为他有 一个喷气背包
How would your jet pack make the world a better place?
喷气背包 会让世界变得更美好吗?
If I was walking down the street and I saw some kid with a jet pack fly over me,
如果我看到一个孩子背着 喷气背包 从我身上飞过。
Agent P sees the jet pack sitting on the control panel near him.
在他旁边,P 特工坐在控制面板上看着 喷气背包
Press the down arrow the ignite the jet pack .
按下向下的箭头向 喷气背包 开火。
The reason why the Gkkmon is using the jet pack plug-in is actually just two functions.
His One Honey Driving(GKKmon)之所以使用这个 jetpack 插件,实际上只是因为两个功能。
When we put a jet pack on them, or give them a perturbation like an earthquake, we discovered that their wonderfully tuned legs allow them to self-stabilize without using any of their brainpower.
即使配备了 喷气背包 ,或者处于地震等颤抖状态,其精致的步态也能让它在不使用大脑的情况下保持稳定。
One is the jet pack commenting system, and the other is the subscription feature.
一是 Jetpack 的评论系统,二是订阅功能。
By moving our head around, we take advantage of the panorama as a whole and we can see the turbines of our jet pack in action.
通过将头向两侧移动,您可以欣赏到整个全景。我们可以看到 喷气背包 的涡轮机在运动。
It’s a jet pack .
这是 喷气背包
UP to use jet pack .
就像使用 喷气背包 一样。
But you’ve got a Jet pack .
但他有 一个喷气背包
A Ninja Cyborg with a Jet pack that is escaping the growing lava!!!
带着 喷气 背包的忍者机器人正在逃离不断增长的熔岩!
Then in the’ Public’ tab of the WordPress writing editor Jet Pack Subscription: Not sending to subscribers A toggle button is created.
Jetpack 订阅在编辑器的发布选项卡中创建 WordPress 文章:尚未发送给订阅者。
Jetpack Subscribe specific posts, category selection – GKKmon 개꿀몬 The Jet Pack (Jetpack) is a plug-in from Automattic, created by WordPress.
Jetpack 订阅 仅发送某些文章并选择一个类别 – GKKmon 개꿀몬 Jetpack 是 Automattic 提供的一个插件,它创建了 WordPress。
Use P key to start, stop or pause. press spacebar to shoot, movement: arrow keys Arcade games, Addicting games, Jet pack games, Action games, Fighting games, Shooting games,
使用 P 键开始、停止或暂停。按空格键射击,移动:箭头键街机游戏,成瘾游戏, 喷气背包 游戏,动作游戏,格斗游戏,射击游戏,
That’s just a growing number of languages, and a big Jet pack subscription mail will be sent! What do you hear, the current Gkkmon, the Korean language, in English, Japanese, Russian and Simplified Chinese, the articles are automatically translated, and each time you write a post, five emails are sent to the Korean user for each language, and the Japanese user is also sent five.
它将很快增加语言数量并向您发送 喷气 背包订阅!每当韩国人发表一篇文章时,当前的 Dog Honey Driving (GKKmon) 文章的声音就会自动翻译成韩语、英语、日语、俄语和中文(简体中文)。每种语言向用户发送了五封电子邮件,并且另外还有五封电子邮件发送给了日本用户。
Critical issues with the Jet Pack Subscription (Subscribe) I like the ability to use Gkkmon more permanently than the high-quality technology, but the jet pack ‘s subscription features are very attractive.
Jetpack (订阅)功能的致命问题 GKKmon 确实喜欢可以永久使用的功能而不是高质量的技术,但在这种情况下 Jetpack 的订阅功能非常有吸引力。

“jet pack”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
jet pack 肩负式推进剂飞行装置、喷气背包、火箭带 (燃料动力推进装置)

听听“ jet pack ”的陆地声音(发音)!

读法是【ʤɛt pæk】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ʤɛt pæk】。

【必听】美国人解释“jet pack”的含义
