【英语单词】彻底解释“jet gun”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“jet gun”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

jet gun是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

The fluid jet gun can mix a sufficient amount of the liquid with the gas and jet the mixture in fine particles.
根据本发明,能够提供一种能够将足够流量的液体与气体混合并雾化并喷射的流体 喷射枪
Clean Gun: Lever Drain-Type High-Pressure Water Cleaning Gun – Sugino Machine Official Website A water jet gun equipped with a lever that enables the user to toggle between spray and drain functions.
杠杆排水式水喷射(WJ)清洗枪 清洗枪 – 杉野机械官方网站 可以通过杠杆在排水和喷射之间切换的水喷射(WJ)枪! Clean Gun 是一款水喷射(WJ)枪,可以通过杠杆在高压水喷射和排水之间切换。
5-axis Robot Cleaning Equipment: 5-axis Control, High-Pressure Water Cleaning Equipment for the Inside of Tanks – Sugino Machine Official Website Clean the inside of tanks utilizing 5-axis control! The “5-Axis Robot Cleaning Equipment” is a device that completely cleans the inside of a tank through the use of a 5-axis control mechanism and rotary jet gun .
5轴控制水射流(WJ)罐内罐清洗设备 5轴机器人清洗设备 – 杉野机械官方网站 使用5轴水 射流(WJ )清洗罐内罐!五轴机器人清洗装置是利用五轴控制机构和旋转喷射枪对罐内部进行彻底清洗的装置。
Grip Jet Gun : High-Pressure Water Cleaning Gun – Sugino Machine Official Website A water jet gun that allows operators to start and stop spraying by hand.The “Grip Jet Gun ” is a gun that allows operators to freely start and stop high-pressure water spraying by hand.High-pressure water is immediately stopped when the lever is released.Specifications
水喷射( WJ )清洗枪 握把喷射枪 – 杉野机械官方网站 让您喷射、停在指尖的水 喷射 (WJ)枪! Grip Jet Gun 是一款水 喷射 (WJ) 枪,工人可以在指尖自由喷射和停止高压水。当您松开控制杆时,高压水会立即停止。规格

听听“ jet gun ”的陆地声音(发音)!

读法是【dʒet* ɡʌɡʌn*】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【dʒet* ɡʌɡʌn*】。

【必听】美国人解释“jet gun”的含义
