【英语单词】彻底解释“isolated island”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“isolated island”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“isolated island”的意思

“isolated island” 是由二个英文单词( isolated、island )组合而成的一个单词短语。

  • 「isolated」 的意思是: 表示“远离其他地方”。
  • ”是[周围有水的陆地区域]


参考:「isolated island」示例短语列表

You’ll hardly feel short of things to do on this isolated island .
【英语单词】彻底解释“isolated island”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
An isolated island base with a safe, deep anchorage in a suitably strategic position was required.
They later find an isolated island which appears to be uninhabited.
Some atolls, however, consist of one large, isolated island surrounded by a steep coral beach.
【英语单词】彻底解释“isolated island”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
They based themselves at, located on an isolated island in the middle of the sea.

isolated island是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

About 120,000 tourists come the isolated island .
这是 一座偏远岛屿 ,约有 12 万名游客到访。
In the beginning I wanted to live on an isolated island .
这就是为什么我最初想住在 一个偏远的岛屿 上。
An isolated island base with a safe, deep anchorage in a suitably strategic position was required.
需要一个位置优越、 孤立的岛屿 基地,并有安全而深的锚地。
100 players on an isolated island use various weapons and their wits to fight until the last survivor.
多达 100 名玩家在 一座偏远岛屿 上使用各种武器和智慧进行战斗,直到最后一名存活下来。
In Okinawa, there are many people on the main island, and Naha has a place that is not different from the inland city, but Chichijima is completely different and feels like an ” isolated island “.
冲绳主岛人头攒动,乍一看那霸和任何内陆城市没什么两样,但父岛却完全不同,给人 一种孤岛的 感觉。
Australia with Kids – Fall in Love with Tasmania in Five Days Before setting foot in Tasmania, I had never imagined this isolated island at the southern end of Australia could be such a great family destination.
澳大利亚与孩子——五天爱上塔斯马尼亚 在踏足塔斯马尼亚之前,我从来没有想到这座位于澳大利亚南端的 孤岛 会成为如此美妙的家庭度假胜地。
Tells the story of escape from an isolated island ruled by vampires.
故事讲述了逃离吸血鬼统治的 孤岛 的故事。
Excerpts from the excerpt: A feeling of an isolated island in the sea.
摘录如下:感觉就像 一个荒无人烟的孤岛
It is a model of an isolated island that appeared in the movie “007 Skyfall.”
它也是电影 007 Skyfall 的拍摄地的 孤岛 的模型。
This need calls for an increasing demand for a distributed generation system, which can adapt to the environmental conditions on the isolated island .
因此,对于能够解决这一问题并能适应 偏远海岛 情况的分布式电力系统的需求日益增加。
Tsushima is an isolated island that is located in between Kyushu and the Korean Peninsula.
漂浮在九州和朝鲜半岛之间的 偏远岛屿
Accordingly, the isolated island power transmission system makes it possible to improve the efficiency of electromagnetic waves received at the power receiving antenna (16).
因此, 孤岛 电力传输系统能够提高受电天线(16)接收电磁波的效率。
Nokonoshima (7) is a small, isolated island just ten minutes away from Noko Ferry Terminal in Nishi Ward, Fukuoka city.
7 能古岛是距离福冈市西区能古渡轮码头 10 分钟路程的 离岛
It’s the third longest bridge that connects an isolated island without a fee.
它是日本第三长的可以免费跨越的 离岛 大桥,桥下是美丽的钴蓝色海洋,很难相信是日本海。
It is thought that the transgression occurred in areas at the mouth of and along the Tone River and that the Boso Peninsula was almost an isolated island at that time.
据说利根川方向也发生了海侵,房总半岛几乎成了 一座孤岛
Born in the isolated island of Hiroshima equal to current Kure-shi.
出生于广岛县的 一个偏远岛屿 ,也就是现在的吴市。
Separated and left behind alone on the isolated island , he was pushed into the abyss of even darker despair. Nothing would be comparable with his pitiful situation.
与战友失散,被遗弃在 孤岛 上的俊康,比以前更加陷入绝望的深渊,其悲悯之情难以形容。
It’s the third longest bridge that connects an isolated island without a fee.The beautiful cobalt blue sea is spreading under the bridge.
它是日本第三长的可以免费跨越 的离岛 大桥,桥下是美丽的钴蓝色海洋,很难相信是日本海。
The frame contains nothing but the nature of the man who wrestles in the perpetuated style in the isolated island .
画面中捕捉到了从 偏远岛屿 流传下来的相扑比赛男子的魅力。
An isolated island power transmission system has a power transmission facility equipped with a power transmission antenna (12) formed by a plurality of antenna panels (22) and transmitting microwaves.
孤岛 电力传输系统具有电力传输设备,该电力传输设备包括由多个天线板(22)形成并传输微波电力的电力传输天线(12),并且每个天线板(22)具有接收微波的电力接收天线每个微波被发射以便以相同的相位到达天线(16)的中心区域。

听“ isolated island ”的陆地声音(发音)!

读法是【ˈaɪsəˌleɪtɪd ˈaɪlənd】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈaɪsəˌleɪtɪd ˈaɪlənd】。

【必听】美国人解释“isolated island”的含义
