【英语单词】彻底解释“isolated example”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“isolated example”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“isolated example”的意思

“isolated example” 是由二个英文单词( isolated、example )组合而成的一个单词短语。


参考:「isolated example」示例短语列表

This turned out not to be an isolated example .
【英语单词】彻底解释“isolated example”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
It was by no means an isolated example .
If this was an isolated example , perhaps the matter could rest.
He has been in fashion for 60 years, an isolated example of a lasting success story in an industry that tends to discard its stars like unwanted chiffons.
他从事时尚界已有 60 年。这是这个行业中一个持久成功故事的孤立例子,这个行业往往会像扔掉不需要的雪纺一样扔掉明星。
【英语单词】彻底解释“isolated example”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Nor was this a flash in the pan or an isolated example of outperformance.

isolated example是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

While this may seem a minor benefit in this isolated example , in the context of a comprehensive library like the STL it allows the programmer to get extensive functionality for a new data type, just by defining a few operators for it.
在此 示例 中,这似乎是一个小好处,但在像 STL 这样的综合库中,只需定义几个运算符即可为新数据类型提供广泛的功能。
The same subjects were often painted by Poussin after an interval of several years, so this is not an isolated example .
这个 例子 并不是这幅画所独有的 ;普桑 的作品经常以相隔数年的同一主题为主题。
Our case is not just an isolated example , since many smaller crimes add up to be a massive amount that involves finally huge Japanese companies, like major banks and the Toshiba Corporation.
这些有组织犯罪并非只是针对我们公司的单一犯罪,而是涉及众多公司和个人的有组织犯罪的巧妙协调,最终导致东芝等日本大企业、几家大型企业陷入全国规模的经济有组织犯罪。日本金融机构实施巨额诈骗, 以法院和检察官为工具,将其彻底定罪,是一种叛国有组织犯罪
Now, I have given you two examples not because they are isolated examples .
我提到的两个 案例 并不是 孤立的案例
These are isolated examples , but they are beacons of light in the darkness, and they can show us the way.
每一个都是 个案 ,但它们就像黑暗中的一束光,为我们指明了应该走的方向。
If two switches are connected in a fabric, they can become isolated (for example , due to an ISL failure).
例如, 当两个交换机连接到结构时,交换机可能会由于 ISL 故障而彼此 断开连接
In this lecture, we present a new asymptotic perturbation theory which may be valid also for the case where the unperturbed operator has a non- isolated eigenvalue (important examples in which the unperturbed operator has non- isolated eigenvalues appear, e.g., in massless quantum field theories).
在本次演讲中,我们将提出一种新的渐近扰动理论,即使未扰动的动作元素的特征值是非孤立的特征值,该理论也可以有效(一个重要的 例子 ,其中未扰动的动作元素的特征值 是非 孤立的) 特征值 例如是质量(出现在零量子场论中)。
Examples of isolated I2C applications include: Isolated I2C, SMBus, or PMBus interfaces Level-translating I2C interfaces for power supplies Networking Power-over-Ethernet Central office switching Telecommunication and data communication equipment Isolated data acquisition systems -48 V distributed power systems -48 V power supply modules It is often necessary to bring data from a precision converter (ADC or DAC) across an isolation barrier via an I2C bus.
隔离式 I2C 的应用包括: 隔离 接口 兼容 I2C、SMBus(系统管理总线)和 PMBus I2C 接口,用于电源中的电平转换 网络 PoE(以太网供电) 电话交换机 通信设备、数据通信设备 隔离 数据采集系统 兼容 -48V 电源模块 兼容用于分布式电源系统的 -48V 在许多情况下,通过 I2C 总线通过隔离栅向高精度模数转换器 (ADC) 和数模转换器 (DAC) 发送和接收数据。
Moreover, in thought of law in Japan of the times, executive power and judicial power were not isolated (for example , machi-bugyo 〔town magistrate〕 held both of administration power and judicial power in Edo), on the contrary, securing public security through ginmi (investigation) of ginmisuji that was criminal case was considered a core of public administration.
而且,在当时的日本法律思想中,行政权与司法权并不 分离 例如 ,江户的町知县兼具行政权和司法权);确保公共安全被视为行政行为的核心。
For example , install Performance Manager once on each isolated subnet.
例如,在每个单独的子网上安装一次 Performance Manager
For example , peacocks need an isolated area with special caring regime.
例如 ,它们是 孔雀 ,它们被饲养在不同的地点并有不同的护理制度。
For example , you might enable 6to4 relay router support on a campus network that consists of isolated 6to4 sites and native IPv6 sites.
例如 ,您可能会发现在由 单独的 6to4 站点和本机 IPv6 站点组成的园区网络上启用此支持很有用。
For example , it was recently discovered that Hadza people of northern Tanzania who are isolated from modern culture don’t exhibit the endowment effect.
例如, 最近的发现表明,坦桑尼亚北部的哈杜瓦人生活在与现代文明 隔绝的 环境中,但礼物效应并没有发生在他们身上。
For example , from a solution of tetrachloroauric acid, the oxonium ion + has been isolated as the salt.
例如 ,氧鎓离子 + 以盐形式从四氯化金(III)酸溶液中分离出来。
This is an example of a call produced by squirrel monkeys when they’re isolated from another one.
这是松鼠猴妈妈和孩子 分开 时使用的联系电话 示例
As an example , the ADuM4223 4-A isolated , dual-channel gate driver with two independent isolation channels is shown in Figure 6.
作为 示例 ,图 6 显示了 ADuM4223 ,这是一款具有两个独立隔离通道的 4A 隔离双通道栅极驱动器。
This is useful if, for example , you’d like to warp and loop an isolated breakbeat from a full song.
例如 ,如果您想从歌曲中 分离出 断拍并扭曲或循环它们,这很有用。
For example , a designer might be hired as a contractor, then work alone in an incubation period and stay isolated , researching and carrying out requests.
团队有时无法充分发挥其潜力。 例如 ,一名被聘为合同工的设计师在一个 孤立的 环境中度过孵化期,从事项目工作。
With 16 electrically isolated , freely scalable connector sockets, QuantumX MX1609KB and QuantumX MX1609TB acquire a multidimensional image of the job set-up, for example in complex climate models.
QuantumX MX1609KB 和 MX1609TB 具有 16 个电气 隔离 、可自由扩展的连接器插座,使您能够获取多维图像, 例如 复杂气候模型中的图像。
As an example , a financial institution in the northeast was dealing with documents stored on isolated hard drives, e-mail folders, or binders on people’s desks.
例如 ,东北地区的一家金融机构处理存储在 单独 硬盘驱动器、电子邮件文件夹或办公桌上活页夹中的文档。

听听《 isolated example 》の地发音(发音)!

读法是【ˈaɪsəˌleɪtɪd ɪgˈzæmpəl】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈaɪsəˌleɪtɪd ɪgˈzæmpəl】。

【必听】美国人解释“isolated example”的含义
