【英语单词】彻底解释“intragalactic”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“intragalactic”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


例句 Or perhaps, through some awful mistranslation, spark an intragalactic war.
【英语单词】彻底解释“intragalactic”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

intragalactic是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

This talks about an intergalactic war.
这是关于 星际 战争的。
You see, intergalactic space is completely dark, pitch dark.
你可以看到 星际 空间,完全漆黑一片。
In intergalactic space, there’s so little energy that atoms can’t combine.
星际 空间中,原子无法结合的能量太少。
Enter into an intergalactic war, or to attack the alien vessel.
参与 星际 战争或攻击外星飞船。
Taku Takahashi has brought a meteor shower of music to many crowds in his galactic, big event ” Intergalactic “.
星际 》是一场银河盛事,在高桥卓和华丽嘉宾阵容的精彩合作下,将观众带入一场音乐流星雨。
Even in the vast apparent emptiness of intergalactic space, there’s one hydrogen atom per cubic meter.
即使在 星系之间广阔、看似真空的空间中, 每立方米也有一个氢原子。
Evidence for intergalactic dust has been suggested as early as 1949, and study of it grew throughout the late 20th century.
星系间 尘埃存在的证据自 1949 年以来就已被提出,但对其的认真研究是在 20 世纪末开始的。
And yet, from intergalactic space, it’s so far away you wouldn’t even see it.
星系际 空间是如此遥远,我们甚至可能无法看到它。
So, in fact, intergalactic space does contain all the prerequisites for the open-ended creation of knowledge.
所以,事实上, 星际 空间具备无限制的知识创造的所有必要条件。
To get to a typical place, you’ve got to go 1,000 times as far as that, into intergalactic space.
为了到达这些典型地点,我们要旅行 1,000 倍,进入 星际 空间。
The concepts of spaceships, intergalactic travel, psychic phenomena and sentient life forms in other galaxies are common.
他们还相信宇宙飞船、 星际 旅行和心灵现象等概念。
Therefore, after 150 billion years intergalactic transportation and communication beyond the Local Supercluster becomes causally impossible.
因此,1500亿年后,超出 本地 星系团的星际旅行和通讯将是不可能的。
In 1997, the Hubble telescope discovered a large number of intergalactic stars in the Virgo cluster of galaxies.
1997年,哈勃太空望远镜在室女座星系团中发现了大量的 星系间 恒星。
The common belief that stars exist only in galaxies was disproven in 1997 with the discovery of intergalactic stars.
1997 年,星系间恒星的发现打破了人们普遍认为恒星只存在于 星系 内的观点。
These observations provided important clues to how past galactic interactions affected the evolution of the galaxies and intergalactic space.
这为详细了解过去的星系相互作用如何影响星系和 星系间 空间的演化提供了重要线索。
If intergalactic space is capable of creating an open-ended stream of explanations, then so is almost every other environment, so is the Earth.
如果我们能够在 星际 空间中不受限制地创造知识,那么我们几乎可以在任何环境中做到这一点,甚至在地球上也是如此。
I know that, but maybe you can use your intergalactic , hyperspace, X-ray eyeballs to find someone else.
你可以 在星际 超空间中找到具有千里眼的人。
Or the recipe for the ultimate jaw-dropping TEDTalk: “Flickr photos of intergalactic classical composer.”
星际 古典音乐作曲家的闪烁相册,一场令人惊喜的演讲
When I asked them about this, they said it described a way of looking at certain types of intergalactic influences that transcend linear time.
当我问到这个问题时,他们告诉我,他们正在解释如何看待线性时间之外的 星系 之间的某些形式的影响。
Plasma was neutralized 400,000 years after the beginning of the universe.Current intergalactic space, however, is in a highly ionized plasma state.
宇宙中的等离子体在诞生 40 万年后变成中性,但今天的 星系间 空间处于高度电离的等离子体状态。

听“ intragalactic ”陆地声音(发音)!

读法是【ˌɪntrəɡəˈlæktɪk 】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˌɪntrəɡəˈlæktɪk 】。

