【英语单词】彻底解释“insure-against”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“insure-against”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“insure against something”」的含义

词性(英语单词分类):短语动词和 insure 动词



We thought we’d insure against rain by putting a tent up where people could take shelter.
【英语单词】彻底解释“insure-against”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

insure against是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

It also provides precautionary financing to help prevent and insure against crises.
我们还提供预防性融资,以 预防 和应对危机。
It is important to insure against these types of damage and to make your property as safe as possible for family and visitors alike.
此类损坏 投保 非常重要,以确保您的家对您的家人和访客来说尽可能安全。
As many people now realise, policies designed to insure against the repayment of debts should such circumstances arise in which they could not be met, were often mis-sold leading to claims being made to recoup this money back.
正如许多人现在意识到的那样,旨在 保证 在条件不满足的情况下偿还 债务 的政策往往会导致未售出的销售和收回这笔钱的索赔。
Its renewal in 1794 included an amendment that limited the scope of insurance policies concerning slaves, rendering illegal such generalised phrases that promised to insure against “all other Perils, Losses, and Misfortunes.”
1794 年的修正案限制了奴隶的保险范围,并将所有其他一般条款(如危险、损失和不幸)定 为非法
Comfort policies can also insure against unknown beneficiaries coming forward at a later date.
舒适政策 还可以保证未来的非受益人将在以后得到服务。
It is unlikely that they will insure against a missing will being found without such searches being completed first, however, once the policy is in place the heirs and the lawyers can all relax!
如果没有先完成这样的搜索,他们不太可能 失踪人员提供 保险 ,但一旦该政策颁布,继承人和律师都可以放松!由于遗嘱登记没有中央机构或数据库,Finders 会定期审查和更新该服务并添加新的搜索,因此这可能是当今最彻底的搜索。
Insure your house for against fire.
为您的房屋 投保 以防 火灾。
Like all swaps and other financial derivatives, CDS may either be used to hedge risks (specifically, to insure creditors against default) or to profit from speculation.
与所有掉期和其他金融衍生品一样,CDS 可用于风险对冲(特别 是针对 债权人 的违约风险)和投机商业目的。
(Fire Insurance) Y shall insure Cargoes against fire at its account, with respect to all of the bailed Cargoes.
第十一条(火灾保险) Y 应当为所有存放的货物 投保 火灾保险,费用由 Y 承担。
Moreover, participants are recommended to insure themselves against loss of fees due to non-arrival, absence or unexpected termination of their course. 6.
5.4 我们还建议 您购买责任保险, 以防 因不可预见的情况而未能到达、缺席或提前结束课程。
When a registered manufacturing inspection, etc., agency insures against loss caused by the inspection, any person who intends to undergo manufacturing inspection, etc., and other interested person may request items listed as follows anytime in the office hours of the registered manufacturing inspection, etc., agency.
想要接受制造检查等的人或其他利害关系人必须购买保险合同(以下简称“保险合同”),该合同允许注册的制造检查机构为赔偿所造成的损失提供必要的保险金额。与制造检验等(本项中称为非人寿保险合同)相关的 ,可以在注册制造检验机构的营业时间内随时提出下列要求。
Now today, I insure farmers against droughts like those in the year of the cup, or to be more specific, I insure the rains.
现在, 正在为农民 提供 降雨 保险,以应对 杯年这样的干旱。
Today most people insure themselves against everything, everywhere, all the time – from homes and cars, to holidays and lives.
如今,大多数人购买 保险 是为了随时随地保护自己 免受 一切伤害。从房屋和汽车到度假旅行和生活。
PROVEN RECIPES FOR GARDEN TREATMENT IN MOSCOW REGION – CUSTOMS AND CHEMICALSPerhaps the author absolutely in vain insures himself against possible negative responses, because no one has denied a reasonable, precisely adjusted use of mineral fertilizers.
莫斯科地区花园处理的有效收据 – 海关和化学品 没有人否认使用合理且精确调整的矿物肥料,因此也许作者本人绝对徒劳地 防止 可能的负面反应。有一件事情是肯定的。
You need to ask this question of your accident claim solicitor to see if he/she is willing to insure your claim against the chances that you may lose.
您需要向您的事故索赔律师询问这个问题,看看他/她是否愿意在您可能损失的情况 下为 提供 索赔。
Until ownership of the products or Downstream Products passes to Buyer, Buyer shall insure them against all usual risks to full replacement value, shall sell, use or part with possession of them only in the ordinary course of trading and shall where reasonably possible keep each delivery separate and clearly identified as Seller’s property.
在产品和下游产品的所有权转移给买方之前,买方 应对其投保 全部正常费用 直至 完全重置价值,并且仅在正常贸易过程中才可对其进行控制。其任何部分均应使用或出售,并且应保持独立并明确属于卖方财产,并应在每次分发时尽可能合理地予以维护。
Dispatch and transfer of risk 5.1 Unless specified otherwise in written instructions by the customer, the seller shall determine the type of shipment that seems to be most beneficial to the customer and shall insure the ordered goods against the usual transport risks from starting point to destination.
5. 运输和风险转移 5.1 除非客户书面指示,卖方应确定其认为对客户最有利的运输方式,并 承担 从装运点到目的地的正常运输风险。订购的产品。
Occupied royal palaces like Windsor Castle are too valuable to insure , and items in the Royal Collection are not insured against loss.
像温莎城堡这样有人居住的宫殿太贵重,无法 投保 ,而且皇家收藏中的物品损失也不在承保范围内。
It is highly recommended that when competing against Hitachi, that you engage your local Competitive Business Consultant and your local Symmetrix Speed Guru into the situation to insure that you are as best prepared to position DMX-4 against the Hitachi USP system.
为了 与HITACHI产品竞争 ,我们强烈建议与当地有竞争力的业务顾问和Symmetrix Speed Gurus合作, HITACHI USP系统的DMX-4定位做好 充分 准备。
The Customer is also obligated to treat the subject of the delivery with care; the Customer is especially obligated to insure them itself sufficiently at the original value against loss and damage and destruction, including fire, water and theft.
客户还有义务小心对待交付的物品,并在原价范围内 投保 其免遭丢失、损坏和毁坏,包括但不限于火灾、水灾和盗窃。

insure-against ”的声音响起!


