【英语单词】彻底解释“export-licence”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“export-licence”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“export licence”」的含义 (noun)

英国 美国 出口许可证
还有 出口许可证
与“商业”、 法律 相关的术语

[授权出于销售目的运送到国外的官方文件] 它用作含义。


The government will not issue an export licence if there is a clear risk that the proposed export might be used for internal repression.
如果拟议的出口存在明显可能被用于内部镇压的风险,政府将不会 颁发出口许可证
Any company that wants to export natural gas must apply for an export permit .
希望出口天然气的公司必须 申请出口许可证
【英语单词】彻底解释“export-licence”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

参考:「export licence」示例短语列表

Her cargo had been covered by an export licence that had been issued before the embargo came into force.
她的货物拥有禁运生效前颁发的 出口 许可证
The seller is obliged to obtain an export licence .
卖方需要获得 出口 许可证
To the knowledge of the buyer the seller does not apply for an export licence with the result that the transaction can not proceed.
据买方所知,卖方尚未申请 出口 许可证 ,无法进行交易。
【英语单词】彻底解释“export-licence”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Previously, an export licence was refused because these conditions were not fulfilled.
此前, 出口 许可证 因不满足这些条件而被拒绝。
This instability, resulting from the irregular allocation or denial of export licence applications impedes the sound operation of the market.
这种不稳定是由于 出口 许可证 申请分配不规范或被拒绝造成的,阻碍了市场的健康运行。
Export licence applications for all destinations are considered case by case in the light of the established criteria to which we are committed.
所有目的地 许可证 申请均根据我们承诺 既定标准逐案考虑。
【英语单词】彻底解释“export-licence”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Export licence numbers are not routinely recorded as most consignments are covered by blanket export licences.
由于大多数货物均需获得一揽子许可证,因此不会定期记录 许可证
An export licence is required for any trader to export ivory, either in raw or in worked form.
贸易商需要 出口 许可证 才能出口象牙原料或加工品。
Disclosure of internal opinions, advice, recommendation and consultation on individual export licence issues could harm the frankness and candour of internal discussions.
披露有关个别 许可 问题的内部意见、意见、建议和讨论可能会破坏内部讨论的坦诚和坦诚。
【英语单词】彻底解释“export-licence”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Will he confirm or deny that an export licence has been granted for the submarines?
他会确认还是否认该潜艇已获得 出口 许可证

export licence是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

British authorities, however, denied him an export licence .
然而,英国当局拒绝向他 发放出口许可证
Standard Zettlex inductive angle encoders such as IncOderTM require no UK government export licence . Fig..
标准 Zettlex 感应式角度编码器(例如 IncOderTM)不需要英国政府 出口许可证
But in spite of all efforts it ws impossible in those days to get an export licence for taking these stones out of Tanzania.
然而,尽管尽了一切努力,当时仍无法获得 出口许可证 并向外国出口。
Later Markham overcame bureaucratic obstruction to obtain the necessary export licences .
马卡姆后来克服了官僚障碍,获得了必要的 出口许可证
Disclosed is a content receiving device which comprises: a receiving unit for receiving designation of a recording medium to which content is output; a licence information acquisition unit for acquiring output licence information in which output conditions for the content are included; and an output unit for outputting the content to the designated recording medium, wherein the output licence information comprises use expiration information indicating expiration of the use of the content at an output destination, and the output unit acquires use expiration information from the output licence information for the content and, by setting the acquired use expiration information in a management information storage region of the designated recording medium, makes it possible to manage the use period of content in media at the export destination even when the copyright protection of the media has a function that manages the use period of content.
接收单元,接收用于输出内容的记录介质的指定; 许可证 信息获取单元,获取描述内容的输出条件的 输出许可证 信息;以及输出单元,将内容输出到指定的存储介质;输出 许可证 信息包括指示内容在输出目的地处的使用到期日期的使用到期信息,并且输出单元从内容的输出 许可 信息中提取输出许可信息。管理内容的使用期限以用于输出的版权保护的功能通过获取使用期限信息并将获取的使用期限信息设置在指定存储介质的管理信息存储区域中,可以管理媒体内容的使用期限,即使内容存储在目标媒体中媒体。

听“ export-licence ”是陆地音(发音)!



「“export licence”」的含义 (noun)

英国 美国 出口许可证
还有 出口许可证
与“商业”、 法律 相关的术语

[授权出于销售目的运送到国外的官方文件] 它用作含义。


The government will not issue an export licence if there is a clear risk that the proposed export might be used for internal repression.
如果拟议的出口存在明显可能被用于内部镇压的风险,政府将不会 颁发出口许可证
Any company that wants to export natural gas must apply for an export permit .
希望出口天然气的公司必须 申请出口许可证
【英语单词】彻底解释“export-licence”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

参考:「export licence」示例短语列表

Her cargo had been covered by an export licence that had been issued before the embargo came into force.
她的货物拥有禁运生效前颁发的 出口 许可证
The seller is obliged to obtain an export licence .
卖方需要获得 出口 许可证
To the knowledge of the buyer the seller does not apply for an export licence with the result that the transaction can not proceed.
据买方所知,卖方尚未申请 出口 许可证 ,无法进行交易。
【英语单词】彻底解释“export-licence”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Previously, an export licence was refused because these conditions were not fulfilled.
此前, 出口 许可证 因不满足这些条件而被拒绝。
This instability, resulting from the irregular allocation or denial of export licence applications impedes the sound operation of the market.
这种不稳定是由于 出口 许可证 申请分配不规范或被拒绝造成的,阻碍了市场的健康运行。
Export licence applications for all destinations are considered case by case in the light of the established criteria to which we are committed.
所有目的地 许可证 申请均根据我们承诺 既定标准逐案考虑。
【英语单词】彻底解释“export-licence”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Export licence numbers are not routinely recorded as most consignments are covered by blanket export licences.
由于大多数货物均需获得一揽子许可证,因此不会定期记录 许可证
An export licence is required for any trader to export ivory, either in raw or in worked form.
贸易商需要 出口 许可证 才能出口象牙原料或加工品。
Disclosure of internal opinions, advice, recommendation and consultation on individual export licence issues could harm the frankness and candour of internal discussions.
披露有关个别 许可 问题的内部意见、意见、建议和讨论可能会破坏内部讨论的坦诚和坦诚。
【英语单词】彻底解释“export-licence”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Will he confirm or deny that an export licence has been granted for the submarines?
他会确认还是否认该潜艇已获得 出口 许可证

export licence是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

British authorities, however, denied him an export licence .
然而,英国当局拒绝向他 发放出口许可证
Standard Zettlex inductive angle encoders such as IncOderTM require no UK government export licence . Fig..
标准 Zettlex 感应式角度编码器(例如 IncOderTM)不需要英国政府 出口许可证
But in spite of all efforts it ws impossible in those days to get an export licence for taking these stones out of Tanzania.
然而,尽管尽了一切努力,当时仍无法获得 出口许可证 并向外国出口。
Later Markham overcame bureaucratic obstruction to obtain the necessary export licences .
马卡姆后来克服了官僚障碍,获得了必要的 出口许可证
Disclosed is a content receiving device which comprises: a receiving unit for receiving designation of a recording medium to which content is output; a licence information acquisition unit for acquiring output licence information in which output conditions for the content are included; and an output unit for outputting the content to the designated recording medium, wherein the output licence information comprises use expiration information indicating expiration of the use of the content at an output destination, and the output unit acquires use expiration information from the output licence information for the content and, by setting the acquired use expiration information in a management information storage region of the designated recording medium, makes it possible to manage the use period of content in media at the export destination even when the copyright protection of the media has a function that manages the use period of content.
接收单元,接收用于输出内容的记录介质的指定; 许可证 信息获取单元,获取描述内容的输出条件的 输出许可证 信息;以及输出单元,将内容输出到指定的存储介质;输出 许可证 信息包括指示内容在输出目的地处的使用到期日期的使用到期信息,并且输出单元从内容的输出 许可 信息中提取输出许可信息。管理内容的使用期限以用于输出的版权保护的功能通过获取使用期限信息并将获取的使用期限信息设置在指定存储介质的管理信息存储区域中,可以管理媒体内容的使用期限,即使内容存储在目标媒体中媒体。

听“ export-licence ”是陆地音(发音)!


