【英语单词】彻底解释“carole”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“carole”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

carole是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Carole is driving a rental car.
卡罗尔 开着一辆租来的车。
Carole decides to tell Gerry he has to end the affair with Janelle.
卡罗尔 决定告诉杰瑞不要再对珍妮尔欺骗他。
Carole , who was shopping at the supermarket, said people had taken refuge in a refrigerator room.
卡罗尔 正在超市购物,她说人们正在冰箱里避难。
Chez Carole : simple and fresh food of the island served in a pleasant atmosphere. atmosphere.
Chez Carole—— 在友好的氛围中供应简单、新鲜的岛屿美食。
During a break, Gerry confesses to Carole that he is restless in their marriage.
休息期间,杰瑞告诉 卡罗尔 ,他的婚姻遇到了麻烦。
At Queens College, Carole meets a handsome young lyricist named Gerry Goffin.
在皇后学院, 卡罗尔 遇到了年轻英俊的作词家格里·戈芬。
The original series ” Carole & Tuesday” has been produced and broadcast since April of this year.
原创剧集 《Carole & Tuesday》从今年四月开始制作并播出。
At the hospital, he tells Carole he will end the affair with Janelle and that he wants to come home.
在医院,杰瑞告诉 卡罗尔 ,他想停止对珍妮尔的欺骗并回家。
Depressed that he and Carole can’t do as well, Gerry leaves in a funk for the city.
杰瑞和 卡罗尔 对这首歌的好听感到沮丧,杰瑞进城了。
So we took the same mycoides genome that Carole had initially transplanted, and we grew that in yeast as an artificial chromosome.
我们开发了一种新技术,可以在酵母中培养和克隆细胞,所用的蕈状基因组与 卡罗尔 首次成功移植到人工染色体中的相同。
Landmarks in the early 1980s include Carole Hafner’s work on conceptual retrieval, Anne Gardner’s work on contract law, Rissland’s work on legal hypotheticals and the work at Imperial College London on the representation of legislation by means of executable logic programs.
20 世纪 80 年代初期的成就包括 卡罗尔·哈夫纳 (Carole Hafner) 在概念搜索方面的工作、安妮·加德纳 (Anne Gardner) 在合同法方面的工作、里斯兰 (Rissland) 在法律假设方面的工作以及伦敦帝国学院在可行法律形式方面的工作。
So we took the same mycoides genome that Carole had initially transplanted, and we grew that in yeast as an artificial chromosome.
因此,他们尝试使用 卡罗尔 最初成功移植的相同蕈状基因组在酵母中培养人工染色体。
Then, in Brooklyn 1958, 16-year-old Carole tells her mother, Genie, she is going into Manhattan to try to sell a song to music publisher Donnie Kirshner.
1958 年,在布鲁克林,16 岁的 卡罗尔 告诉她的母亲珍妮,她要去曼哈顿向音乐制作人唐·科什纳 (Don Kirshner) 推销。
Carole Ann Ford is a British actress best known for her roles as Susan Foreman in the BBC science fiction television series Doctor Who, and as Bettina in the 1962 film adaptation of The Day of the Triffids..
关于卡罗尔·安·福特 (Carol Ann Ford) 的 6 个滑稽事实 | 粉丝世界 1. 卡罗尔·安·福特 ( Carol Ann Ford) 是一位英国女演员,因在 BBC 科幻电视剧《神秘博士》中饰演苏珊·福尔曼 (Susan Foreman) 而闻名,该剧在 1962 年改编的电影《贝蒂娜》中饰演苏珊·福尔曼 (Susan Foreman)。特里菲德家族。
On Easter Sunday, 10 April 1955, Ellis took a taxi from Cussen’s home to a second floor flat at 29 Tanza Road, Hampstead, the home of Anthony and Carole Findlater, where she suspected Blakely might be.
1955 年 4 月 10 日复活节星期日,露丝从卡森的家中乘出租车前往安东尼和 卡罗尔 ·芬德莱特位于汉普斯特德坦扎路 29 号的公寓。(然而,在露丝自己的供述中,稍后会提到,是卡森放下了车)她在车里下车),但她怀疑布莱克利在那里。
Carole & Tuesday Fan Art Contest | Contest-ART street by MediBang Shinichiro Watanabe/Animation Director, Music Producer Born in 1965.
卡罗尔 与星期二粉丝艺术大赛 | 大赛 – ART street by MediBang 渡边信一郎/动画导演、音乐制作人 1965 年出生。
Carole Lartigue led the effort
卡罗尔· 拉蒂格的团队
Jewels Carole Guez: silver rings, earrings, pendants, bracelets, necklaces with precious stones Since childhood, Carole Guez is fascinated by jewels that her father designed for her mother… real proof of love.
Carole Guez:银戒指、耳环和吊坠手链 从很小的时候起, Carole Guez 就对父亲为母亲设计的珠宝着迷,这些珠宝象征着真爱。
Carole Garnier is a journalist in a magazine where she works health topics nutrition and well-being.
卡罗尔· 卡尼尔 (Carole Garnier) 是一家健康杂志的记者,负责报道营养和健康话题。
The three writers I wanted to meet were Carole Maso, Lynne Tillman and Peggy Phelan.
我想见的作家是 卡罗尔·马索 、林恩·蒂尔曼和佩吉·费兰。

听听“ carole ”的土声(发音)!

读法是【ˈkærəl】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈkærəl】。

