【英语单词】彻底解释“cabbagy”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“cabbagy”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

cabbagy是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

He likes vegetables, especially cabbage .
他喜欢蔬菜,尤其是 卷心菜
Key points when making the red cabbage yourself!
完成!自己制作红 甘蓝 时要记住的要点!
Garnish with shredded cabbage and chopped peanuts before serving.
食用前用切碎的 卷心菜 和切碎的花生装饰。
I’m not complaining about cabbage now.
我现在不再抱怨 卷心菜 了。
Probiotic bacteria is produced when fresh cabbage ferments in brine.
新鲜 卷心菜 在盐水中发酵时会产生益生菌。
And this is another valuable property of cabbage curly.
这是 卷心菜 卷的另一个宝贵特性。
Peking cabbage (photos) planting and care by re-sowing
北京 大白菜 的移栽和护理(图)
Shredded cabbage is also added as a garnish.
还有切碎的 卷心菜 作为装饰。
Usually this cabbage is ready for harvesting already in 35-50 days from sprouting.
通常这种 卷心菜 在发芽后 35-50 天就可以收获了。
Compatibility of vegetables – cucumbers and cabbage
蔬菜 – 黄瓜和 卷心菜的 兼容性
Let rest chestnut soup and cabbage for 30 minutes so that the flavors can blend.
让栗子汤和 卷心菜 静置 30 分钟,以便味道融合。
Obviously, omitting the anchovies you will have a wonderful vegetarian dish of orecchiette with cabbage .
显然,你有一道很棒的素食菜 ,猫耳朵卷心菜 ,但省略了凤尾鱼。
Cucumbers can be arranged in one greenhouse and with white cabbage .
一棚内可放置黄瓜和 白菜
It is undesirable to place onions after potatoes and cabbage .
最好的前任。土豆、 卷心菜 之后不宜放洋葱。
Shred the cabbage , thinks not.
我们考虑不切碎 卷心菜
It makes sense that you see cabbage served with fried foods.
卷心菜 与油炸食品一起食用很有意义,对吧?
And here’s the cabbage juice for gastritis is contraindicated.
卷心菜 汁,胃炎者忌此。
It is served with bread or potato dumplings and braised red cabbage .
搭配面包或土豆饺子和炖红 甘蓝
Drain the cabbage and rinse it thoroughly under cold water.
卷心菜 沥干并用冷水彻底冲洗。
Planting sprouts cabbage in the optimal time.
在最佳时间种植 卷心菜

听“ cabbagy ”的陆地音(发音)!

读法是【ˈkæbɪdʒɪ 】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈkæbɪdʒɪ 】。


cabbagy是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

He likes vegetables, especially cabbage .
他喜欢蔬菜,尤其是 卷心菜
Key points when making the red cabbage yourself!
完成!自己制作红 甘蓝 时要记住的要点!
Garnish with shredded cabbage and chopped peanuts before serving.
食用前用切碎的 卷心菜 和切碎的花生装饰。
I’m not complaining about cabbage now.
我现在不再抱怨 卷心菜 了。
Probiotic bacteria is produced when fresh cabbage ferments in brine.
新鲜 卷心菜 在盐水中发酵时会产生益生菌。
And this is another valuable property of cabbage curly.
这是 卷心菜 卷的另一个宝贵特性。
Peking cabbage (photos) planting and care by re-sowing
北京 大白菜 的移栽和护理(图)
Shredded cabbage is also added as a garnish.
还有切碎的 卷心菜 作为装饰。
Usually this cabbage is ready for harvesting already in 35-50 days from sprouting.
通常这种 卷心菜 在发芽后 35-50 天就可以收获了。
Compatibility of vegetables – cucumbers and cabbage
蔬菜 – 黄瓜和 卷心菜的 兼容性
Let rest chestnut soup and cabbage for 30 minutes so that the flavors can blend.
让栗子汤和 卷心菜 静置 30 分钟,以便味道融合。
Obviously, omitting the anchovies you will have a wonderful vegetarian dish of orecchiette with cabbage .
显然,你有一道很棒的素食菜 ,猫耳朵卷心菜 ,但省略了凤尾鱼。
Cucumbers can be arranged in one greenhouse and with white cabbage .
一棚内可放置黄瓜和 白菜
It is undesirable to place onions after potatoes and cabbage .
最好的前任。土豆、 卷心菜 之后不宜放洋葱。
Shred the cabbage , thinks not.
我们考虑不切碎 卷心菜
It makes sense that you see cabbage served with fried foods.
卷心菜 与油炸食品一起食用很有意义,对吧?
And here’s the cabbage juice for gastritis is contraindicated.
卷心菜 汁,胃炎者忌此。
It is served with bread or potato dumplings and braised red cabbage .
搭配面包或土豆饺子和炖红 甘蓝
Drain the cabbage and rinse it thoroughly under cold water.
卷心菜 沥干并用冷水彻底冲洗。
Planting sprouts cabbage in the optimal time.
在最佳时间种植 卷心菜

听“ cabbagy ”的陆地音(发音)!

读法是【ˈkæbɪdʒɪ 】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈkæbɪdʒɪ 】。

