【英语单词】彻底解释“benthoal”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“benthoal”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

benthoal是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

This structure closely resembles the famous panopticon (a system for observing a complete view) devised by Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), and a similar thing to what occurs in the artificial dialysis room was also pointed out by Michel Foucault (1926-1984).
这种结构与杰里米·边沁(Jeremy Bentham ,1748-1832)设想的著名的圆形监狱非常相似,也与米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault,1926-1984)所指出的圆形监狱非常相似,同样的事情也发生在透析室中。
And why are you calling him ” bentham “?
为什么叫“ 边沁 ”?
I’m not taking any risks after Bentham died
边沁 死后,他没有冒任何风险。
Bentham is the father of modern criminology.
边沁 是现代犯罪学之父
Utilitarianism was revised and expanded by Bentham ‘s student John Stuart Mill.
功利主义被 边沁 的弟子约翰·斯图尔特·密尔修改和扩展。
In 1791, the utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham published Panopticon, presenting the concept of a prison in a circular building.
英国功利主义哲学家杰里米·边沁 (Jeremy Bentham) 于 1791 年出版了《圆形监狱》,其中阐述了圆形监狱的想法。
His further claim that this makes Bentham a central figure in the canon of liberal political philosophers contradicts most standard interpretations, and is still a widely contested interpretation.
他进一步声称这使得 边沁成为自由政治哲学的核心人物,这 与最基本的解释不一致,并且仍然是一个受到广泛争议的解释。
Kelly rejected the common claim that Bentham was a crude act-utilitarian.
凯利驳斥了人们普遍认为 边沁 是一个粗俗的功利主义者的说法。
Two near contemporaries in the 18th and 19th centuries, Jeremy Bentham and the Marquis de Sade had very different views on these matters.
18世纪和19世纪,杰里米· 边沁 和萨德侯爵在这个问题上有着截然不同的看法。
Of course, in Bentham ‘s and Foucault’s Panopticon it is of little importance whether surveillance is actually conducted.
然而,在 边沁 和福柯的圆形监狱中,监视是否真正发生并不重要。
Bentham argued that the right act or policy was that which would cause “the greatest happiness of the greatest number”.
边沁 认为,正确的行动和政策应该为最大多数人带来最大的幸福。
Instead, he argued that Bentham developed a complex two-level utilitarian theory similar to those of contemporary indirect utilitarian theorists such as R. M. Hare or John Gray.
相反,他认为 边沁 发展了一种复杂的两阶段功利主义理论,类似于 R.H. 黑尔和约翰·格雷等现代间接功利主义理论家的论点。
Mutsu, who was kept under restraint in Yamagata Prison, busily wrote letters to his wife Ryoko; on the other hand, he wrote a book and also devoted to translating a work by Bentham , a utilitarian philosopher of England.
在山形监狱服刑期间,陆奥勤奋地给妻子良子写信,出版自己的著作,还致力于翻译英国功利主义哲学家 边沁 的著作。
The 19th-century view in Europe was that Bentham ‘s view had to be promoted, de Sade’s (which it found painful) suppressed so intensely that it – as de Sade predicted – became a pleasure in itself to indulge.
在19世纪的欧洲, 边沁 的观点盛行,萨德的(痛苦的)观点受到如此强烈的压制,以至于正如萨德所预见的那样,19世纪的观点本身变成了一种放纵的快乐。
The history of Utilitarianism can be traced all the way back to the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus, but as a school of thought, Utilitarianism is often credited to British philosopher Jeremy Bentham .
尽管功利主义的历史可以追溯到古希腊哲学家伊壁鸠鲁,但功利主义作为一种思想流派常常被归功于英国哲学家 杰里米·边沁
This looks incredibly similar to the structure of the modern European thinker Jeremy Bentham ‘s “Panopticon” – a design for a prison.
图 3:两个带有独立房间的 ICU 布局示例 这与现代欧洲思想家 边沁 提出的圆形监狱的监狱结构非常相似。
Hart’s method combined the careful analysis of twentieth-century analytic philosophy with the jurisprudential tradition of Jeremy Bentham , the great English legal, political, and moral philosopher.
哈特的理论将20世纪分析哲学的严格分析与英国法律、政治和道德哲学家杰里米· 边沁 的法律哲学传统结合起来。
In contrast to Bentham ‘s utilitarianism which focuses on how to get maximum happiness and wellbeing, negative utilitarianism focuses on minimizing pain and believes that this way of thinking is more important ethically.
“边沁 的功利主义”旨在“幸福最大化”,而“消极功利主义”似乎认为“痛苦最小化”在伦理上更为重要。
The site of the Bracknell factory and development center (sold to British Aerospace in 1982) is commemorated by a 4.5 meter aluminum sculpture by Philip Bentham , Sperry’s New Symbolic Gyroscope (1967).
Sperry 的新符号陀螺仪 (1967) 是由 Philip Bentham 制造的 4.5m 铝制物体,至今仍保留在布拉克内尔工厂和开发中心的旧址上(后来出售给英国航空航天公司)。
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, it was built as a rotary jail with pie-shaped cells on a turntable somewhat based on Jeremy Bentham ‘s panopticon.
它也是国家历史地标,是一座环形监狱,旋转板上有馅饼形牢房,有点模仿杰里米· 边沁 的圆形监狱。

听“ benthoal ”的土声(发音)!

读法是【bɛnˈθəʊəl 】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【bɛnˈθəʊəl 】。

